Chapter 28: S c h o o l

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I used to love school. Even when I used to get bullied, even when Fiona and flame weren't around to keep me company, I've always loved school. Because I'm a prince, I don't need to go to school. The things they teach at normal public schools are not needed for a prince of the candy kingdom. In fact, going to school creates more work for me, because I have to do my school work on top of running a kingdom. But I still decided to go to high school, because I love learning new things.
     I've always been extremely smart, that's what I've been told, I have my own science lab at the castle and everything, I devise plans for the kingdom and cures for the sick and many other things, so it baffles people when they hear I'm still I high school. I just love everything about school, the work, the teachers. It gives me a chance to be an actual teenager for a little, not a prince who has to keep other kingdoms from wanting to go to war. Plus I get a chance to have fun and express myself freely, sure I get picked on from time to time but I don't mind.
      I used to love going to school, but not anymore.
Now i have to force myself to get up in the morning. Why? Because I have to see him everyday loving on her.
He doesn't know that I see them, making out in the halls before school.
     I went to school a few hours early to play the piano. I wanted to let some of my emotions out, and playing music always helped. So, I walked to school early and went inside the music room early and played a few songs on the piano.
Once I figured I should leave, I stopped playing and left the room, wind started down the halls. That's when I heard noises. Curious, I slowly walked down the hall and quietly looked around the corner to see what was making the racket.
The sight I saw disgusted me. It was marshal and Ashley, making out against the lockers. Ashley had her arms wrapped around marshals neck and her leg was wrapped around his. Marshal had his hands roaming her back and her butt, and they were hard French kissing. It made me want to vomit.
Quietly, I turned and walked away from the scene, tears stinging my eyes. I told myself to quit, I need to get over marshal. He looks happy, so I can't keep crying over him.
I stopped in my tracks.
That's right, I have to stop thinking about him, he's not worth my time. I smiled and walked into the bathroom and looked at myself In the mirror.
I thought to myself, you are the prince of the candy kingdom, highly respected by your citizens and peers. You are the smartest around and a talented musician. You don't need to waste your time on some jerk who doesn't even care enough to talk to you straight forward without being drunk.
I smiled, after all I am correct.
    But even so, seeing him hold hands and kiss with her makes me sick, because I know she's horrible for him. I'm not saying I'm the right one for him anymore but it's definitely not her. I just wish he could understand that.
Ah mornings, the perfect time for a make out session with a hot chick. I'm walking with Ashley hand in hand, letting the cold breeze fall on my body. I'm wearing a light green T shirt and gray pants that ash picked out for me, again really not my thing, but if I don't ware it she'll get all pissy. She's talking about how lame and stupid this one chick is, i don't really understand whys she's talking so much crap on her, but I pretend I know what she's saying.
We walk to the front of the school, and to my surprise, the girl she was just talking shit on is standing right there. "Ashley! OMG, ok sorry for this but I got some major drama to tell you!" She yelled. Ashley smiled and ran over to her. "It's fine girl, you gotta tell me! And OMG, I love your hair today! Are those highlights?" As she walks into the school with her 'friend', I follow behind, utterly confused.
Why is she acting all buddy with this chick if she was just talking smack about her? Didn't she just call her a dumb bitch with gross hair? What the frick is this?
I followed behind them for a while thinking about this until I had enough. "Hey babe, I'm gonna use the bathroom." I called out to Ashley. "K marsh." She responded quickly, then went to continue gossiping. I turned and walked away down the opposite end of the hallway, still confused of why she's talking to the girl. The girl was her Rich 'friend', but I don't understand why she's a friend if she clearly doesn't like her. If you don't like someone then why hangout with them?
    I continued walking around trying to find the bathroom, until I heard music.
"Where's that coming from?" I asked myself as I followed the sound.
It was a piano, who's here playing the piano at this hour?
I followed the sound to the old junk room and looked through the window.
   I should've known.
Inside the room was price Gumball himself, playing the piano.
I watched as he quickly moved his hands skillfully along the keyboard, hitting each note just right. The music sang out perfectly to his every touch, his eyes squeezed shut as he felt the music go through him, as he played with his every being.
He looked gorgeous, the way he played the music and the way his hair moved when he shook his head-

I mentally slapped myself for thinking that, and again for watching him play.
Why the hell would I think that dork playing the dumb piano is gorgeous? I angrily walked away, wiping the tears from my face- wait- tears?!
I felt my face, and it was wet. Why the NIGHTOSPHERE WAS I CRYING?!
I growled and stomped away. This is not love, this is not love, there is no WAY this is love!
I walked back to the girls, but stopped for s second after I heard what they said.
"Everyone was so happy when you came back!"
"Awe, I know right."
"So I hear you came back for marshal? That's so-"
"Yeah, I came back when I heard about marshals new record label. I had to jump on that train! He's going to bring in so much money!"
I took a moment to try and process this. What does she mean by that...?
"-marshals been gone for a While. Where is he?"
Basically not having any time to think, I walk back over.
"Hey, I'm back." I said.
"There you are babe. Schools starts in like two minutes, so we don't have time for anything. Let's go outside and greet everyone." Ashley suggested.
"Yeah..." I said, and walked out with them.
But I still felt weird about what she said, but when she grabbed my hand, I shook it off.
I can't be here thinking about things.


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