Chapter 44

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"Im Violet ray" I say to Aro.

"Oh yes, Jasper mate. Another newborn" he says, he turns his attention to renny. Jacob growls lowly. He suddenly starts laughing, and it's the weirdest laugh on earth.

"I can hear her strange heart" Aro says pointing at renesmee.

"Hello Aro" renny says fearless of him, she's doing a better job then me. Renesmee reaches her hand to touch Aros cheek.

"Magnifico! Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by bella while she was still human" Aro says, renny showed him when she was with Bella in her womb.

"Impossible!" Caius says, dude he's getting on my last nerve.

"Do you think they've fooled me brother" Aro says to caius. We walk back to our spots not wanting to do anything with their little argument.

"Bring the informer" caius says, irina comes forward and looks at her sister, she looks at all of us with sorry eyes. I feel bad.

"Is that the child you saw?" Caius asks irina, she hesitates at first before speaking.

"I'm not sure" she says.

"Jane" caius says, a blonde girl who looks straight up like a bitch starts making hard eye contact with irina.

"She's changed, this child is bigger" irina says.

"Then your allegations were false" caius says.

"The Cullen's are innocent I take full responsibility for my mistake" irina says, they grab her I start to panic.

She mouths out I'm sorry before two other guys from the vultori rip her arms then her head. Holy shit. Caius burns her body. I can't believe they just did that. Kate and tanya start screaming running to go get the vultori. Everyone try's to grab them but they were too fast. Garret, bravely grabs Kate and starts electrocuting him but he keeps holding on.

"Blind them" Edward says to to Zafrina.

"We must attack" Tanya says.

"This is what they want. If you attack now we will all die" Edward says to her. I grab Jasper hand and everyone start to calm down. Jasper's doing his job.

"Pain" that Jane girl says and Edward falls to the floor. Bella quickly try's to use her power at him and starts to get up. Her power is to cause pain to people?

"As you can see now, no laws have been broken" Carlisle says.

"Agreed. But does it then follow that there is no danger? For the first time in our history humans pose a threat to our kind. Their modern technology has given birth to weapons that could destroy us. Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative. In such perilous times, only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable. And we know nothing ofwhat this child will become. Can we live with such uncertainty? Spare fight today, to only die tomorrow" Aro says, you have to be kidding me, thia dude got me fucked up. Suddenly we hear footsteps coming. I look to see Alice and Logan !! And two other people that I've never seen before.

"Ha!" Aro says, this guy is crazy.

"Alice" Aro says.

"My dear Alice , I'm so glad to see you hear" he says to her.

"I have evidence the child won't be harm to our kind" Alice says walking up to Aro, they hold Logan back.

"Let me show you" she continues. Aro grabs her hand and they stare at each other for a minute or so, before Alice pulls away.

"It doesn't matter what I show you, you won't change your mind" Alice says, crap what now.
Alice looks at Bella and mouths out now. Bella tells Jacob to take renesmee with him. Renny gets on his back and starts to run away through the woods. We all focus back on Alice as she kicks Aro, is she crazy??

"Take her away" Aro says getting up.

"Let her go!" Carlisle says. He runs forward as Aro jumps up. Aro lands with Carlisle head in his hand.

"No!" I yell.  Esme screams for dear life. Everyone starts running towards the vultori. They fucked with the wrong people.
I see Jasper go up to one of the vampires and rip their head apart, they literally broke into stone.

Someone grabs me from behind but I quickly flip them forward and but my foot on it's chest and break their hand off, and then their head. Jasper looks at me impressed, behind him there was someone coming. I pushed Jasper forward and kick the other guy and run full speed to rip his head off.

"No one messes with my man" I say. Jasper kisses me real quick before we split up to help and kill. I see Astrid and Lydia killing vampires, so I decide to help them. I grab the vampire that was behind Astrid back and threw her to the ground and rip her head. I punched another vultori that was coming from behind me. I spin around let Lydia rip his head off. I smirk at her. We then suddenly hear a howl, I look to see that Jane had killed...Seth. Lydia and Astrid start howling as well. I give them a quick sorry look before leaving to help out Rosalie.

"Rosalie watch out" I say through my mind, she turns around and kicks the vampire and he flys away.

"Thanks" she smiles at me. The floor the cracks open. Benjarmin is on the ground with his fist in the snow. Esme is getting pulled down by one of the vultori I run to go help her but before I get their Lydia jumps to get the vampire off of Esme and falls down with the vampire into the whole. I scream.

"Lydia!" I yell, Astrid looks at my direction and howls again. I run to help Esme get up from the edge.

"I'm so sorry Violet" Esme says to me. I can't believe she just died. I want to cry but there no time. I go to grab one the vampires that was coming towards me and rip his god damn head off. They don't deserve to live forever, they deserve to burn in hell. I see Jasper looking at me concern, but he knows not to mess with me right now.

A vampire grabs me from behind holding me down to the floor. I try to grab his face to get him off me, I then feel someone grab the vampire and break his head. It was rose.

"Thank you" I say to her, she smiles.

I hear another howl coming from one of the wolfs and I see Astrid lifeless body on the floor.

"No" I whisper, what hell.

"Astrid!" I yell out. It was Jane she had a smirked on her face , I've had enough of this bitch. I go up to her grab her by the head.

"You deserve to die" I say to her.

"No, you do" she say back. I feel pain come to me and I let her go. Suddenly I don't feel anything. I get up and grab her, and try to kick her but she moves. I look to see Bella who was protecting me.

Again, I feel pain come through me, I see that Bella got knocked over. Jane grabs my head and makes me look at Jasper direction.

"Jasper!" I yell. He quickly turns and starts running my way.

"I love you" I say out loud.

"No!" He says. Then everything went black.

I'm sorry. Don't hate me❤️  I wanted to make it really interesting. I don't know if I like how this chapter turned out lol. PLEASE VOTE 💕💕Next chapter will be up soon :)


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