Chapter 31: Party Pooper

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I spent most of my school day being constantly reminded that I was to get Ashley and take her to LSP's big party tonight. I also spent the day talking to everyone about the party, how big it's going to be and who's all gonna be there.
"Omg you guys, my party is gonna be, like, amazing." LSP bragged. "There's no invite, so like who knows who could show up! It's gonna be awesome! I'm gonna have music, drinks, cool lights, food..." As LSP continued talking, I wondered if Fiona and everyone was going to be there. I missed talking to them, ever since I got back with Ashley I haven't been able to talk with them much. Not to mention, Fiona's always with Gumball, and things between us have been, well, nothing ever since i broke up with him.
We still sit next to each other in our last period, but we don't talk, and Gumball always leaves before I do. I want to talk to him again, but I feel like I can't. I hate how awkward it is between us....
Schools over and I head home, ready to take a nap. Yes, vampires take naps too.
I get home and take off my shoes and go up to my bed, curl up and go to sleep.
"UUGGH" I groan as my vibrating phone wakes me up. "Wha-yeah?" I answered the phone. "Marshal lee! You better be ready and on your way!" Ashley yelled through the phone and hung up.
I jumped up and brushed my hair and put on the light blue shirt Ashley bought me and gray skinny jeans, threw on my shoes and ran out the door.
I was dark out already so  it must be eight o clock, man I slept longer than I thought I would. I flew out of the cave and quickly flew to my girlfriends house.  "Great, your here. I thought you were going to be late. " she said after I knocked on the door. She stepped out in a glimmering and shimmering silver top that only covered her breasts, and wore very short jean shorts and blue shoes. She had a silver belly ring with diamonds on it, and her long platinum blonde hair was down and laid around her waist.
    "Let's get going already!" She demanded, and we started our way to LSP's party. When we neared his house, we could already see and hear the party booming. Cars lined the yard and people swarmed the front yard and the door, and I assumed more people were inside and in the back yard. When we got closer, I saw people in the back yard, lights were strung along the deck and the house, and the pool was open with little lights floating in it. It looked like a pretty good turn out.
"Looks fun, but our parties are so much better." Ashley said. I nodded, but I didn't really think so. Our parties were fun and all, but this one already seemed better. We entered the house to be greeted by LSP himself. "Hey you two! Glad you could make iiitt! This party is awesome, right? Marshal lee! You gonna play a song?!" He asked. "Not tonight, sorry. I don't have my stuff to play." I said. "Aw, okay whatever. Have fuun!!" And with that, he floated away.
   Ashley found her friends and walked off, leaving me, the marshal lee, alone at a kickass party. Great.
Luckily for me, I looked and saw Fiona, flame and Gumball walk in with some other guy with green hair. Whose that?
Fiona saw me and ran over to me, practically dragging flame behind her.
"Hey marshal! Haven't seen you in forever!" She said excitedly. "Hey Fi!" I said. "Dude, marsh, the shirt..." Flame said, pointing at my shirt. "Uh, yeah...Ashley wanted me to ware it.." I watched them both roll their eyes. "See, completely brainwashed." Fiona said. "I never thought I'd see you ware blue." Flame said, "you always said you were to pale for it, anyway."  I rolled my eyes, but smiled.
      "MARSHAL!!" I heard someone yell my name. I turned to see Ashley storming over to me. She grabbed my arm and angrily pulled me away from Fiona and flame. "What are you doing?!" She asked. "Uh, talking to my friends...?" I said confused. "They are not your friends! Those, those freaks cannot talk to you." She said. "What? What are you talking about?" I asked. "I'm saying that you cannot be friends with them if your going to date me! They're losers! Now come on with me, and we'll have some real fun. Or are you a loser like them,  like you used to be?" She winked and slowly turned and walked off, but I didn't follow her, I just stood there.
    What was that? Is she telling me to choose her over my closest friends? I looked over at flame and Fiona. They were holding hands and dancing, but they looked worried. They must've heard what happened. I turned and saw Ashley dancing with her friends and a few other guys as if nothing happened. What the hell? I rubbed my head and turned again, and saw a glimpse of pink.
Gumball was talking and smiling to some green haired kid. Who is this kid? They're pretty close to each other. Is Gumball blushing? Why is he blushing?  Seriously, who is this clown? Why is he so close to Gumball? Why is he talking to my Gumball?
