Paino practice

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Marshal lees POV
I woke up Monday morning feeling well. Time for school. I wasn't all to unhappy about school considering I don't ever do anything at school anyways, so I was pretty okay with going, considering how popular I am. I was excited to see gumball, too. Until I remembered what I had to do today, avoid gumball. I didn't want to hurt gummy's feelings, but I didn't want to be un liked either. This just seemed like the only option. I took a shower and got  dressed and did my hair, made myself look hot, and flouted downstairs. I grabbed an apple from the fridge and sucked the red out of it, threw it away then grabbed my umbrella. I wasn't sure if it was to bright out so I brought it just in case. I decided to drive my motorcycle to school, so I hopped on and put on my helmet, and drove to school.
I walked to school with Fiona, warring my favorite pink jacket and blue jeans with pink converse. I was excited to see marshal again. "Can we just skip school today?" Fiona asked, shuffling her green book bag on her shoulder. "No, fi. Besides you know I don't skip school." "That's right. You like school and all this work stuff". She was right, I've always liked school. It gives me a chance to be away from all the prince stuff and live some more, plus I love math, and science, and reading, and I take a cooking class. "Yes, I do happen to enjoy it." I said with a smile. We walked into the busy school full of people talking about LSP's party and other things. "You gonna go find marshal?" Fiona asked me as we walked the halls. "Um, well, are you gonna go find flame?" I asked. "He's not at school today. He got stuck in the rain last night. But he'll be fine." Fiona said.
That's when I saw him. Marshal was standing around a bunch of girls and guys, talking and laughing. A bunch of girls were close to him. Close to him. I didn't know what to do. "Uh, gumball?" Fiona asked, "you okay? You just kinda stopped walking.." I shook my head.  "Oh, sorry fi! Just..lost in thought I guess." I said, putting on a smile. We walked past marshal, and for a small moment, me and marshal locked eyes. He looked at me in the eyes and his expression changed slightly, then someone tugged on his sleeve and he returned his attention to them. My chest felt tight for some reason. I tried not to over think it, he was just hanging out with his friends. I'll be able to see him later.
                    •       •       •  
It was lunch, and marshal still hasn't talked to me. I haven't had any classes with him, but I saw him I the halls. I tried to get his attention a couple of times, but he either didn't hear me or....ignored me. I wasn't really hungry, so I decided to go to the old classroom to play the old piano.
    When I got there, I sat down at the piano and thought about what to play. I decided on moonlight sonata by Beethoven. I took a deep breath, and out my fingers on the keys. I started to play. When I play, everything just kinda goes away. It's like am alone in the universe, just me and the music. The notes fill my eardrums and flow all around me, like its a part of me. I hit every note with everything I have, giving it my all even though no one is around to hear it. I move my fingers on the keyboard fast, hitting every note right when I am supposed to, playing the music just right as I've always practiced. All I thought about was the music, all I thought, heard, and saw was the music I played. I finished the song perfectly, then wiping my forehead with my arm. I didn't realize how hard I was playing, but I knew I played well.
Then I heard clapping coming from the doorway. I looked over, and saw none other than, marshal lee, who I presumed was my boyfriend.  "Oh. My. Glob. Gumball. You are amazing at the piano! Like, wow. I can't believe it. You are extremely talented. He said, walking into the room. I shrugged. I didn't know if I should be mad at him, or if I shouldn't be, or what. He sat next to me. "Oh, glad you found time to talk to me." I said without thinking. I covered my mouth with my hand as soon as I said it. He sighed. "Sorry, gumball. I figured you'd be mad. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you this morning." He said. I sighed. "It's okay. I wasn't that mad." I said. He smiled. "Good." He said, leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, grabbing my hand to hold at the same time. "Where's your lunch?" Marshal asked, scooting closer to me. "I wasn't hungry. And I wanted to play." I said, playing a little Rhythm with my free hand.
     "What about you?" I asked. "I'm not hungry, either. I don't get hungry as much as you people do." He said. I started playing a faster rhythm with my one hand, as marshal watched me play. Then, I suddenly felt his hand slip from mine, and both of them pull my face to look at him. He leaned I and kissed me on the mouth, just a normal, soft, sweet kiss, until I pushed him off. "M-marshal..." I said, blushing. "What, am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend?" Marshal asked with I smile. I gulped, and he kissed me again before I could say anything. We sat by the piano kissing, and I liked it. His lips were so soft, and he was a good kisser. I felt his arms around my neck as my arms fell around his waist. Then, before I completely gave into the kiss, I pulled away and pushed him off me, and stood up. "Gumball..." He said. "Marshal, we can't do this here." I said. "Why not?" He asked, standing up. "Because we're in school!" I said. "So...." Marshal said with a smirk. He wrapped his arms around me and pushed my up against the wall and pushed himself against me, and kissed under my jaw by my ear. "Mar..." I started, but stopped. He kissed up to my face then looked into my eyes. "I'm sorry, gumball, I just can't help myself. You're drop dead gorgeous." He said, and kissed me on the lips passionately. Whatever. I thought, kissing back.
Go wild.


Whoa. That escalated quickly. I hope you guys liked this chapter, and I saw that some of you added my story to your reading list! Thank you That made me happy. Thank you guys for reading, there's more to come!
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