Chapeter 36: a night to remember

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The chapter you've all been waiting for. Well, some of you at least. Maybe none idk but, here's the warning: this chapter contains sexual content that some of you readers don't want to read. If you do not like reading smutty sexual content, do not read some of this chapter. Thaannkkss.
Marshall grabbed my hand and led me out of the room. he laced his fingers with mine and held my hand tightly as we walked towards the exit if backstage, where if we would enter we would walk into the public. wait. is he going to walk out there in front of everyone, holding my hand? "Uh...marshal?" "Yeah babe?" "Uh, well we're going to be in public soon and i just thought that you'd want to let go.." i said, tugging my hand away from marshal. He only tightened his grip on my hand. "Its fine, did you not listen to a thing i said? Why would i not want the world to know you're mine?" Marshal asked. i blushed and looked down. he smiled and leaned down and kissed my cheek. "It's fine." marshal said.

The security guard that guards the entrance of back stage stood at the door waiting for us. Marshal greeted the buff scary man, and the buff scary man lead us out into the crowed. the crowed roared when they saw marshal, and most people didn't pay attention to me until i was passing them. Marshall kept his grip on my hand as we walked through the crowed, waving, high-fiveing, and talking to his fans as the security man got us through the crowed. i saw some people pointing and talking about us, even taking picture, but it didn't seem to bother marshal so it didn't bother me.

"Have a good night, Mr. Abadeer." the security man said at the exit of the concert building. "You too, Darrel." marshal said. The security guy closed the door, and before i knew what was happening i was pushed up against the side of the building, and marshall's lips were on mine. I didn't kiss back at first because i was surprised, but soon enough my arms were around marshall and i was kissing him back. Marshall pressed his body up against me, and just before things got heated, we heard the clicking of heels. "Oh my god, Marshall!" Ashley yelled. i pushed Marshall off of me, and he groaned. "What the hell do you want, god you're being a major cock-blocker." Marshall complained. "Why are you making out with this-this fag!? Are you a fag, too!?" Ashley yelled. "First off, don't you EVER talk about Gumball like that. Second, so what if i am?Why do you care?" i asked. "I don't, its just disgusting. How the hell can you kiss that-" "How can you not, this kid is hot. and amazing, and i care about him more than anything. So you can turn you're little ass around and leave us alone." Marshall said sternly.

Ashley scoffed. "You used to be cool. This is just disturbing, disgusting." Marshal put his hand over his eyes and squinted, and started looking around. "What are you doing...?" Ashley asked. "Looking for a fuck to give about you're opinion." She rolled her eyes. "I don't need this. have fun sucking face with that fag." Ashley said as she walked away. "Oh, i will. and just to let you know, he is a way better kisser than you." Marshall said. She simply flipped him off and walked back inside. Marshall laughed, and looked back at me. "Now, where were we...~" he said, with that look in his eyes. "Marshall..." i said, putting my hands up. he grabbed my hands and pinned them over my head, and leaned in. He connected our lips again, and i moaned into the kiss. He slowly moved his hands to my hips and my arms fell around his neck, and i kissed him harder, licking his lips asking for entrance. He opened his mouth slightly letting my tongue sneak in. He stuck his leg between mine and lightly rubbed it against my member, and i moaned in the kiss.

"Lets go to my house." Marshal said in a ruff voice when he pulled away. I nodded, and he took my hand and ran to the motorcycle he road here. "Aw, you rode this thing here?" i asked. 'YEah, sorry i didn't think i'd get this far." he said, throwing his helmet at me. "What about you?" i asked. "Babe, i am immortal. You are not. just wear the helmet." he said. i sighed and put it on. We got on and i held in tightly to him as he drove down to his house. We got there safely thankfully, i don't know what i would've done if something happened. I followed marshal in and as soon as we got in he pulled me close and kissed me, rough and passionately. His soft lips moved in sync with mine, and his hands roamed down to my butt, lightly squeezing it. I gripped his shirt and moved my hand to his back and pushed him into me. Oh god, marshal is such a good kisser. His tongue roamed my mouth like it was its home and his lips were pressed against mine hard.

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