Chapter 32: Little voices

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The party was strange, but fun. I'm not usually one for huge parties like this, but Fiona and aster  helped me loosen up.  Some weird things happened that night.
   I saw Marshal lee there. I saw him with Ashley, she was yelling at him about something. Big surprise. Then he talked to Fiona and flame, then walked over to Ashley. I knew I shouldn't have been watching him, but I couldn't help it. Then I glanced to see Ashley all over him. I sighted and returned my attention to aster.
   "Want to dance?" He asked me. I smiled, "sure." We started dancing together to the load and fast music, and I stopped watching marshal for a while.
After a while I saw marshal happily talking to Fiona and flame. He glanced over at me and smiled.
He smiled at me.
I felt my stupid heart swell as I smiled back and waved. He waved back and returned his attention back to Fiona and flame.
   I was glad he didn't hate me.
Your more than glad he doesn't hate you.
Shut up voice in my head. I'm trying to enjoy a party.
What you want go enjoy is his mouth on yours.
Shut up.
You know I'm right. I bet he likes you again.
Wishful thinking there, little voice. Now shut the fudge up!
I shook my head as I felt hands on my shoulders shaking me. "ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME YOU DINGUS?!" Fiona yelled in my face. "Huh?" I said. She sighed dramatically. "Marshal lee broke up with Ashley!!" Fiona yelled. I was stunned. "W-why?" I stuttered. "I'm not exactly sure. After Ashley said he couldn't hang out with us anymore, he had enough. He had some sudden realization that she was using him." Fiona explained.
Looks like I'm gonna be right. Good thing we didn't bet cash.
I hate you.
"G-good for him." I said. She smirked, but let it slide. The rest of the night we all just partied together, and I was home by midnight. The day after that was a lazy day, I just hung around the castle, occasionally baking something or filling out paperwork, or running a small and quick experiment.
   And now we arrive at the present. I'm sitting in my math class, the class I have just before lunch, listening to the teacher lecture about equations I already know. I love all of my classes, but right now this is pretty boring.
Or is it because your distracted?
Where did you even come from? I never had annoying voices in my head before.
Your thinking about marshal leeee!
Curse you little voice. Way to change the subject.
    I am thinking about him. After he broke up with Ashley, I couldn't stop thinking about him.
You want him to come crawling back to you.
Get out.
But I'm right.
The voice is right. But honestly, I'm not sure if I want to be with him again. I don't think I can get my heart broken so badly again.
I know we weren't dating long. I know he's always been a jerk to me. But when he ended things with me, the way he did it hurt. Not just the way he did it, the fact he did it. The brake up made me realize I really did like him for all he was, even though he's a complete douche bag.
So yeah, the fact that he broke up with Ashley makes me happy. I sighed as the bell rang. Math class is over, and now it's time for lunch. I walk out of class and grab my lunch out of my locker, and begin walking to the cafeteria.
   But instead of the cafeteria, I find myself in front of the storage room, where the old piano stands.
     I walk inside and close the door behind me, and set my lunch on the piano. I take a seat in front of the piano, and think of what to play.
I usually play a song that applies to what I'm feeling at that moment. I decide I want to sing along to the song, too. I'm not that great of a singer, definitely no where near as good as marshal, but now and then I like to sing along with my piano music.
I decide on a song called "Drop in the ocean" by Ron pope.

(A/N: some lyrics will be slightly changed)

   I take a deep breath, and start to play on the piano, singing the lyrics softly.

"A drop in the ocean, a Change in the weather.
I was, praying that you and me might end up together.
It's like wishing for rain
As I stand in the desert
But I'm holding you closer than most
Because you are my heaven.
I don't  wanna waste the weekend.
If you don't love me, pretend.
A few more hours, then it's time to go. As my train rolls down the east cost
I wonder how you keep warm,
It's to late to cry,
To broken to move on.
And I still can't let you be,
Some nights I hardly sleep,
Don't take what you don't need from me.
It's just a drop in the ocean, a change in the weather.
I was, praying that you and me might end up together.
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert.
But I'm holding you closer than most, because you are my heaven.
Misplaced trust in old friends,
Never counting regrets
By the grace of glob, I do not rest at all.
And New England as the leaves change,
The last excuse I'll ever claim,
I was a boy who loved a man like a little girl.
And I still can't let you be,
Some nights I hardly sleep.
Don't take what you don't need from me
It's just A drop in the Ocean,
A change in the weather
I was
Praying that you and me might end up together.
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,
But I'm holding you closer than most, because you are my...
Heaven doesn't seem so far away, anymore.
Heaven doesn't seem so far away, anymore.
Heaven, doesn't seem so far away...anymore.
A drop in the ocean,
A change in the weather
I was praying that you and me might end up together. It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert.
But I'm holding you closer than most
Because you are my heaven...
You are my, heaven..."
I finished the song, playing the last few notes. I watched a tear fall on to the keys, and I realized I was crying.
"Aw, man." I said, wiping my tears.

