Chapter thirty: Sun sets

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    It's Thursday afternoon, and today I'm going out to hang out with Prince Aster of the grass kingdom.
I met him at a meeting a few days ago, and we decided to hang out outside of this professional setting, just as regular teens.
   I'm got dressed into a light pink flannel and dark pink skinny jeans, with blue converse. I fix my hair just as I hear a knock at my door. "My prince? Prince Aster  is here." Peppermint maid said. "Thank you, I'll be right down!" I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before heading down to the bottom floor where prince Aster awaits me.
     I turn the corner to see Prince Aster nervously waiting In front of the door. He wore a simple purple T shirt with blue jeans and dark red converse, and a black beanie on his green hair. "Hey aster!" I called out, waving. He smiled and waved back as I walked up to him. "Thanks for coming over!" I said. "Well yeah, I did ask." He responded.
    "What do you want to do?" I  asked. "Well, I haven't really been able to see your kingdom since I got here. Want to show me around?" He gingerly asked. "Sure! Let's go." I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the palace.
    We walked down the street, people waving at me and greeting me kindly. I walked to my favorite café first, buttercup café. "Why here first?" He asked me. "This is my favorite café of all time. They sell the best tea, the best pastries-well, besides mine, that is." I said, taking a seat in a booth. "You bake?" He asked, sitting a cross from me. "Oh, uh, yeah I do." I said shyly. He smiled. "I don't bake, but I cook. I'd love to taste your pastries sometime." He said. "I'd love to taste your cooking sometime." I said with a smile.
    A girl, who was pretty nervous and blushing probably because she new who we both were, took our orders. I got a cup of tea and he got a cup of coffee. "Is there any other reason you love this place so much?"  He asked. "Well... I used to get bullied a lot at school. I know it's weird for a prince to attend a public school, but I couldn't help myself-" "you wanted to feel like a real teen." I nodded. "I understand that." He said. "I, I would come here when things got ruff at school and I didn't want to go home. The staff here were nice to me, didn't pressure me to order something and left me alone when I needed to be. It was like, like my safe haven." I explained. "I usually don't talk about this..." I trailed off.
    He put his hand on mine and smiled. "Thanks for sharing with me." He said kindly, causing me to blush a bit.
I looked around the café, and remembered another reason why I love this place so much. But I'd rather not share that.
It was late at night, and no one but the workers at the café were roaming around. I'm sitting in the back with my head in my arms on the table, silently crying, alone at the table. I hear the door open, and a single person walk in. I don't look up. Why do I care. I just hope it wasn't the guy who beat me up after school today.
My muscles tighten as I hear the footsteps getting closer to me. "Hey, loser." I heard the familiar voice call. It wasn't the boy who attacked me but that didn't make the situation any better. I didn't answer. "Hey, I'm talkin to you, why is your lame ass here?" He asked. I still didn't answer, and he still didn't give up. "Hey, you even alive? Answer me di-" I looked up at him out of anger, my eyes red with tears, and my right eye black and blue. Marshal stopped talking and looked at me slightly sympathetically, and to my surprise, sat down next to me.
    "What do you want?" I asked angrily. "Who did that to you?" He asked, pointing at my eye. "Why do you care?" I said with a sniff. He sighed. "Look, I know we are not friends, I know I make fun of you a lot, but I don't go that far. I don't go hitting you. So, who did it?" He asked. Reluctantly, I told him who it was. "That dick? He's the one who gave uh that shiner? I didn't know he bullied kids, I thought he was just a player, a fuck boy. Who knew. Why did he decide to punch you?" He asked.
I put my head down again, tears rolling slowly down my cheeks. "W-why do you want to know?" I asked again. "Because I'm allowed to know things, dingus. Now answer me." I sighed. "H-he...he figured out I had...I had a crush on him." I said. I was prepared for him to laugh at me and call me more names, but he didn't. Instead, he just nodded. "Yeah, that guys a dick. He's a homophobe, so you probably ticked him off. No excuse to punch you though, you can't help your stupid feelings. I'm not gay or anything but I understand how it feels to love someone." He said. I looked up at him, surprised he wasn't making fun of me. "Why are you being nice all of a sudden?" I asked. "I have no idea. Don't worry, this won't last long." He stood up. "Don't wallow in your own sadness for to long, in fact, show him up by being happy. See you later, you dumb shit." And with that, he turned and left. I whipped my tears and smiled.
       In that café, that was the first time marshal led was ever remotely nice to me.

