Chapter 54

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It's been two months since I told Jack about the pregnancy, everything is going good, Jack is still going on tours but I'm attending every single one of them because Jack won't leave me alone for a second.

"The room is looking nice boys" I say standing in the doorway of the nursery Jack and Sam are currently attempting to make.

"How are you feeling?" Sam asks, I reply with a 'fine, thank you' and leave to go to the living room to finish my coffee and new novel Jack had bought me.

I get so into the book that I didn't even hear Nate, Cameron and Nash walk in the house.

"Hannah! I haven't seen you in forever, how are you? is the baby doing good?" Cameron says sitting on the couch next to me.

"Yes Cameron, thanks, everything is just fine, how are things between you and Julia?"

Julia is Cameron's new girlfriend, and honestly I wasn't a big fan of her and she wasn't a huge fan of me either but Cameron means a lot to me so I would never be able to tell him that, he thinks the world over her.

"We are doing amazing, thanks for asking" He answers with a big smile showing off his perfect teeth, which always make me jealous.

"Have you thought of any baby names yet?" Nate asks as he joins Cameron and I in the living room.

"Yeah Jack and I thought of some, let me find them on my phone" I reply. "So for boys, I pick Luke and Jack picked Connor, for girls i picked Angela and Jack picked Lucy"

"Sweet names" Nash says plopping on the couch. "I see they are doing good with the babies room"

"It gets quite annoying when I'm trying to relax, he starts banging on the walls or drilling something" I sigh.

"It'll soon be done by the looks of it, you just need certain toys and things depending on the sex" Nate says.

I nod my head and Nash suggests we watch a movie so we all agree and Cameron chooses Ted 2.

Half way through the movie there's a knock on the door, I'm probably the only one that heard it so I run to the porch and see Julia standing there chomping her gum with her hands on her hips.

"How may I get you out of this house as fast as possible" I say also putting my hands on my hips.

"I heard Cameron was here, sleeping with him or something?" She says walking past me to the living room.

I sigh and turn around and follow her into the living room, to see her sitting on the couch next to Cameron playing with his hair. I roll my eyes and head upstairs to my room. I try to avoid her as much as possible, we try not to argue around Cameron, well at least I don't try to.

I snuggle into my bed and rest a little because i haven't had much sleep the past couple days because of cramps.

I wake to the sound of my phone buzzing on the nightstand. I look at the screen and 'Mom💘' shows up. I smile and quickly answer. (H=hannah, M=mom)

M: "Hi honey how are you doing?"
H: "I'm doing fine mom, how are you?"
M: "I am good, so is your father, now I called to talk to you about Jack"
H: "Again mom, what now?"
M: "This Magcon stuff, is he still doing it?"
H: "Yes he is and he isn't stopping it either, he's getting good money and he enjoys it mother, thats what we both need"
M: "Alright but I don't think it's such a good idea"
H: "I'm feeling a bit sick, I'll talk to you later, goodbye mom, I love you"

With that I hung up, I could not believe my mom, she is always nagging at me about Jack not being good and mature enough to raise the baby, all the years before this my mother adored Jack, thought what he was doing was absolutely amazing, but now it's not good enough.

I never told Jack about anything my mother had to say about him, I really don't want to hurt his feelings, it isn't fair to him, Jack is going to make a wonderful father and I'm more than happy with him.

"Hey Hannah?" Someone says from behind the door.

"It's open" I shout.

The door slowly opens and standing in the doorway was Kaitlyn. I scream and get out of bed to hug her. Kaitlyn and Josh we're gone on a very very long trip, over two months actually.

"Oh gosh I missed you, come sit" I say pulling her over to bed. "Tell me all about it" I add as we sit on the bed.

"Screw my trip, how are you! The baby"

"The baby and I are doing great! I'm so glad you got home safe"

"Listen, you look like you need some rest, I'm going to go help Josh unpack, I'll see you in the morning" Kaitlyn says and kisses my forehead.

She heads out the door and I slowly go to sleep.

Life with Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now