Party: part two

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(A/N: yes I got this picture from Instagram what.)
We continued dancing together until marshal suddenly stopped and ran his fingers through his hair. "Woo. That tired me out, how bout you? I'm gonna go get a drink." I followed him over through the crowd to the drink table, and watched him pour a beer in one of those red cups, and take a drink. "Ahh. Much better. Want one? " "Uh.. N-no, no thank you marshal. " "ok, if you say so." He took another drink, then seemed to notice my worried look. "Don't worry about it, gumbutt. I'm not gonna get drunk on you." He said. I nodded. "Loosen up, gumball. It's a party! You were having fun just a second ago, right?" I nodded. He put is arm around me, "then don't be so nervous. I'm right here, anyway." I bowed my head so he couldn't see me blush. "Yeah, ok marshal." Just then, I heard some girl call marshals name. "MARMAR!! What are you doing?! Come with me upstairs!" She yelled. "I don't want your Netflix and chill." Marshal stated, not even turning around. The girl laughed. "No, silly!!! We're playing games upstairs with a couple of people!! Come play with us! You can bring your pink-haired friend with you too!! Wait a sec, is that Prince gumball??!!! NO WAY that's so-" "yeah yeah we'll be right up." Marshal said, now looking at the girl. "YAY!!" She cheered, then ran back upstairs. "Wait, marshal? Are we seriously going up there?" I asked. "Yeah, why not. It'll be fun, come on gumball." Marshal pleaded. "Alright. Let's go." I said. I didn't want to, but I didn't want to drag him down. "Really? Cool! Let's go." He grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs. We walked into the room with the only door open and saw some people who were all probably older than me were sitting in a circle, talking. I noticed a girl staring at me. I looked over at her, and she quickly turned away, her face getting red. Weird. "Hey marshal, gumball! You guys came to play, too?!" Fiona said, coming up to us. "Flames sitting over there, and I think cake went back to hang with mono. Oh, that reminds me! Marshal, I gotta tell ya something!" And with that, she pulled him away from me. I turned around and looked at the group. They were all sitting in a circle. I made eye contact with flame, and he waved me over to sit with him. I walked over and sat between him and the girl that kept looking at me. And once I sat down, I noticed she kept glancing at me. Finally, she said something to me. "Hi. I'm Stacy." She said with a smile. I smiled back. "Hello. I'm gumball." I responded. I noticed she looked like a candy citizen. She had purple gummy-like hair tied back with a candy band, and her skin was a lighter purple. She wore a purple dress with pink and red that matched her hair. She was very pretty. But not my type of course. "Hey....your Prince gumball, right?" She asked. I nodded. "Wow, ok good that's why I was looking at your earlier, I knew you looked familiar. You just look so different without your crown and with normal clothes. Not that your prince clothes are bad or anything..." She looked down and blushed. "I didn't know you went to my school." I said "I haven't seen you around." "I'm a grade above you." She responded. "But I'm not that much older than you. Hey.... So why are you at this kind of party, anyway? No offense.. But I didn't think they would let you go to a thing like this." She asked. "Haha, friend dragged me here. I hope you don't resent me for being here, a lot of other candy citizens would." I said. He smiled. " not at all! I' fact.. Pretty glad you came..." She said blushing and smiling. I smiled back. "Good then." She then glanced over at something, then looked back at me and smiled. "It was great meeting you. I hope we get to talk more soon!" She said happily. "Same to you." I responded with a smile. She blushed and turned to one of her friends.
Then flame nudged me. He whispered, "she totally has a thing for you, bro. She blushed like, the entire time. She was totally flirting with you." I looked at him confused. "Really?" I whispered back. "I thought she was just being nice." "Haha, nope. Totally has a crush on you. Aww, and look, marshie is getting jealous." He nodded his head in the direction marshal was Standing. She definitely didn't look pleased, he was looking In my direction but he wasn't looking at me. "Ya think so?" I asked flame. "I know so. That's the same look I give When certain guys are getting to close to fi. And that's the same look she gives when some girls start to flirt with me. It's cute, isn't it? I haven't seen marshal get so worked up over someone in a long long time." Flame whispered.
Fiona yanked me away from gumball over the the side of the room. "Agh, what?" I asked her. "How did you get that anti-social little gumdrop here?!" She asked excitedly. "I flew up to the balcony, told gumball that if he didn't come I'd probably get drunk and do stupid things that could harm me and that's what got him. Then I flew him here. " I explained. "Sweet." She said. "Haha, I know, I'm clever. So, what game are we playing?" I asked. "Spin the bottle." "Sweet." I said, looking over to the circle. Then I saw it. Stacy or whatever was sitting there, flirting with gumball. My gumball. Whoa, never thought I'd call gumball mine EVER. I thought. I watched them talk an smile. I wasn't really mad at gumball because he clearly doesn't know he's being flirted with, but I definitely was jealous. And angry. That slut, trying to make a move on her prince after her smart boyfriend dumped her just this morning. Ugh. "Marshal.... Hellooo" Fiona said. "Aw, are you jealous that Stacy is flirting with gumball by chance?" Fiona said, smiling. I glared at her. "So Annoying. " I simply stated. I gave Stacy a stare. She looked up at me, and I have her a glare saying don't talk to him. She looked at me confused, smiled and said something to gumball, then turned around to her friends. Bitch. I crossed my arms. "Come on lover boy lets sit down." Fiona said, tugging at my sleeve. I glared at her but didn't say anything. I wasn't mad at her, just mad that she can already tell. I waked to the circle.
