Chapter 25: motercycles

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ADMIN: credit to cosplayer @/aot_jean on Instagram

It's almost time for the party at Ashley's place.
I'm fixing my hair in the mirror, contemplating on telling Gumball where I'll be at. After a few minutes of thinking, I decide on not telling him. He'll just get his pink boxers in a bunch. I walked downstairs and took a deep breath before exiting my house into the cold night air. I had a feeling tonight was going to be crazy.
I flew to Ashley's big house. I could already hear the music booming when her house got in sight. I floated down to the door and stepped inside. The party was insane. People were dancing and grinding on each other holding red solo cups filled with alcohol, keg stands stood all over the place, and I'm pretty sure people were passing around designer drugs.
Awesome. My kind of party.
"MARSHY BABY YOU CAAAMMMEEE!!!" I heard Ashley scream. She ran over and hugged me. "Come oon lets go party!!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the crowed. I smiled, this looks like fun.
We danced for a while and she got me a drink, then another. The party was getting intense, more and more people started showing up, we all started jumping to the music, lights flashing all around and drunk people singing to the music. I got a few more drinks in me and started fan sing closer to Ashley, and she ended up grinding on me.
Not a good time to be drunk.
"This party is insane!" I yelled. "I know right!!" Ashley yelled back.
A few hours later I was completely wasted, floating around outside with everyone else at the party. "YO! WHO WANTS TO RACE?!" Someone yelled. I looked over and saw a few people with motorcycles and cups. "Are they racing motorcycles?" I asked Ashley. "Hell yeah! Can you drive them?" "Hell yeah I can!" I floated right over to the guys with the bikes. "I'll race yea." I slurred. Now if we weren't wasted and actually had a place that wasn't a public road, this would be completely fine.
But that's not the case.
"Sweet man, grab a helmet and Hop on. I'll race ya, drive over to the road man!" I smiled and pulled the bike onto the main road, and the guy I didn't know but was racing followed me.
We sat there as everyone gathers around, cheering. Ashley stumbled over and stood between us. "On your mark....get s-set.....GOO!!!" I pressed the gas petal and speeded off down the road.
The wind was piercing through my arms as I flew down the road, and I loved it. The rush was amazing, the feeling was amazing. I realized the guy was coming up close to me, so I took up the pace. I don't know how fast I was going, but I've never road on a motorcycle so fast before. I wasn't thinking about possibly getting in an accident. I wasn't thinking about cars coming down the road. I wasn't thinking about anything other than winning the race and the guy behind me.
I reached the turning point and turned at lightning speed, racing back to the and the guy were neck and neck. I pressed on the gas harder and passed the guy just in time, winning the race. I slowed down to a stop and parked the bike, throwing my hands up in victory.
"Aw yeah!!!" I yelled, and Ashley ran up and hugged me. "You won! There's the badass marshal I love!" Ashley yelled. "I've always been here!" I yelled and laughed. I smiled at the guy I raced and he gave me a thumbs up.
"That was fricken awesome." I said. "And dangerous!!" I heard a voice yell.
I turned around to see a very angry human and magic cat starring back at me. "What the hell marshal?! What are you doing?!" I shrugged. "Having fun. What about you, this party is invitation only-hey!!" She grabbed my arm and started dragging me down the street. "Fiona, let go!!" I yelled, struggling to get out of her grasp. "No." Fiona said bluntly. "Hey, what the hell is your problem?! you can't just take marshal!!!-" Fiona gave her a death glare that instantly shut her up, and continued to drag me along.
When we got far enough away, she started talking again. "You know Gumball would be disappointed in you. He tried to help you, he loves you, and you go do this crap?! The hell marshal?!" "I'm just having fun, lay off!" There was a pause before she started talking again. "Your drunk, aren't you?" "I'm fricken wasted. I was having fun until you took me awayyyy." I whined. She sighed. "Fiona, let's just take him to gumballs." Cake said. "Gummy? Oohhh. Whyy I wanna go hoommmeeeee". I whined. "Your house is to far, so we're going to Gumballs. I was on my way there anyway, so deal with it."
We went to gumballs house.
Gumball's POV.
I was sitting on my couch waiting for Fiona to come over, I haven't seen her in a week.
Then I watched her stumble in with marshal.
"Uh-" I started, but she interrupted me. "Talk to this jerk. He went out with Ashley and got drunk, and raced motorcycles while drunk." Fiona said upsettingly, then walked away with cake. "Awww, you snitch!" Marshal yelled.
"Marshal...why?" I asked, upset. "Why what? I went out and had fun. What's your problem?" He asked. "My problem? You told me you wouldn't drink anymore! And racing! You could've gotten yourself hurt!" I yelled. "Jeez, what are you, the guy I mess around with or my dad? What the hell is your problem, I was having fun! Stop trying to control me!" Marshal yelled.
"Stop being an idiot! You know that was dangerous! And with Ashley?! Don't you remember how she hurt you?!" "She's hot, Gumball and she's changed. She also lets me do what I want to do! She lets me have fun, and does it with me!! She understands me, more than you ever have." He said angrily, his voice slurring. Tears threatened to escape through my eyes by his painful words, but I kept my ground.
"What are you saying...?" I asked angrily. "I'm saying...I'm saying, this, us, doesn't work. We're too different, and I have an ego to think about. It's over, Gumball." And after that, he turned and stumped out.
I swallowed hard and walked up to my room, and let the tears fall.
The love of my life just left me.
Did he ever truly love me?
I flopped onto my bed and cried.
Marshal, your a dick.
But I still love you.
I cried myself to an uneasy sleep.
This chapter killed me. Ugh, why marshal you d I c k. Hope u enjoyed this chapter, it hurt me too :,(

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