Wait. My, Gumball? What am I thinking, he's not mine.........
That's when it hit me. I've always felt this way, I just needed something to bring it out.
I'm still in love with Gumball.
It's all hitting me now, I only got with Ashley because I thought she was the only one out there who's right for me, so I settled for an old love I never got over. But I was wrong. Ashley judged me for everything I did, my friends, my clothes, what I liked to do. She turned me into the person I used to be, who I don't want to be. She doesn't care about me. But Gumball does. He doesn't care who I'm friends with, what I ware, what I like to do, as long as I'm not hurting myself. He cared about me, and I screwed everything up. I've always missed Gumball, and when Im in denial about my relationship with Ashley, Gumball always popped in the back of my head. I just never realized it. I'm such and idiot!
But now, I have to make things right.
I walked up to flame and Fiona. "I hope you don't think I'd pick ash over you two." I said, putting my hands on their shoulders. "Woo! Scarred us there for a second!" Fiona said. I laughed. I'm going to go fix things, right now. " I said, turned and walked over to Ashley.
    "Hey ash, we-" "aaayyyy marshal baby!" She wrapped her arms around me and pressed her body on me. Usually I would let her grind on me and kiss me, but I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Gumball glancing at me. This is not one of those 'usual' days. "Ashley." I said, pushing her off. "We need to talk." "Okay...?" She said, looking at me with disgust and confusion. I pulled her outside where no one was standing, and took a breath. "Ashley, listen to me. This-us-it's just not working anymore." I said. "Where the hell is this coming from?! Didn't you hear everyone saying we are the perfect couple?! Stop being stupid, marshal." She said, brushing off my brake up. This got me angry. "Well maybe everyone is wrong. Ashley, we just don't work as a couple-" "marshal, just stop! How could you be braking up with me during a party?! Why do-" "enough with the lies Ashley!" I quietly blew up, "you, you never really loved me, did you?" I asked. "Of course I did!" She exclaimed. "Heh, how can you lie so easily? You had me wrapped around your finger, completely fooled. Well guess what? Not anymore! All you wanted was to ride on my coat tails of my success as a musician! That's the only reason you came back to me! You never cared about me, you just wanted the money, and the praise of being 'the best couple ever.' " I said. She narrowed her eyes at me. "Done with your sissy fit? Marshal, if you brake up with me right now I will scream so load and tell everyone your dumping me for that pink haired gay prince." She said angrily.
     "I don't really care. You know why? Because I am." She gapped at me. "What!-" "I'm done talking about this to you. I'm sorry about doing this at a party, but I had to end this. Goodbye, Ashley." And before she could say anything else, I walked away.
   Fiona and cake ran up to me. "Good job, sugar!" Cake said. "We heard the whole thing, it was freakin awesome!" Fiona exclaimed. I smiled and started my way to the door, and saw Gumball.
He was dancing with the green haired guy, smiling as they watched each other dance.
     "Are" I asked Fi. "Oh nonononono. Gumball didn't give me any details, but he told me he doesn't want to date him." Fiona said. "Good." I said. "Well, I should leave." "Why!!!!" Fiona and cake yelled. "Well, soon enough Ashley's gonna throw a fit, and I don't want to be here for that." I said, and made eye contact with Gumball. I smiled at him brightly. He blushed and smiled back, and waved a little. I blushed a little and waved back before turning to Fiona and cake again.
"I'll be takin my leave, tell Gumball what I did!" I said as I waved goodbye at fiona, cake, and flame who just walked up. "See you!" Fiona yelled, and flame and cake waved goodbye.
   I walked out of the party and flew through the dark night sky, for once feeling happy with my choices.
I just hope Gumball will take me back.


Finally marshal jeez.

Ahhh, I just saw that this fanfic has 1k reads now! :) thanks for reading this far guuyyysss :3

So I've been writing chapters more often because I want to get this fanfic done. Don't worry I'm not rushing anything, I still have a few more things planned, including a few yaoi chapters. I'll put a warning on the chapters that have the nudge nudge wink wink in it in case you don't want to read that, but anyways I want to write and ereri fanfic soon (Eren X Levi from attack on Titan) so keep an eye out for that if you ship it!
I may write another gumlee fanfic and a fairy tail (an anime) fanfic in the future too so if your into that keep and eye out : P

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