I saw marshal and Fi walk over. Marshal sat across from me and fi sat next to him. The girl that got marshal and me to come sat up and started talking. "Yay, ok so we're gonna play spin the bottle, seven minutes in heaven!" She cheered as she placed a bottle in the middle of the circle. Everyone cheered.
I thought. I don't want to be picked by anyone! Well... Except marshal... Wait no! That would be bad, too!
I sat there and watched people spin the bottle, watched them go in the closet for 7 minutes, and come back out. Flame and Fiona went, except they were in there for 10 minutes. When they got out, flame was blushing and smiling and fi was crumbling up aluminum foil in her pocket and had little burn marks on her neck.
(A/N: flame was full fire for this party)
The whole group oooed and awweed at them, including me.
Then, it was marshals turn. All the anxiety bubbled up in me as he spun the bottle. I gripped my pants as it slowed down by a girl. I thought for sure it was going to land on her, but it slowly past by her and flame and stopped at me.
Thank and fuck you, universe.
I just sat there and blushed, and didn't make eye contact with marshal or move. The crowd went wild. I herd people saying stuff like, "Oooooo I never saw to GUYS go in before!!" "GAY RIAGE" "I ship it." "Marshie!! Don't turn gay on me, alright!" "They'd be such a cute couple!" "Shut up" "Yo marshal! Can I watch?! "I wanna take a picture!" I didn't even see marshal stand up. But all of a sudden, he was right next to me. "Have fun gumball." Flame whispered to me. "Would you guys shut your glob damn traps." Marshal said. That made me embarrassed. And that comment just fueled the fire. "OOOOH HE WASENT READY!!" "Look at gumball blush, the dork." "DO IT! YOU WONT!" Marshal grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "Let's go." He said. I looked at Fiona for help, but she just smirked. Thanks, fi. Before marshal opened the door, he yelled, "I SAID, SHUT YOUR FUCKIN GLOB DAMN TRAPS."
that hushed everyone up real quick, at least with the annoying comments. No one wants to make a nightosphere demon king angry. But people still talked loudly so it's not like the room was silent. Marshal opened the closest and pulled me in, then locking the door behind us. I gulped. "U-uh, m-marshal.. If you don't w-want to do this we don't... Hav-have t-" "gumball." He cut of my stuttering. He stepped closer to me. I backed up. He stepped in again and I ran into the wall. He got closer. "Do you want to do this?" He asked. I gulped and didn't answer. He put his hands on my shoulders. "I need an answer now." Marshal said. "I-if you don't want to-" "that's not what I asked." He said, cutting me off again. He leaned in, and asked the question again. "Do you want to do this?" I gulped and nodded. He half-smiled, and pressed his lips gently upon mine.
I kissed him back instantly, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling my fingers through his hair. He put he's hands on my face and tilted my head up, then put his arms around my waist, pulling me deeper into the kiss. He bit my lip gently asking for entrance, and I slightly opened my mouth. He smiled in the kiss and held me tighter. He tasted like strawberries. His lips were soft. He was amazing at kissing. He pressed me up against the wall, and just when things started to get good and heated, the buzzer went off, and just as soon as it started, it ended. But I didn't want it to end. Marshal slowly pulled his lips away. I looked up at him, and saw him smiling at me. "Looks like times up." He said. "Yeah....I said. He laughed lightly, then kissed me on the forehead, then cheek, then softly on the lips, just a peck. "If like to do this and talk to you more, but times up. So let's go." I didn't have time to respond to that, because before I knew it, he was opening the door and walking out, with me right behind him.
Oh glob
Heart attack
So soft
I completely ignored everyone saying stuff about my blushing face and marshals messed up hair until I got to my spot. Flame smirked at me. I blushed and rolled my eyes.
After everything sorta calmed down from that and we started playing again, LSP came through the door. "Marshal lee! Come on marshal lee, come play some songs for the party like you said you would. You guys! Marshal lees gonna sing a song you guys!" He yelled. "Alright alright, I'm coming. Marshal said. Fangirls started fangirling and everyone started piling out of the room.

And even though this was all exciting, I couldn't get that kiss out of my head.

finally got that kiss done. I was so excited to write this kiss scene. Ok so pretty decent chapter here. I'll probably be updating again today or tomorrow.
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