Chapter 21

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"I'll see you later" Jasper says, he just drop me off at my house.

"Alright bye love" I say and walk towards the front door. The Cullen's decided that they will just look out for me and to not leave my sight, although I insisted not to, but of course they all disagreed with me. Jasper was coming later on and for now I'm gonna spend some quality time with nana.

"Hi nana" I say walking in and seeing her sitting on the couch.

"hey sweetie" she says standing up to hug me.

"How are you feeling ?" I ask her.

"Well I feel great, a little bit of chest pain" she says, I nod.

"Do you want some tea? I was making some" she says,

"Yes please" I say, she stands up to go get it.

"Hey nana" I say,she turns around.

"Yeah sweetie?" She says.

"What did Paul came to drop off this morning?" I ask.

"Oh just some pills that billy recommend me to try, there actually working" she says.

"Oh okay" I simply say, I need to talk to Paul. I can't stand him being mad, after all he was there when I most needed him, and I will never turn down a person after they've been kind to me, well he isn't exactly full human. Nana comes back with the tea, I grabbed a cup.

"Thanks nana" I say.

"Your welcome honey" she says.

"What if we watch some classic horror movies?" I ask nana, knowing me and her have a lot in common.

"Yes, hmm. What about Dracula?" nana says,I laugh a little,if only she knew.

"Yes! Love that movie" I say, always loved watching these mythical creatures movies, but I never thought They were real. and even to say that I'm dating one. But there no monsters. I walk and grab the old cd and place it in the DVR. I sit back down and start watching the film.

After a long almost 2 hours of watching Dracula, nana decided she was going to bed it was only 7 clock so I decided to call Jasper and tell him to come over. I heard knocking at the window and I turned around to see Jasper.

"You came fast" I say opening the window, allowing him to get in.

"Well I am a vampire"he says crawling inside. Once his in the room I hug him. He pulls away and I look at his face, he suddenly looks worried.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Did you have a vision or anything?" He says, I shake my head no.

"No, not since we were in Italy. Why?" I say.

"Alice had a vision, it was about Victoria" he says, my heart speeds a little.

"It's okay, calm down. She saw her in the woods, she's closer." He says.

"So she is gonna kill me" I say walking to my bed and siting down.

"No, I'm here to protect you" he says.

"When is she coming?" I ask ignoring what he just said.

"This weekend" he says, I look up at him.

"What are we gonna do to stop her" I say.

"Actually we made a plan" he says.

"What is it?" I say, he walks next to me and sits down.

"Well we bought you and your grandma tickets to go to California and I'm going with you, just so What ever Victoria is planning to do to you she won't know your not in town"he says, I look at him like he was crazy.

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