First day of school

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I slammed my hand on my alarm clack and got up, rubbing my eyes. Why do I have to get up so early. I thought to myself. But this is my punishment for wanting to be a real teen. It was the first day of 11th grade in aaa high school. I honestly didn't really want to go, but I wanted to see my friends again and the nice teachers, so I got up and started to get dressed. I walked into my walk-in closet and went to the back ware my casual cloths are. I put on a pink tank top and a pink sweatshirt over top, purple skinny jeans and my light blue converse. I put on a pink Beanie in replace of my crown and went downstairs
"Good morning, Prince gumball" peppermint maid said to me as I sat down at the table. "Good morning" I responded. She put a plate of waffles in front of me and I ate them all. I put my dishes away and thanked peppermint maid for the breakfast, said goodbye, grabbed my book bag and headed out to school.
The air smelled like candy. The candy citizens greeted me kindly as I walked past. The school wasn't far, but it wasn't in the candy kingdom. I walked out of the kingdom over to Fiona's house, we had planned to walk to school together. When I got there, cake opened the door. "Hey there, sugar" she greeted. "Hey cake" I said, stepping in. " is Fiona ready yet?" "She should be. I think she's finishing up breakfast. "GUUUMMBBAAALLL!!!" I hear Fiona yell. She jumps down from the ladder that goes upstairs and runs over to hug me. "Hey Fiona!" I say excitedly hugging back. Se lets go and smiles. "I haven't seen you in, like, forever!" "I know, it's good to see you too. We should get going. Come on cake". I say motioning for cake to follow. She shook her head. "Naw, the school doesn't allow animals in there no more." "What!?" I yell. " yeah. Not even cool magical ones like me. " she does a pose, "but I don't really care for school anyways, you two have fun now, see you later!" She says, waving us off. We wake back an head over to the high school.
The high school was loud and crazy when we walked in, just how is always is on the first day. "So.... Should we go to our first peri-" she cut me off before I could finish. "OOOO look! It's LSP!" LSP floated over to us. "Heeeyyyy guuyyss" he said happily. "OH MY GLOB I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU TWO IN FOREVER" he practically screamed. But it's LSP, what do you expect. "Hey LSP! It's great to see you again!" Fiona exclaimed. "Hello LSP. it's good to see you." I said. "O.M.G. You guys. Did you hear the news?" LSP said. "What news?" Fiona asked. "Marshal lee got a record for some of his songs! He's gonna be, like, an ultra super star! AND he's still going to school here!" LSP then saw something somewhere that was more interesting than the conversation and floated off. I'm glad he stopped talking. I couldn't stand to hear about marshal lee.
We used to be aquanauts, but now we don't really talk. And frankly, I think it's safe to say I want stand the guy. He's too full of himself. And now, oh look, marshies a big shot. How wonderful. And whenever we do talk, it's nothing good. I just can't stand him.
"Did you hear that?! Marshals gonna get famous! That's mathematical!" I just rolled my eyes. Who cares about him anyway? Certainly not me.... Fiona seems to be quite found of him though. Oh, that's right, they're friends. Huh. I guess that slipped my mind for a moment. Just then, the doors of the school opened, and the school fell just a little more silent. I heard people whispering about the "hot guy" who just came in. I looked up to see who it was, and it was none other than, marshal lee the vampire King. Let's just say, I'm surprised I didn't role my whole head off.

Sorry it's a short first chapter, but I hope you liked it! I'll be updating whenever I can. Please tell your friends to read this if you like it so far, and continue to read! Please leave feedback! Thanks!

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