chapter 58

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That last chapter I published by accident so it was not supposed to be that short, or it shouldn't have ended like that, so this chapter will be like a part 2.

I crawled into Nate's bed and immediately fell asleep, I was to tired to stay awake and talk to Nate about what happen earlier like I had planned to, plus I wanted to get as much sleep possible because we had to be at the police station at 9:30am.

"Hannah wake up" someone says nudging my arm back and forth. I slowly open my eyes and see Jack leaning over the side of the bed.

"Jack your home" I say and jump up as quickly as I could, but it wasn't very fast because of the baby.

Jack kissed my forehead and kissed my belly then locked eyes with mine.

"I'm so happy your both okay" He says and smiles. "Now lets get you dressed and head to the police station"

Jack helps me out of Nate's bed and changes me into sweats and a t-shirt with my nikes.

Jack and I thanked Sammy and Nate for everything, then got aboard the jeep and drove to the police station.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Gilinsky" A police officer says to us as we walk into a little room with a desk and some papers and what looks to be a picture of a woman.

"Let's get this started, you may take a seat" She says and sits in a chair behind the desk.

"Now we have a few pictures here of the woman if you would like to see" She says and hands me the first picture. My mouth dropped, I couldn't believe it was her, I passed it over to Jack, expecting him to freak out but he remained calm.

Cathy, I can't believe she tried to kill me and the baby, what kind of sick bitch?

After a few more minutes of talking with the officer she walked us out, we thanked her and went out to the jeep.

When we got inside Jack never said a word, just looked forward for a minute before he said "She is so lucky I wasn't there, because she wouldn't be the only one in jail today"

I wasn't quite sure how to reply to that so I just ignored it and told Jack to start heading home. I was so tired by the time we got home so Jack and I lid down to have a nap.

"Hannah, our appointment is today" Jack says as we lay awake staring off into space.

"I think I'd like to cancel the appointment Jack, I want it to be a surprise" I say not taking my eyes off the ceiling.

"That sounds like a good idea Han" He replies.

I turn my head in his direction and smiling widely. He leans in and pecks my lips.

"We're going to be great parents" He says still grinning.

*The next morning*

Pain shoots through my stomach. I turn over and the clock reads seven o'clock. I squirm around the bed until I feel that it's wet.

"Jack, Jack I think my water broke"

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