marshal lee's POV
School is extremely boring, but finally the bell rang, and it was time for lunch. I start down the halls to the cafeteria, until I hear a faint melody of music playing down the halls. Curious, I walk down the hall I hear music down. There's no music rooms down this hall, so I wonder where it could be coming from.
   As I near the room it's playing from, I shake my head. How could I have not noticed the melody before? It's Gumball, playing the piano in the old storage room.
    But this time is different-this time he's singing along to the music. I walked up to the small window next to the door frame and peered in, watching Gumball play and sing his sad song. I couldn't help but think the song was meant to be about us. I opened the door just as he ended the song. "Aw, man." He said, wiping his tears. My poor gummy.
"Your a pretty good singer." I said, leaning against the doorway. "M-marshal?!" Gumball jumped, surprised to see me. I smiled and walked over to sit next to him. "I didn't know you sing." I said. "W-well, I don't sing very often, and I'm not nearly as good as you. But thank you." He said politely, but clearly still uneasy. I sighed, and looked down at the piano keys.
"I've missed talking to you..." I said softly, tracing the keys with my finger. "Really?" He asked, his tone noting that he didn't really believe me. "Yes, really. Gumball, we need to talk." He didn't say anything, and after a moment of silence I decided to continue. "I-I was drunk that night I ended things. I shouldn't have drank or said the things I said, I should have never ended things, it was a stupid mistake-" "just leave it." Gumball said, cutting me off. "You didn't like me like that, you never have. I'm trying to move on now, so I don't need your pity." He went to stand up, but I grabbed his arm. "Gumball, wait! Please, let me explain." Reluctantly, he sat back down.
I took a deep breath. "A long time ago, years ago before your parents were even a thought, I was a prince of the nightosphere. Things of course happened in that time taking me away from my so called mother and so called home like the mushroom war, and I spent most of my time in aaa. As the years went by, I grew to be a rebellious demon, sucking souls up and flying around like a villain in the night, rebelling against the nightosphere and the authorities of aaa. But I was lonley, no one out there understood me, no one to spend eternity with. Then I met Ashley. She was just like me, a rebel who loved to party. I fell in love. We moved in together and had a fairy tale romance, until she sold something very dear to me to a which. I couldn't do it anymore. We had problems. She left me. I was heartbroken for the first time.
Luckily I met Fiona and cake a while after when they moved into our old house. It must've been a glob-send, because I met you through them. I truly fell in love with you, Gumball, but she came back and screwed up my head again, filling me with lies, tarring me away from something real into something fake, making me do the thing I told myself I'd never do to a person, brake their heart." There was a long pause, "I'm sorry, I just can't." Gumball quickly stood up and made his way to the door. "No, Gumball please!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him around, forcing him to look at me. "Listen, please-" "it hurts, you know?! Seeing the one you love, love someone else. Seeing them kiss another, especially when the person you love is a guy and he's kissing a girl!" He yelled, cutting me off and braking my undead heart. "Now I'm here, finally trying to move on, and you make everything complicated again! You can't just come waltzing back into my life expecting me to just jump back into your arms!" Gumball yelled, shattering my heart. You-you hurt me so much when you left me that night. I thought you were just playing with me, that you never loved me.." Gumball mumbled. "No, Gumball, that's not true. I was just an idiot!" I took a deep breath, and stepped away. "Listen, I understand. I didn't expect you to come back to me so easily after everything I've done to us." I stepped closer. "But, this isn't the end. I'm not going to stop trying to get you back, cause your the only one for me." I cupped his face and quickly before he could pull away, kissed him on the cheek.
I watched as his cheeks heated up, making me smile. I stepped back into the hall way and waved. "See you at our last period, bubba~" I said, and floated down the hall way. "And don't forget, I love you!" I yelled behind me before reaching the end of the hall and turning the corner.

Gumball's POV
I stood there in complete aw as I watched the incredibly hot marshal lee float down the hall. I couldn't believe two things,: one, that marshal actually came to me and said he loved me and wanted me back and all that jaz, and two, the fact that I turned him down. This whole time, all I wanted was for him to love me again, but right when it happened, it just didn't feel right.
I definitely love Marshal Lee Abadeer. No doubts. But I just don't feel like I can do it again, at least not yet. Part of me is telling me to completely let go of him, but I don't know what to think yet. I need time.
"And don't forget, I love you!" Marshal sang down the hall before disappearing around the next corner. Me cheeks heated up again just hearing him say those stupid words.
Marshal Lee, you idiot.

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