Chapter 14: The Hangover......Along with a Lecture

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I wake up to find myself wrapped up tightly within my blankets and quilt. Wait a minute how the hell did I get here? As I was about to sit up I clutched my head in agony, urgh it was so painful. "Hey look who has a hangover from last night," I looked over to see Kerri sat on her bed reading a book, "Lucky for you it's the weekend otherwise you would be terrible for lesson," she put her book down and looked over at me and pulled a face and said "Gosh you look awful." I gave sarcastic smile and answered "Thanks."

I slowly pulled my legs over the bed, only to fall back down on the bed with exhaustion. "How bout I go to the café and get a latte to fix you up huh," I turned my head and smiled "That will be great thanks," she smiled opened the door to come face to face with Elsa. "Oh hey what do you want?" Kerri asked her. She turned around at me and mouthed 'What should I do' so I mouthed back 'Tell her I'm not here' I didn't want to see her to be honest especially since I'm hung-over what a nightmare that would be.

"I'm here to see Astrid," she sounded confident when she answered Kerri. Kerri turned back around to face her and said "Well she ain't here sorry," Elsa scoffed and replied "I know she is in there I heard you talking to her, so let me in," I saw Elsa try to budge past but Kerri got in her way "Well I don't think she wants to see you okay," Elsa looked offended I could see it in her eyes. "Oh come Astrid just let me in," I sighed. Kerri turned around and I just nodded.

She opened the door wide while Elsa pushed past roughly. "Okay well I will go and get your latte and be back as soon as possible," I mouthed back 'Thanks' to her. She closed the door and I turned my attention back to my twin. She looked me up and down and raised her eyebrow "You look terrible," that was the first thing she commented. "You don't say," I commented back at her.

She came over and sat on the edge of my bed. I moved over a little, "What were you doing at that party last night Astrid," I rolled my eyes and argued "Is that really the only reason you came here this morning." She slowly nodded her head. I scoffed at her "What the hell Elizabeth, is it a crime of me going to a party," then argued back saying "What! You remember what happened last time and you said you would never take that risk again!" again I rolled my eyes at her.

"Maybe I wanted to give it another go and besides I was going for Kerri not for anyone else!" I shouted back at her. "I know what you did Astrid, and it really hurt Merida!" she argued back. "Hey is everything alright in here," are heads spun around in unison to see Hayden standing in the doorway. "Oh great just what I need right now," I muttered. "Yeah everything is fine what do you want?" I asked him.

"I just wanted to say-," but instead I cut him off I knew what he was gonna say but I wanted to say it first "Last night meant nothing okay and so did that KISS," I emphasised on the kiss so that Elizabeth would understand. Hayden nodded but I could see some sorrow in his eyes and said "Exactly what I was gonna say." His voice was a bit cracked when he spoke. I don't think Elsa noticed but I did.

"No can you leave please," I turned my attention back to Elsa "You got what you wanted and now I want you to leave," I didn't stammer, I was confident while speaking. She stood up and walked to the door, but paused and turned around to face me "You know what since you've come here, you've changed," I replied back "No I think it's you who has changed." With that she barged past Hayden and walked down the hall.

I turned on my side to face the wall and felt a tear fall down my face. "Would you like some company or would you like to be left alone," It was Hayden I didn't even realise he was still by the door. I didn't answer him as I felt another tear fall down my face. "Okay, see you later Ally," I heard his footsteps walk away before I called out "No please stay." I watched a smile curve on his lips as he came sat next to me and cradled me in. I didn't reject I needed the comfort.

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