Marshall's back

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    Marshal floated in like he owned  the place. All the girls said hi to him and all the guys waved or gave him fist bumps.  I just stood there with Fiona. Marshal wore a black my chemical romance T- shirt with a black and red flannel over top. He wore black jeans and black,gray, and red patterned converse. He had a light gray book bag over one shoulder and a dark red guitar case over the other.
"Marshal!!" Fiona yelled, running up to him. He floated Down to her when he saw her run up. I didn't follow. I heard her say: " it's so good to see you! I heard you got a contract for you music!" And he said, "it's good to see you too. Yeah, I'm pretty pumped about it." They talked for only about a minute until marshal looked straight at me with those ruby red, intense, beautiful eyes.
    See, I already know I'm gay. No question. I figured it out a long while ago when I found out Fiona had a crush on me, and I didn't like her back. I mean, it wasn't because of her or anything, but I thought about it for a while and I realized I never was that into girls. One thing led to another, and I discovered I was in fact gay. I only came out to Fiona and cake. I could never tell the candy citizens. But anyway, once marshal looked at me with those eyes, I felt something at the pit of my stomach that I've never felt before. It was weird. My face got a little hot too. Was I blushing.....because marshal looked at me? No, that's crazy. I can't like marshal lee! He's a jerk! Always has been. I thought to myself. Then I realized that marshal hasn't taken his eyes off me. Then I realized I've been staring at him this whole time. And he's been staring right back. Fiona was still talking, but I couldn't tell if he was listening or not. I also couldn't read his emotions. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. I wanted to know what he was thinking. Fiona finally grabbed his arm and walked back over to me. Wait, no that's bad! She's bringing Marshal! Oh glob! Oh glob! Why am I so nervous?!
    "Hey there, bubba." Marshal lee said to me. I frowned. "Oh, I'm sorry, hello, your highness" marshal lee said with a bow. I rolled my eyes. "Greetings, marshal lee." I responded. We glared at each other. "Oh come on. " Fiona started, "can't you guys just get along? I need someone to hang out with now that cake isn't allowed to go here, but no you two are my only frie-" "hold up". Marshal cut her off, "cakes not allowed to go here anymore?!" "Yep." "That's stupid". Marshal said crossing his arms. " I know, anyways you two are my only close friends here now so can't you guys just get along?" " I don't know..." Marshal lee started, "maybe if he lost some pink, and started acting cool, I could talk to him." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. " if he stopped being such a dingus jerk and started being more polite, then maybe I could tolerate him". I spit back, looking at marshal as I said it. He glared at me and I glared back. "Aw come on, you two used to be friends and junk! WhT happened to that?" Marshal looked at the ceiling for a moment, thinking about the question. Finally, I just said, "I guess we just grew apart. " "or something like that..." Marshal said. "Ugghhh, I wish you two would just flippin make up already." Fiona said. " I don't know......he seems a little to, light and good for me. " marshal said. "Eh.... He's a little to dark and bad for me.." I responded. Fiona sighed. Then, the warning bell rang.
   "Better get to class" Fiona said. Me and gumball are going this way." "Oh, I'm going this way." He pointed in the opposite direction. "I'll see you later, fi." He patted her bunny hat. "Goodbye, your highness. " he said with a little bow. He floated up and started down the hall. "Ok come on gumball." Fiona said starting to walk off. I found myself thinking about how beautiful his eyes were, and his dark black hair, his face, his lips........
And the worst part was
I was still standing there, watching marshal float off to his class.

What is happening to me?!

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