Chapter 29

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Within 30 minutes I'm packed and on the way to the airport where I am going to say goodbye to jack.

"Hannah were here" Hayes nudges me as I awaken from a horrible dream... Wait this is real.

"I'm going to miss you guys. I guess I'll see you next magcon" I say smiling.

"Awe Hannah we'll miss you too!" Aaron says.

I give all the boys and mahogany a huge hug.

"Kate when are you leaving London?"

"Tomorrow my flight leaves, I'm going to Ontario to visit my aunt" she replies.

"Okay cool, make sure you tell her I said hi"

"Don't worry I will"

After a few more minutes of waiting, jack finally arrives"

"Jack!" I yell getting up from my chair.

"Hannah baby!" Jack yells from across the airport.

I run to him and give him a big hug, I try and be careful because I don't want to hurt his nose even more.

"Flight 292 to Omaha is now boarding" the speaker announced.

"Well jack ill see you in two days" I say fake smiling.

"Goodbye sweetie, be safe while I'm gone"

"I will I promise. I love you bye!"

I wave to the rest of boys and enter the plane, I take my seat next to a stranger, she was a young girl my age, thank god.

"Hello, what's you name?"

"I'm Hannah, what's your name?"

"My names Danielle"

"Cool, where are you from?"


"Really me too! Well I live there with my boyfriend"

"Oh awesome, who's your boyfriend, I may know him"

"Jack Gilinsky"

"Fuck no, are you kidding me?"


"Show me proof" she says laughing.

I pull out my phone from my carry on and enter my password, I look through my gallery and find a picture of me and jack kissing.

"Here you go"

"Wow you lucky little bitch! Hey can I get your number?"

"Yeah just put it in"

"Okay, so you want to hang out sometime?"

"Actually I left London early because I was really tired because of magcon so I'm home alone for two days without jack if you wanna go shopping or something"

"Awesome! Well we can go shopping and stuff if you'd like!"


The whole 3 hour flight me and Danielle talked and talked, mostly about jack, she absolutely loved him.

"Wait Danielle I have to take this, it's jack"

"No problem.."

I answer jacks call.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey baby, how's your flight?"

"Good, I actually got a seat with a fan of you"

"Good, what's her name?"


"Oh lovely, where's she from?"


"Oh that's great for you then, you'll have someone to hang out with while I'm here"

"Yeah, well were landing now, I'll call you when I get to the house, bye babe, love you"

"Love you"

I put my phone back in my carry on and pack some other things in there that i was also using.

"So Hannah, did you wanna have like a girls night tonight?"

"Sure, wanna come to my place, it's pretty big"

"Awesome, I think I know where it is.. It's like the biggest house in town"

I laugh and nod in agreement.

"Come on over when your ready, and bring a bathing suit cause I have a pool"

"Oh this is going to be great! I'll see you in like a hour!"

"Okay bye Dani"

We were now walking out in the parking, going our separate ways to try and find our cars.

Ours was easy to find because it was a yellow Lamborghini.

After 20 minutes of jamming out in the car I arrive at the house. I grab my suitcases and unlock the door to see a trashed house... I guess we never had enough time to clean.

I unpack my clothes and flop on the couch and call jack.

"Hey babe, you made it home okay?" He says.

"Yes jack I'm fine, how's your nose?"

"It hurts like hell.."

"I'm sorry for making this happen to you"

"Hannah it's not your fault, I was going to protect you no matter what happened"

"Thank you jack, well I have to clean your very messy house before my company gets here"

"What company" jack says angrily.... This boy..

"Jack calm down it's only Danielle"

"Your having her over?"

"Yes she's staying tonight"

"Please don't trash my house babe"

"Jack I would never do that" I say with a smirk.

"Alright Hannah, have fun watching chick flicks with your new bae.. I'll call you tonight. Love you"

"Love you jack"

Within 30 minutes I have the house cleaned and the coffee table filled with candies, drinks and a few movies set out.

Life with Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now