No flippin way

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After I got my stuff, I walked over to Fiona's locker. When I got to her locker, she was talking to flame Prince. I smiled. She has had a crush on him for a while now.  I wondered if I should walk over or not, but Fiona saw me and waved me over. I walked over and said hello to Fiona and flame, and flame decided to walk with us. It was ok with me, but I didn't know if I could talk about marshal in front of him. I whispered to Fiona, "I have to tell you something. Do you think I could In front of flame?" "What is it?" "It's about marshal. " she thought about it for a moment. "He's good at keeping secrets. Even from his friends, if another friend tells him to. If you feel comfortable then go ahead" she whispered. I wasn't sure how flame was going to act, but I seriously couldn't wait to tell someone. And he was cool. So I took a deep breath and I started the conversation.
   "Sooo.... Can I tell you guys something?" I asked. They both nodded. "Swear you won't tell a single soul? SWEAR?" I asked. "Swear" Fiona said. "Swear". Flame said. I took a deep breath. I ... Ihaveacrushonmarshallee!!!" "Uh...what?" Fiona asked. "English please?" Flame joked. I sighed. "I.......I, uh.....I have a crush on marshal lee. Fiona gasped. Flame didn't even blink. "NO FLIPPIN WAY DUDE!! That's so cute! I can't believe it! Wait. This is weird. I thought you hated him?" I looked at my feet and blushed. "Hold on..Fiona, how could you not tell he had a crush on marshal?" Flame asked. My head shot up. "You knew?! How?!" I asked. "Well considering your face was as red as I fire truck when you were talking to him, I could tell." I blushed and looked back down at my feet. "SOOO?? Why do you like him????!!!" Fiona asked. "I don't know... He's very attractive, an amazing singer, funny..... Even though he's a jerk to me, I know he's nice in there somewhere. I can't explain it. I just....really like him now...when I first saw him today, it was like, ping! Before today, I hated the guy. But now....  I don't know how it happened but....I like him." I smiled at what I said. "AAAAWWWEEEEE GUMBALL THATS SOO CUUUUTTTEE!!!" Fiona yelled hugging me.
     "If you want, I can ask him if he likes you-" flame suggested, but I cut him off, "No! No, it's ok.  I don't want him getting suspicious. Besides, I'm not sure I want a relationship." Flame shrugged. "Don't. You dare. Tell. Anyone." I said in a very serious tone.  "I won't, I won't, I promise" he said crossing his heart.
   My house was the first one we got to. I said goodbye to them and walked away, but I heard flame say, "Fiona..... Can I ask you something?" I knew what the question was going to be. Go Fiona!
Now that I think about it, the reason I was scared to tell Fiona was because she had a crush on marshal lee. I mean, she had a crush on me too, but after she got over me she started liking him. But, she did say a long time ago she stopped liking him after he pretended he was dying and said something like "admit it, your in love with me".
   I swear if he said that to me I might puke.
I threw down my book bag and laid on the couch with my phone and started flipping through Instagram. I was looking at some amazing cakes made by cake boss when my phone buzzed. The text message was from a random number. I opened it up and it said:
   Hey Bubba, it's marshal lee.
So you wanna practice tomorrow after school? I'll just walk home with you, or we can go to my place, I'm up for whatever. Just text me back or somthin. 🎸🎹
   I smiled. I thought the emojis were cute. And he wanted to practice. Yass. 
This is what I texted back:
Sure, sounds good. We can go to my place.
He texted back:
Cool. See ya tomorrow, your highness.
I rolled my eyes at the 'your highness' part, but I smiled anyway.
After a did all my homework and stuff, I watched tv until peppermint maid told me to go to bed. I snuggled in my pink sheets, thinking about tomorrow.
Marshal lee~
OK SO SORRY THIS was kinda a short chapter idk but I didn't really know what to do here but I'll probably write again today. I have so much stuff planed for latter in the story. Hehe.

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