Chapter 33: Text Messages

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(Un edited)
Finally, the end of the day came, only one more period and I'll be out the door. The only problem is, my next period is the period I have marshal with. Great. I started My way down the hallway, when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I grabbed it and looked who texted me, it was aster.
Aster: hey gummy ;) XD when do you get out of school? Do you want to go walk somewhere afterwards?
I smiled and texted him back,
Me: sounds good! I get out at 2:30. Wait for me at the gates?
Aster: got it.
Me: you know where the school is?
Aster: it's the only school close to the candy Kingdom right?
Me: right. See you soon!
I texted him back as I walked into the classroom and put my phone away. "Hey, Gumball. " I heard marshal Lee pur next to me. "Hello, Marshal." I respond, not making eye contact. Why aren't you talking to him? This gorgeous vampire is talking to you! Oh, do your back. Great. Seriously! You love him, so TELL HIM.
Shut up voice, I'm trying to ignore the hot vampire. "Gumball? What are you thinking about?" I came back into focus to see marshals face inches from mine. "Ah!" I pushed him away, doesn't he know there's people in the room! "Ever heard of personal space!" I asked. "No~" he said cutely. Dang marshal and your cute smile. I decided that I would ignore marshal and go back to texting aster.
Aster: captain America is better.
Me: no way, Team Iron man all the way!
Aster: please, not only is captain America the hottest man EVER- well, besides you- :3 - he can whip some ass. Iron mans ass specifically.
  I smiled at asters text. He can be so cute.
"Who you texting?" Marshal asked, trying to look at my screen. "None of your business." I replied. He flew over me and grabbed my phone from me. "Hey!" I yelled as he floated around the classroom with my phone. "Calm down babe." Marshal said as he looked at my phone. I saw he face fall, like he was hit with a sudden wave of sadness, but he quickly recovered with a smirk. "Ohh, prince of the grasslands, aster the dork himself."  Marshal said, throwing the phone back at me. "So this is the guy you've been with." He said a bit coldly, floating back into his chair. "Marshal." I said, a bit sadly. "So this guy your boyfriend now or somthi-" "marshal, stop. It's not like that, we're just friends.." I blushed, "he's not who I like.." As soon as I said it, I regretted it. Marshal blushed, then smiled. "Oh, well that's good. Who is it exactly who you like, then?" He asked with a smirk, as he leaned in. Luckily for me, the bell rang, and the teacher walked in, signaling class was to start. I turned away from Him as he pulled away back to his seat, and we sat through class.
When class was over, I sprinted out of the class so fast that he didn't have time to react. I gotta get to aster. I thought to myself. I felt my phone vibrate, and I assumed it was aster so I opened it up and read the text.
Marshal: why'd you slip out of class so fast. Don't want to talk to me? :(
He's such a baby. I texted him back as I walked out of the school in the mob of other students.
Me: no, I have plans.
Marshal: oh, with who?
Me: Uh...Aster.
Marshal: ah, the little plant guy, ofc.
Me: what's this? Is the nightosphere King himself getting jealous?
I don't know why I was flirting like this, but I couldn't help it. I walked down to the gates as I got his text.
Marshal: well, ofc I am. If anyone's spending more time with you than I am, then I'd definitely be Jealous.
I saw aster waiting at the gates.
Marshal: what do you even see in that guy, anyway?
Me: idk, he's nice, funny...good company.
Marshal: ah, I see. I guess he's good looking.
Me: I told you I'm not dating him. Dork.
I approached Aster.
Marshal: but I do have something he doesn't.
"Hey Aster!" I greeted. "Hey Gumball!" He greeted, and we started walking down the street together.
Marshal: He'll never love you as much as I do.
My eyes widened as I read that text from marshal. The text kept ringing in my head.
He'll never love you as much as I do.
"Hellooooo? Earth to gummy?" "Oh, sorry." "Who are you texting?" I paused for a second, I can't tell aster I'm texting marshal. "Uh, it's no one.." I said, and changed the subject, "so where do you want to go?" "Hmm." He hummed, wrapping his arms around my shoulders tightly.
I didn't really understand why he was doing that, but I let it be. I felt my phone vibrate.
Marshal: you have no idea how jealous your making me right now.
I turned my head around to see marshal Lee and flame prince walking behind us, pretty far back but Jair close enough that I could see them and they could see me. Flame had his head down looking at his phone, and marshal was waving at me.
Me: what the fudge! Are you stalking me now?!
Marshal: no, you guys just happen to be walking in our direction. Why does he have his arm around you? He seems very touchy.
"How about we get ice cream?" Aster asked. "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea! I know a great ice cream parlor just down the street." I said. "Sounds good!" Aster exclaimed.
Me: just leave him be. Now would you stop texting me? I'm with someone.
Marshal: I see that, and I hate it. That should be me with my arm around you, not him.
I rolled my eyes and closed my phone. I should be paying attention to aster.
