Bathrooms are not private

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Finally, time for the last period.
I thought as a walked to class. My last period, music, was always my favorite, besides science and cooking class. Not only do I get to talk about music and play the piano, I get to see marshal. I've been noticing people have been talking about marshal a lot more lately. He was always popular, but now he's the most popular kid at school. I mean, why wouldn't he be, he's on his way to being famous and he's good looking. Full package right there.
   I walked into class, marshal wasn't there yet but that didn't surprise me, he was always late to class. I sat down and noticed that flame was there, his fiery hair dangerously burning at the top of his head. "Hey gumball." He said with a smile. "Hey flame." I greeted, wondering to myself how he's not burning the whole place down. He leaned in and started to whisper. "So.. I hear you and marshal are like, a thing now." I blushed.  "H-how-.....Fiona." "Yep, Fiona told me. Don't worry we're not spreading it around. Secrets safe with me." He said, leaning back in his chair. "Well.... I wouldn't have a problem if people knew about us. I actually am totally fine with it. I don't know is marshal is though, i hope so." I said, mostly talking to myself. Flame nodded. "I get it. Here comes the man now".
I turn around and see marshal coming in. "Look, marshals here." I heard a girl say close to me. "He's so damn hot." "I know right. I saw a picture of him in the magazine this morning. He's a rising star!" The two girls made there way over to him and started talking to him. Marshal flashed them one of his famous smiles and started talking to them about who knows what. A few more people started to gather around the new found star and started talking. "He's certainly gotten famous." Flame said jokingly.
"Alright brats, take your seats let's go." Said the teacher. Everyone took there seats, and marshal slowly made his way over to the chair next to me. I smiled and gave him a wave, but he either didn't see me or... Ignored me. I looked over at flame with a confused look.  He was looking at marshal with a confused look. He looked up at me and shrugged.  I looked away and back at the teacher who was talking about music notes and stuff, but for once I wasn't listening. He's acting different. I thought as I looked over at marshal. He was looking down at his notebook, doodling.
  The whole class I didn't See marshal look over at me once. He usually tried to sneak looks at me when we weren't dating ( yes I noticed) and now he won't. I shouldn't think to much of it. I thought. He might just be embarrassed about what happened earlier. I thought. Even so, it didn't keep me from thinking about it the whole period.

Marshal lees POV
I felt kinda bad for ignoring gumball, but it had to be done. It been thinking, and it's more than just being popular at school. Im becoming famous, I Can't let people know I'm gay for some pink Prince! It will ruin my image! I can't bring myself to dump him though. So this is the way it has to be.
The whole period I didn't look in his direction. I wanted to look at his sweet pink face, but I restrained myself.
Finally, the period ended. I left the room quickly, pretending I didn't hear gumball calling me. I made my way down the hall until I felt a hot hand on my shoulder.
"Dude, what was that? I know you heard gumball back there." He said, upset. He leaned in and whispered, "dude, I know you two are a couple. What's your problem?" I stopped walking. "H-how did you know?" I said. "Fiona told me. That's not the problem, why are you ignoring-"  I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the restroom. I was not going to talk to him about this in the hall way. I made sure no one was in the bathroom, then turned to look at flame. "Marshal, what the hell?!" Flame yelled. "Listen." I said. " I can't let the public know I'm gay for him. That won't look good on my image! I have to ignore him." "Marshal. You don't need to hide yourself. You love gumball, don't  you?" Flame asked. "I...." I didn't say anything. Love? I've never felt actual love. Only once before have I came close.  Flame looked down. "Okay, whatever. Fine marsh, I'll keep your secret. I think your being stupid, but okay. Whatever marshal just be careful not to hurt gumball. He's sensitive." I didn't say anything. I just nodded. We walked out of the bathroom, not noticing the small stall that was closed.
I walked out to see the paparazzi waiting for me, yelling my name and snapping pictures. "Shit..."
Gumballs POV.
I went to the bathroom after last period. I heard someone come in and one all the stalls except the last one, which everyone forgets about. It was marshal and flame.
I heard everything.
What marshal said hurt me. I felt tears fell from my face.
Did I really put marshal at such an inconvenience? I hated doing that to people.
Did marshal date me just because he knew I liked him?
Ooh man that killed me god dammit marshal.
I know I'm lame I don't update sorry but here's a chapter for ya it's short but I don't have time to write a long one. Sorrry

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