"Hey, Gumball? You in there?" Aster said, waving his hand in front of my face. "Oh, yeah, sorry about that. Just day dreaming!" I said with a giggle. He laughed.  "Wanna go somewhere else?" I asked. "Sure, were to?" He asked as we stood up. "The gardens." I said.
    We walked out of the café after paying for our drinks, and walked down the street to the gardens. "Any reason you're taking me here?" Aster asked. "I just love the candy flowers here. Me and Fiona the human come here together sometimes, although she eats some of them because they're made of candy." I told him. "Ah, Fiona the human and cake, I know them, they live in my kingdom, those Heroes help a lot of the smaller kingdoms in my kingdom." "Yeah, their something else." I said with a chuckle. "Do you have a crush on her or something...?" He asked, a bit nervously. "Oh no no, nothing like that, she's just a friend, and frankly not my type. I said.
    "Not your type?" He asked. "Yeah well, if she was a he maybe but." I said. "Oooooohhh." He said. "Is that a problem?" I asked. "Oh no, not at all." He replied.
     We walked through the  garden, looking at all the colors of the beautiful scenery surrounding us, taking in all the scents of the flowers. As we walked, he picked a flower and bowed to me. "For my prince." He said, presenting a pretty red flower dramatically. I took it and bowed. "Why thank you, prince Aster." I said dramatically. We continued to bow to each other and basically make fun of everything we stand for, and laughed about it.
    "Man, it's getting pretty late." Aster said as we walked out of the garden. "Want to watch the sun set?" "That's a great idea!" I exclaimed. "I know a great place, the park!"
I took him to my favorite park in the kingdom, also the best place to watch the sun set. "This is my favorite park. I don't know why, I just love it here." I said as we took a seat in the grass. "It's a nice park. " he said. The sun started to set, San we watched happily. "It's beautiful." I said, turning to look at him. "It is." He said back, turning to look at me.
Our eyes locked. He leaned in. I didn't move. He leaned in closer, closed his eyes, and brushed his lips on mine.
I pulled my head away.
He pulled back and opened his eyes. "I-uh-I'm sorry." He said sadly. "No no! Don't be sorry, really! Listen, I really like you. Your an amazing guy, and I really want to let myself fall for you. But....I can't." I trailed off. "Why..?" He asked, sadness in his voice. "I...I'm still in love with someone. No matter how much I try to move on, I can't. I just...can't. I'm so so's really not you..." I trailed off again.
He smiled. "Hey, it's okay. No need to get yourself so worked up." He said gently. "What? Aren't you mad?" I asked. "No. You can't help that you're still in love. Don't worry about me, hearts change. I'll get over you, I'll find a new love. I'll be okay. And I can tell you really are in love with this guy. So it's okay." He said with a sad smile. I smiled. "I'm glad, thank you. I don't want to hurt you, can we still be close?" I asked. "Of course. Now, whose the lucky guy?" He asked. I blushed. "It's, uh, Marshal lee the vampire King..." I said. "M-marshal lee? The nightosphere marshal lee? The evil rockstar marshal lee?" He asked. "Yeah..." I said. "Oh, man, you got it bad." He said. "Sh-shut up. I'm trying to move on here but I can't." I said. "Hey it's fine, don't push yourself." He said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "I'll be here if it doesn't work out." I smiled. "Good. Let's get back to my house, I'm sure your carriage will be there soon. " I said. "Okay." He replied.
    We got back to my palace. "Would I be troubling you if I ask to hang out again?" I asked. "I think I can make time for you. " he said with a smile. "Cool, of hey, tomorrow night lumpy space prince is having a party. Fiona, cake and flame price are going, it's gonna be fun! It's not an invite party so, you wanna go?" I Asked. "You sure I will be welcome?" He asked. "Oh yeah, he knows who you are. Also, a lot of random people show up all the time since, your good. Just show up here at 8 pm and you can walk there with me and Fiona, cake and flame." I said. "Okay, sure." His carriage came up. "Well, that's my ride. See you later Gumball." He said, his arms open for a hug. I slid into his arms and felt him hug me tightly, I felt my heart flutter just a little bit, but not nearly as much as when marshal touches me.
I waved to him as he road away, and went inside my palace and straight to my room.
That was fun, but I still feel bad for turning him down. I need to get over marshal, he's not coming back.
I changed into my pjs and got into my bed.
But I can't. I can't get over him.
I love him.

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