Chapter 29: Meetings

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A/N: in this chapter, there will be a character that I made up, just for another character in the story. This character is going to be the ruler of the grasslands and the grass people ( but doesn't look like the grass people, his looks will be explained) so he's not in the show I just wanted to add him. His name is Prince Aster of the grass Kingdom. He's named after a flower called the aster flower, I put a picture of it. Sorry that's all


I Had to take of school today because of a stupid meeting. I woke up early and took a hot shower and got dressed into my best prince clothes just in time for peppermint maid to get me for breakfast.  She lead me down to the dining room and I ate, then just a short while after she started leading me to the conference room.
    "Why do I have to do this meeting?" I asked, "who am I even meeting with?" "The prince of the grass kingdom." Peppermint maid answered. "Grass Kingdom? I wasn't fully aware they still had a prince, or a running kingdom for that matter." I said. "Yes well, they have been quiet for a while. But this is exactly why you need this meeting, to get to know the prince more. The grass kingdom borders our kingdom, the Fire Kingdom, and the ice kingdom, and includes several other kingdoms inside of it, such as the hot dog kingdom and the goblin kingdom. The prince has been keeping all of the rulers of these smaller kingdoms in check, but now needs to talk to the people who run the bigger kingdoms. He has already tried talking with the ice queen, but we all know how that goes so he didn't get to far, and he's talking with flame prince tomorrow evening.
    "Why can't I talk to him this evening? I have school to attend." I said. "Yes my lord but, your kingdom is more important." Peppermint maid said. "Yes, I know. Oh well, let's get this over with." "Yes, my prince, don't worry this won't take to long, just an hour or so to talk over some tea." I nodded. "I prefer Jasmine tea, please." I said. "As you wish, I shall have it prepared for you both."
She opened the big doors of the conference room, and I stepped in, and saw the prince of the grass kingdom looking back at me, sitting at the long table with what appeared to be his butler. His butler seemed to be a grass person. (a square soil with grass on top, arms, legs, and a face, this one with a tux) the prince, however, was different.
    He looked to be my age, his skin was a light tan and he has green shaggy hair they looked like strands of grass growing Nicely on his head, he has green eyes and he wore a dark purple and black suit and a small golden crown with purple, pink, and blue jewels to top it off.
He was hot to say the least.
Like. Really hot.
He stood up. "Let me introduce the Prince of the grass Kingdom, Prince Aster." His butler said. The prince bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." The prince charmed. I smiled. "The pleasures all mine, prince Aster. I am Prince Gumball of the candy kingdom." I said as I took a seat across from him. He smiled, but his eyes were not smiling. I could tell he didn't really want to be there.
   "My kingdom borders your kingdom, so I thought it would be good if we got acquainted. Sorry if this troubled you in any sort of way." Prince aster said. "Not at all prince Aster, I do believe the same thing." I responded.  "Peppermint maid, please do bring us tea." I asked. "Right away, your highness." Peppermint maid walked off to get some tea. "Do you Mind of my butler accompanies your maid, Prince Gumball?" The price asked. "Not at all." I responded. "You heard the man, please do help our hosts maid with the tea. And do hurry, I am quite famished." The prince said to his butler. "Yes, my lord." His butler went off to catch up with peppermint maid.
    "I'm sorry, my butler likes to serve me everywhere I go. He asked me earlier if he could help prepare the tea." Prince Aster said. "No need for apologizing, it's quite all right. Now, shall we get down to business?"
We started talking about boring politics and Kingdom bis, like how familiar we are with the other rulers of other kingdoms, how our kingdoms can Benefit each other, what we plan to do in the future, and so on. The more he talked, the more I liked this prince. He seller a bit tight and nervous at first, but as he stated talking about his kingdom, he lighted up a bit.
We talked and drank tea for about an hour before it was time to end it. I walked the prince to the front of the palace.
"It was a pleasure meeting you, prince Aster." I said, shaking his hand. "No, the pleasures all mine, prince Gumball..."  He was blushing for some odd reason. "Prince aster, is something wrong?" I asked. "No, not at all! I was just wondering, if you'd like to meet up sometime to, how you say, hang out outside of....this professional setting..." He said. I smiled. "Yes, I'd love too. I can meet up with you on Thursday after school, meet me here." I said. He smiled. "Sounds good. See you soon, Prince Gumball." He said, and walked into his carriage.
I waved goodbye as he road off, and felt my hurt flutter just a little bit.
  That was the first day since it happened that my mind was thinking about someone else.

I'm sitting in Ashley's house after school on the couch, her head on my lap as we watch a movie called heat signature. "Hey, marshal. We're going to a party Friday after school at LSP's house. It's supposed to be huge, and we all know his party's are always amazing, even if there not fully to our style. So we're going." She said.
"We are? I can't go ash, I have plans." I said. She sat right up and started at me with an angry face. "Plans?! What do you mean you have plans?!" She asked
   I started at her, completely confused of why she was yelling at me. "Uh, yeah, sorry Ashley, but I'm hanging out with Fiona on Friday. I haven't seen her for-" "FIONA?!" She yelled. "that humans such a weirdo! Her and her creepy cat! You can't hang out with her! No marshal, we are going to that party on Friday. Understand?" I frowned.
    "Okay, I'll cancel my plans." I said. "Good." Ashley said with a scoff. "I gotta get going." I said as a stood up. "Okay, bye babe." She said, kissing me in the cheek. "Remember party Friday." She said before I left. "Yeah."
As I walked down the sidewalk, I called Fiona.
"Hey, what's up?"  She answered. "Hey Fi, sorry I got bad news. I can't come over on Friday." "Aww whaaat? We were gonna play BMO all night! Why can't you come over?" She asked. "Ashley-" "oh, that's why." "Aw don't be that way. She wants me to go to a party with her." "Marshal, can't you see she's changed you? You quit smoking, you stopped drinking as much, you stopped bullying and stopped being as evil forever ago! And now that Ashley's back, she's changed you! Your meaner, you smoke, you drink to much! Marshal, she's got you brainwashed!" She yelled.
   "Fiona, come on! Look I wanted to hang out with you, but don't take this in the wrong way. I'm just having fun. And she's not using me...!" I said. "You don't sound so sure. Marshal, I just don't want you getting hurt again." "Thanks Fi. But I'm fine. You should go to LSP's! We can hang out with the whole gang then." I suggested. "Fine. Still not happy about this. Still hate Ashley." I couldn't help but laugh.
    "I'll see you later Fi." I said. "See you marsh." And she hung up.
I couldn't help but think, maybe she's right.  She does treat me bad....
I just don't know. I mean, she loves me....

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