The night of the concert

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Admin: art by hootsweets ^
at school, everyone was talking and being excited about the concert that night. The girls were talking about marshal lee and how he was going to sing a song and how he's hot and he sings like a god, and I agree with all that but it was really annoying to hear it from those girls.
Everyone was talking about the party the day after the concert at LSP's place. I heard marshal was going to play at that party too. I wasn't looking forward to it. I didn't Want to go. I wasn't planning on going, but I had a feeling that Fiona and cake would have something up their sleeves.
I was sitting at home, waiting for marshal to come. He said he was going to pick me up and take me to the school for the concert. I was fixing my shirt when peppermint maid came up to my room. "Young prince, uh, marshal lee is here, shall I tell him to leave?" She asked. "No, he's here to pick me up and take me to the concert, remember? I'll be down I a second. " "yes your highness, why are you not waring your crown?" "I'm just going back to school, I don't need to dress to formally." I told her. "Yes, my prince, very well." I be with that, she walked away. I put on my shoes and checked myself in the mirror. I started messing with my hair. I can't believe I'm fixing myself for marshal lee of all people. I thought as I styled my hair. I ran down the hall to the stairs and walked down the marshal. "Took you long enough." He said. "Sorry. " we walked me out to a motorcycle standing in the yard. "Uhh...marshal... Why do you have z motorcycle when you can fly?" I asked. "Because motorcycles are cool and fun to drive." He said, throwing me a helmet. He sat on the motorcycle and put on his helmet. "You coming?" He asked. I froze. " looks a little.. Dangerous..." "Aw, babbas scared. Come on, don't be a baby and climb on." I nodded and got on. "Hold on to me." He said as he started it up. I wrapped my arms around him and as we drove, I held on tighter, squinting my eyes shut and keeping myself close to him.
We got to the school and marshal parked the bike and we got off. "Wow, guess you really were scared, you were holding on pretty tight." Marshal said as he took off his helmet and flipped his hair. I was glad I still had mine on, because that hair flip made me blush. He helped me off and took of my helmet and set them on the bike.
"So wares this concert at?" Marshal asked. "It is being held in the auditorium." We walked inside and to the auditorium were the other kids were setting up. "YOOO!" I heard flame yell. He came over to us. "You guys are the last people to play. Since a lot of people came to hear marshal sing for a few dollars, the teacher decided to use that to his advantage. " I looked over to see our teacher standing there with a clipboard talking to some guy holding a ladder. I shrugged. "Awww come on!" Marshal whined. " I was hoping we could play first to pump up the party!" "Sorry marsh. I got to go practice with my partner, I'll see you two later." He left, but without giving me a wink before he went. I blushed, not because he was winking at me, but because I knew why he was. He knew I was performing with marshal, and he knew that I had a crush on the idiot vampire. How that happened, I have no idea. But it happened. And now I have to deal having a crush on some over-confident Rock demon.
"Tsk. What's he winking for." Marshal said, with his arms crossed. Is he....jealous? I thought. I shook that thought off. Of course not I thought.
We set up and practiced for a few minutes, then the teacher told everyone to go back stage. I heard people start to flow in, and that got my stomach in a twist. "Here we go." Marshal said. "Show time." I just nodded. I was really nervous actually, but I didn't want him to know.
The crowed cheered for flame and his partner as they walked off stage. "Good job flame!" I said as we walked over to us. "Dude, that was killer!" Marshal said, giving him a high five. "After the next group, it's you two! Rock it out!" "YAAASS!" Marshal said excitedly, and I nodded and looked down at my shoes. Flame walked away. "Yo, gumwad, you alright?" Marshal asked. I looked up. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said, giving him one of my best fake smiles.
But he saw right through me. "Lair." He said, "tell me what's really wrong. Are you sick? Are you nervous? Did you forget something at home?" I shook my head. "No.... Well, yes, I guess I'm a little nervous...." I looked down. "That's ok. Don't be nervous. Your gonna rock this! Your the best piano player I've ever seen. You got this. Just take a few breaths." I took a deep breath. "Thanks marshal. I said. He nodded.
The song ended. It was our turn. The stage crew set up a little piano and a microphone. I took another deep breath. "Let's do this." Marshal said with a smile. "Yeah" I said. "And if you ever get nervous, don't freeze...just look up at me. " and with that, he walked out on stage. I blushed and followed him. He went over to the mic and sat down on the Chair and held his guitar. The crowd cheered, you could hear the Fangirls screaming the loudest. I sat dow at my piano and took a deep breath. I put my hands on the keys and looked up at marshal. He was smiling at the crowd. He turned and looked at me, and smiled with a nod. I nodded. I looked at the keys and got into focus. I started to play.
I played it gently at first, and when I heard marshals guitar join in, I started to play a little fiercer. He started to sing.
"I'm At a pay phone trying to call home"
"All of my change I spent on you"
" where have the times gone,
Baby it's all wrong."
" where are the plans we made for two?"
"Yeah, I know it's hard to remember,
The people we used to be,
It's even harder to picture,
That you're not here next to me."
"You say it's it's to late to make it,
But is it to late to try?"
"And in our time that you wasted,
All of out bridges burned down,"

After he sang that part, he really started to get into it. That made me happy, so I started to play even harder. It kinda became a match between us, whenever he started to sing or play harder I would play harder, but the song was pretty easy to play so it was kinda hard. I completely forgot there was an audience, it was just me and marshal, playing our music together.
When the song ended, the crowd went wild. Girls were screaming marshals name, and I think I heard my name too. "Dude, come on and bow!" Marshal said happily, reaching out his hand. I smiled and took it. We bowed and the crowd went wild.
We walked off stage and people complimented us, I couldn't believe we did so good.
"We did so amazing!" Marshal said as we walked down to the vending machines to get something to drink. "Yeah, we did!" I said. We got down there and I pour in a dollar to get a bottle of Hawaiian Punch. "Haha, your such a child." Marshal said. I turned to him. "Shut up, I like juice." I grabbed it from the machine. "You did really good." He said. "Thanks. Your an amazing singer." "Heh, thanks.." He said , and I think he blushed a bit. "Thanks for helping me before we got on stage." I said. "Yeah, of course. He said. He smiled that winning smile. It made me blush. And when he noticed I blushed and smirked, it made my whole face turn red. I backed up, then tripped over my own shoes and started falling backwards.
Out of nowhere, he swoops in and catches me.
His arms were around my waist, my arms were around his neck, and we were starting into each other's eyes. He leaned in and so did I. I closed my eyes, and felt his lips upon mine.
I kissed him back. I straightened up and pulled my closer, I rapped my arms rightly around his neck to deepen the kiss. He wrapped his arms rightly around my waist. He was warm. He tasted good. I was happy.
But it didn't last long.
I heard someone walking a little far from us.
He pulled away. My heart sunk. He blushed and looked away from me, his hand on his neck. "Sorry gumball...." He said. "I didn't mean to do that. "
Did you hear that? That's the sound of my heart braking. I felt like crying, and I knew my face showed it.
Just then, flame walked up and started talking to marshal. I took my bottle of juice and walked away.
Such an idiot....
I thought.
But this time I wasn't thinking about marshal.
I was thinking about me.
Sorry l haven't updated in forever, I'll try to update more often! It's just I've had a lot of stuff going on so.
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-Dakota oh my g o d I wrote this before I realized I was trans

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