Chapter 46: Watch Your Back From Now On

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I was walking down the hallway with Kerri and we're deciding what we should today. It was the weekend which means torn away from the terror of lessons and work. We made our way outside and led down on the grass and looked up at the clouds. "Ally what are planning to with your life once you've graduated?" Kerri asked me from out of the blue. I sighed "To be honest I haven't fully decided yet, maybe the movie industry, how about you?" she huffed and mumbled "I haven't decided."

The sun was beaming down on our pale skin, passing heat running through our veins. "Can this moment never end," I wished and Kerri laughed. "I wouldn't wish too soon," the light was banished by the darkness of the shadow of people I wish never to see. "What do you want Roxy?" I opened my eyes a peak to look at the disgrace I somewhat needed to see. "We wanna know what you talked to Jack about because its urgent," I rolled my eyes towards her. "Please," I opened my eyes fully and stared her down.

"Is it just me or is the most stuck up girl I know pleading for something urgently otherwise it's gonna kill her," she sighed and mumbled "Yes," I laughed "Wow never thought I would see that coming, anyway what me and Jack talked about is none if your concern and most all why would you come and ask my, why don't you just go and ask him yourself?" She plummeted to the ground beside me and said "We already did and he didn't say anything to us like we thought he would, well more like he should," I turned and faced her.

"Should?!" My reply came out more amazed and sharp than it should have. She glared at me and I put my hands up in surrender. She shook her head, "Anyway it doesn't matter just watch your back that's all I'm saying okay, just watch your back for what's coming," and with that she stood up quickly and walked away, I sat up and called back "I ALWAYS WATCH MY BACK!" she waved me off and carried on walking.

I looked at Kerri and she just shrugged her shoulders. In the end we both decided to get up and leave. We were wandering through the corridors until I bumped into someone. I turned around to see that it was Jack, "Oh I'm so sorry Jack," he shook his head "No I'm sorry not looking where I was going?" Kerri tapped me on the shoulder and I waved her off "I'll meet you back at the dorm," she slammed her eyes and I did the same and she walked on.

I turned back to Jack "Aren't you gonna go with her?" he wondered confused. I laughed "I'll catch up with her later; I wanna say thanks for not saying anything to others about what we talked about," he shrugged his shoulders. "That's okay that's what fa-friends do for each other," I raised an eyebrow at him. "Friends? Is that what we're classing each other as now?" he smiled at me and replied "If you would like to?" I laughed and nodded.

"I wanna say thank you also, for getting Hayden to talk to me," I waved it off "Don't mention it, did you get to say to him what you needed to say?" I questioned, his faced turned confused and he just shook his head "I'm not sure I don't know he listened very well," I sighed "I'm sorry,"

"It doesn't matter it was his choice I'm just glad that I told him even if he didn't listen," I smiled, he had a point there.

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