Chapter 26

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Today is Friday, the day we travel to Detroit.

7:00am I wake up too see Matt laying next to me, it takes me a minute to remember last night, waking up to Matt wasn't weird Because he was my best friend.

"Matthew wake up! Our flight leaves in 2 hours!"

"I'm up, I'm up, go wake up the rest"

I hop of out bed and run across the hall to Nash's room, yell at them to wake up, then mahogany's room then Carter's.

By 8:30 were at the airport waiting for our flight to be called.

"Gate 81 is now boarding" the loader speaker announced.

We make our way to the plane, take our seats in the back of the plane.

Me, Kate and mahogany get the last seat, hayes, Nash and Cameron get the seat across from us. Carter, Johnson and Matt sit in front of us, Taylor, Sam and Shawn get the side across from them, and Aaron gets a seat with two random old people.

"Ladies and gentlemen please take your seats, the plane is about to take off" the flight attendant said, Johnson was currently checking her out.

"Well I'm sleeping this flight" I say putting in my earphones.

"As are I" Kate says.

3 hours later we arrive in sunny Detroit. Jack shouldn't be far behind us in the private jet.

A half hour later we are checked into our hotel that was already booked for us, now were on the way to the hospital to see jack.

"Jack gilisnky please" I say to the woman at the front desk.

"Room 232"

"Thank you"

We walk down the long hallways to the huge hospital to room 232.

One of the nurses outside our door said that me, Matt, and Johnson could go in first.

"Jack! How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine baby"

As I look around the room two girls who happens to be jacks nurses who look horrible.. Like sluts actually. Their just glaring at me, sticking their little hips out.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" I say walking towards jacks bed.

"Babe calm down" jack whispers. 

"Jack you have sluts as nurses, they didn't try anything on you did they?" I whisper back.

"No honey, everything's going to be fine, don't worry"

"Hey man how is ya?" Matt says breaking the awkward conversation.

"I'm fine bud, hey take care of my baby when I'm here alright"

"Don't worry I already got that in my head my man"

"Alright brother, and Johnson you too bro"

"Don't worry. Hannah's my world, anything to protect your baby"

"Thanks man"

"Okay get out little girl.. You don't need to be here" one of the girls said. I believe her name tag said jasmine.

"Yeah sluts like you don't need to be here with hot guys like him" the other girl Kelly said.

"Excuse me. I'm the slut, look at you! What kind of nurse wears clothes as tight and short as that.. At least I'm covering all my body and not all over every guy who comes in this damn place" I snap back.

"Get out.. NOW!!" Kelly says.

"Fine be a bitch.. Hoe"

I storm out of the room leaving Johnson Matt and jack in complete 'what the fuck' mode.

"What happened in there?" Aaron asked.

"If you don't wanna see any god damn fucking whores don't go near that door, two nurses wearing short tight fucking little uniforms, calling me a slut.. They kicked me the fuck out, them fucking jackass bitches"

"Wow that's a lot of swearing Hannah. Worse then when we were kids... #unnecessaryswearing" Kate says.

"She was a badass kid huh" carter says.

"Ya no, just them fucking whores piss me the fuck off" I say.

"Hannah calm down. One of them are only trying to grind on jack" Sam says looking through the window.

"What??? Sam!!! Move!!!"

"Hannah I'm joki-"

I push sam away from the window and look in to see on of the girls, Kelly sitting on jacks bed and the other rubbing all around his hair. In no time I swing open the door.

"Could you get your dirty fucking hands off him and do something sensible!"

"Could you get your bossy ass out of this room now"

"No I will not"

"Will we won't get our hands off our man"

"Woah hold up, your man.. No jack is my boyfriend and if you don't get you hands off him I'll knock you upside the head with my two fists, just because you work here doesn't mean that you can't be in one of those beds suffering with pain"

"Hannah please just quiet down, settle down everything will be fine" Johnson says pulling me away from the bed.

Luckily jack wasn't sharing a room with anyone because they probably would be scared right now.

"Let's take you outside Hannah" Matt says.

"No i have to stay here"

"Hannah please" jack whispers just loud enough for me to hear.


With that I'm out the door making my way downstairs to get a cab to the hotel.

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