Chapter 7

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5:30pm, it's time we have supper.

"Jack suppers ready!" I yell from the kitchen.

Jack loves his food, he races down the stairs and sits at the table and waits for me to serve him his Mac and cheese.

"Man jack I haven't seen you text as long as this.."

"Really? Oh hah"

I wonder who he's texting that's so important, I don't want to ask because that's rude.

Jack places his phone on the table and goes toward the bathroom. Very quickly I enter his password and see he's texting Ashley. I didn't have enough time to read his messages because he was walking out of the bathroom door.

"Um jack, can I ask you something about Ashley?"

Jacks face turns red and his smile turns to a frown.

"Ah yeah what is it?"

"Who is she?"

"Oh she was an old friend of mine a while ago"


After I finished we were silent the whole time. A lot of things were going through my mind, jack having sex with another girl just because he was upset over something that happened to me years ago, that doesn't make sense. Does jack still love me?

"I'm going for a nap okay?"

"Alright, I'll be down here"

I slowly walk upstairs, I can tell jack is upset and watching every step I take. All I can think of is 'what happens if me and jack start to break apart'

I jump into my bed, I don't fall asleep just yet, I break into tears first. Jack can't leave me, he's the reason why I'm here today, he's my everything.

Slowly I drift away, an hour later I feel muscular arms wrap around me, I turn around to see jack smiling at me.

"Were you crying?" He ask confused.

"Crying.. Ah not that I remember"

"Hannah your not acting the same. What's wrong?"

"Jack I don't want to lose you. I love you, things have been rushing through my mind today"

"Hannah, I love you, you have to realize that I'll never lose you, we've been together for 5 years and this was the first time something happened, nothing this little will break us apart"

"Jack you did something with another girl"

"Honey to be honest, I never did anything, at all, and you know I wouldn't have"

"I really don't want to have this conversation, it scares me, I don't wanna lose you"

"Baby don't worry, you won't"

Jack kisses me on the cheek and rolls to the other side. His snores make me smile a little.

Seems jack dozed off, I decided to try and grab his phone. Of course I fail and fall right on top of him and woke him up.

"And where are you off to young lady?"

"To the other side of the floor.."

"Well you failed terribly"

"I realized"

"So do you want to watch a movie?"


Jack pops in a movie and turns off the lights.

"What's the movie?"

"The notebook"

"This is the saddest movie on earth"

"I know"

"Then why'd you choose it?"

"Remember the first night we started dating, you came over and we watched this movie on this same bed in this same spot"

"Awe I remember"

Jack jumps next to me and pulls me into his laps and I rest my head on his shoulder. About a half hour into the movie I'm drowning in tears.

"This is exactly what happened the first time"

"I know I'm very emotional don't make fun"

Jack laughs and tries to wipe my tears but he ends up poking me in the eye.

"Ow jack!"

"Sorry babe, just trying to help"

"Let's go to sleep"

"Okay, goodnight sweetheart"

"Goodnight jack"


"Hannah wake up!!!"

"What time is it?"

"7! Hurry our flight leaves in a hour!"

I jump up and haul on some sweats and a tank top, I apply some light make-up and throw my hair in a messy bun. I race downstairs and put on my white vans and jacks hoody. Jack must be already in the car.

"Wow your gorgeous"

"Jack, I'm wearing your clothes"

"Exactly, but you look gorgeous in my clothes"

I blush and turn up the radio, my favourite song comes on, dive in. Jack was an amazing singer, so of course he sang away to the dirty lyrics.

10 minutes later we pull up in the airport parking lot, the rest of the magcon boys were waiting outside. We talk for a bit while waiting for our gate to be called.

"Gate 27 is now boarding" the loud speaker announced.

My plane buddy couldn't be jack, just because of the seating, so my plane buddy was Cameron, something turned out to be bad. Cameron fucking Dallas has liked me for 6 years, every since I met him. Jack won't be impressed

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