"So what kind of ice cream do you like?" I asked. "I'm very fond of mint chocolate chip. It's my favorite, but I actually don't like cones." Aster said. "Really? I don't really like cones either, but I can deal with them." I felt my phone vibrate a few times, but ignored them. "Really? Cool! So what flavor are you gonna get?" Aster asked. "I actually love plain vanilla. I'll probably get vanilla with rainbow sprinkles." I said. "Sprinkles?" He asked. "Well yeah, haven't you heard? Sprinkles are for winners." He laughed.
My phone vibrated again and I got annoyed, so I answered it.
Marshal: so yes, I will continue to be jealous until That is me there.
Marshal: hey, don't ignore me.
Marshal: ...fine, whatever have fun with your stupid boyfriend.
Angrily I texted him back.
Me: stop this marshal, it's getting quite annoying. I already told you he's not my boyfriend, so stop being such a jerk and leave me alone.
I didn't get a text back from him for a while, and I was afraid he was mad at me. I turned my head around and saw that him and flame weren't there anymore. They must've turned down a different street.
"Who do you keep texting?" Aster asked. "Oh, sorry." I said. "No it's fine, I'm just curious." He said. "Um, it's just peppermint. She wanted to know where I was." I lied. "Or its marshal." Aster said. I blushed. "H-how-" "I saw his name flash on your phone." He said. "Don't worry it's fine, just don't lie to me, okay?" Aster said. I smiled. "Okay, sorry."
We entered the parlor and got our ice cream, and took a seat at a picnic table. We talked about random things, our kingdoms, my school, tv shows, music, just random things. "Thor is way hotter than captain America." I argued. "No way, cap is wayy hotter." Aster argued back. "You need your eyes checked!" I said, and aster laughed. "Hold on, I gotta use the bathroom. Don't leave, okay?" "Okay." He set his cup of ice cream down and walked over to the bathrooms.
I sat there for a second, eating my ice cream, until I got a text from marshal.
Marshal: I'm sorry. I know I took it to far, I'm pushing you. I'm sorry, I keep messing things up, making things worse. But it's true. I want to feel you against me, your hand intertwined with mine, your pink, gorgeous lips placed softly on mine again. I miss you terribly. Gumball, you are the only one I'll ever truly love.
I sighed.
Me: don't say that. I'm sure you said that to Ashley before, and someday you'll move on from me and meet someone else, and say the exact same thing to them, completely forgetting about me.
Marshal: I might've said something similar to Ashley way back then, but it didn't come close to the same feeling and meaning as this does. Gumball, I'm a vampire. I'm a thousand years old, I'm a riddle. And out of those years, I've never felt this way, and I never will for anyone else but you, ever. I know that. I know you don't love me anymore, you don't trust me, I broke our relationship to much. You will move on, find a man to marry and rule your kingdom amazingly, and you will forget about me. Everyone does. And I will watch you from afar, loving you, wanting you. I know this, and yet I still can't let you be, and ever since I realized this, most nights I hardly sleep, because I'm thinking of you. I know I made mistakes in the past, I know you can't deal with me anymore, but I will never stop trying to get you back in my arms.
I read this message with my hand over my mouth, when did he become such a romantic?
Me:...why? Why do you want me so much?
Marshal: how could I not?! Look at you, your beautiful. Gorgeous. Adorable. Cute. Hot. Sexy. Amazing. Smart. Funny. And so many other things. I live forever, but forever means noting to me without you in it. I know words won't get you back, but i will still say them, scream them. Because they're true.
This idiot, saying I don't love him. I do! I just....I'm afraid of getting hurt. I love him to much, rejection from him is to scary. But, I'm afraid I'm hurting him...
I thought this as I saw aster walking back to the table.
Me: I'm sorry marshal, I gotta go. I'll,.... Text you later.
Marshal: that's alright, baby. I'm sorry to out you in this situation right now. Have fun with your friend. (But not to much fun, leave that to me ;) )
Of course he'd do something like that.
Me: shut it you dingus. Ttyl.
Marshal: (-_^)
• • •
Me and aster hung out for a bit longer until I got s call from peppermint maid,telling me I had to get back. Aster walked me back to my palace.
"That was fun." Aster said. "Yeah, it was. Well, I got stuff to do, so I'll see you later. " "by, Gumball." Before I could turn away, he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. "Uh-bye, Aster." I said, a little startled by the hug. We pulled apart and he waved goodbye, and started going down the street. I smiled, and walked inside and straight to my bedroom.
Woof, what a day. I layer on my bed, thinking of all the messages he sent me. Was he being truthful? Something told me he wouldn't joke about things like that. So, what does that mean for me? I remember the feelings I felt while reading those messages, the butterflies in my stomach as my heart started racing. I put my hand on my face, ugh, when did things get so complicated.
I do love marshal. But. There's that fear in the back of my head that won't let me take him back. I don't know what to do. I sighed.
This is just torture.

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