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School went by pretty quickly, but it was a very strange day. It was strange because all day I would think about marshal lee. Just like little things that reminded me of him, like the red apples during lunch. And my thoughts..... They were good thoughts about him. And every single time is think about him, I'd blush. Maybe I.....maybe I do like him....  I thought as I walked to my last class of the day. I started thinking about him.
    His beautiful eyes....gorgeous black hair..... Sweet smell of crisp apples.....those lips......that smile.....that amazing voice......
I blushed. Oh fudge. I like him.
    I walked into my last class, and  guess who was sitting in there. Marshal lee. He was leaning over his chair talking to flame Prince. I blushed. He looked over and saw me and my red face, standing in the doorway clutching my music folder.
    Music was my last class of the day, and I loved it. I've always taken music class, but marshal has never been in any of my classes.
Flame Prince saw me and waved. I forced a smile and waved. He patted the desk next to marshal, and it looked like it was the only desk open so I took a seat.  "Hey, gumwad. " marshal said when I sat down. I rolled my eyes. Such a jerk. A cute, cute jerk. "Come on marshal, don't be mean."  Flame Prince said to marshal. "I'm not, the gumwad  can take a joke, can't you bubba? Or did I hurt your Princ- " "oh shut your trap you albino shark." I snapped back. Flame Prince bursted out laughing, and marshal lee looked at me angrily. He looked cute when he got mad. Then I got a little scared. I've seen marshal beat down a kid like me for saying stuff that I just said. But, to my surprise, marshal just slapped flame upside the head for  laughing at him and turned away from me. He then said, "good one gummy", and he had just a hint of blush spread across his face.
Blush? Was he blushing because I embarrassed him? He would've just punched me. Even flame was looking at him, confused. Maybe I should ask later...
   "ALRIGHT CLASS TAKE YOUR SEATS AND SHUT UP PLEASE LETS GET STARTED. " the teacher yelled as the bell rang. "Welcome back everyone. I'm sure your all happy to be back." The class groaned. "Yeah yeah whatever. Ok, let's get started! Before I get started with all the boring class crap and bla bla, this is music class for crying out loud! Let's find out what instruments our students here play! Let's start over here and work are way down." He started on our side of the classroom, so flame was first. "I play the drums" he said. Then it was marshals turn, he sat behind flame. "I play the electric guitar. " he said. Some kids in that row went and then it was my turn. "I play the piano. "  I said proudly. The rest of the class then went by row. "Wow, we got quite the mixture of music here! So, I thought it would be fun if we did a concert to kick of the year! I will pair you up, and you and your partner will have to do a song together to preform at the concert. Sounds fun, right?!" The class cheered.
Oo, this sounds cool! I'd like to be with the girl who plays the violin! We could make some awesome music together! I thought. "Ok, let's see...." He started pairing people. " "um..flame with Levi, and....gumball with... Marshal lee."
Oh my glob
Did he just say I'm paired with marshal?!
Just then, marshal nudged me. "Looks like we're partners, gummy. " he whispered into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine and causing me to blush. And I knew he saw me blush.
After that, the teacher told us to get with our partners to discuss. I turned to marshal, to see him leaning in towards me, witch made me look like a red tomato.
"I didn't know you played piano." Marshal said. I nodded. "That's actually kinda cool. I'd like to hear you sometime." Is he actually trying to be nice? I wondered. I shrugged that thought off. "Yeah, you can here me play at the concert. " I responded. "Well we're gonna need to practice and stuff. And figure out a song to play. So I guess we're gonna have to meet up or something after school to practice." After he said that I knew I was blushing. This whole time I was blushing. "Yeah...-" "so I'm going to need your number....." He blushed just a little, "..if that's cool." "Sure no problem". I wrote down my number on a scrap pice of paper and handed it to him, and He put it I his pocket.
   "Soooo marshal." I started, "I have a question. " "hmm?" "......after I insulated you, why didn't you...punch me or something? I've seen you beat up a kid in class before for saying that. So...not saying I want you to but.....then why didn't you?"
"Because if I punched you, I would be hurting you." He said calmly. The bell rang, and kids started walking out of the class. "...and I don't want to hurt you." Marshal said. With that, he got up and walked away, saying, "see you around, bubba." And he walked out with flame Prince. And I was left there, with my face as red as a tomato and my heart bursting out of my chest.
He...doesn't want to hurt me....
What did he mean by that?!
Why does he make me feel so weird...
I grabbed my music folder and walked to my locker to get my things.
I don't know what to do. I wish I knew how he could he do this to me in a day?! My heart still felt like it was going to jump out of me, and all I wanted to do was hug him for some reason. I need help....I guess I'll tell Fiona...I wonder how she will react. Maybe she can help me....


Heres a pretty long chapter. Hope you enjoyed. There's plenty more ware that came from!!
EDIT: gRoSs I hate myself

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