Chapter 37

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"Babe, babe wake up" Jack whispers in my ear.

I open my eyes to the sun shining into our hotel room. I look around the room, in the bed next to us lays Sammy and Kate.

"Good morning mrs Gilinsky" jack smiles.

"Good morning jack" I smiled back and kiss jack on the nose.

Kate shoots up off the bed and looks around.

"Jesus" she whispers.

"What's wrong?" I gasp.

"Nothing, I do it often" she says a little louder.

Sammy now awakes and jack starts to make breakfast. Kate and I crawl out of our beds and go to the cabinet to find some clothes. I choose a pair of skinny jeans, and a flowered tank top. Kate chooses black high waisted jeans and a yellow crop top.

"You girls look lovely today" Sam says as we approach the kitchen.

"Thank you" we say at the same time.

"Hey Hannah, come here" jack says standing up taking my hand.

"Do you mind taking Kate out today?" Jack says as we enter the bedroom part of the hotel room.

"No, I'll take her out, but why?" I question.

"Sam was thinking about purposing to Kate" jack whispers.


"Shut the fuck up or you'll give it away" jack snaps.

"Someone has attitude" I say quietly and walk into the kitchen again.

"Hey Kate, were going out today" I say getting a piece of bacon.

"Where? When? Why?" Kate asks quickly.

"Enough questions" sam sasses.

"Just because we haven't done anything alone for a while, so I'm taking you out, don't deny it, your going" I snap.

Sam and jack both raise their eyebrows and giggle, while Kate and I stuff ourselves with breakfast.

"Let's go now, big day ahead of us" I say pushing my plate away.

"Have fun today boys" I smirk walking out the door behind Kate.

Kate and I get into my Lamborghini and drive off to the nearest mall. We shop around for a few hours and we decide to get some Starbucks for a treat.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The woman at the cash speaks. She sounded and look very familiar.

"I'll have a small vanilla bean frappe please" I say and give her 5.50.

"Thank you, and for you?" She turns to Kate.

"I'll have the same but in large please" she replies sweetly.

Kate hands her the exact change and moves to the end of the line with me.

"Hey does she look familiar to you?" Kate asks.

"Yes, I was thinking the same thing, let's look at her name tag" I say staring her down.

She turns around to give us our drinks and when I see her name tag my mouth drops. The tag said "Kaitlyn". I know who this is.

"Kaitlyn, is your last name Blanchard?" I ask.

"My maiden name is, it is now Whitehorne, why do you ask?" She replies crunching her eyebrows.

"I'm Hannah, and this is Kate-Lynn, we were best friends in school, we were supposed to go to collage together but we got split when I moved here, remember?" I say a little faster from excitement.

"Oh my god, are you kidding me? I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!!" She screams waving her hands in the air.

"ARE YOU LIVING HERE?" Kate also screams.


"Kaitlyn. You need to stay with me. Live with me please" I say, heart beating from excitement.

"Who are you living with?" Kaitlyn asks now calming down.

"Jack gilinsky, my famous high school crush" I say smirking.

"You little shit, your lying" she glares.

I pull out my phone and turn on the screen to show a picture of me and jack at the wedding. Kaitlyn mouth drops right away.

"I'm defiantly living with you" Kaitlyn laughs. "But josh, my husband I'll have to come too, if that's okay"

"Wait, josh Whitehorne.... KAITLYN U MARRIED HIM!" I scream.


"You lucky little bitch" Kate says.

We all laugh and I get a text from jack.

"Kaitlyn, I'll pick you up at 8, after work, we have to go, emergency, see you later!" I say waving and grabbing Kate's hand.

As we rush out to our car Kate asks what's going on, I don't reply and stay quiet until we get back to the hotel for the big surprise.

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