Chapter 31: Who Did It?

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I was slowly getting better just the few scars and bruises here and there and that was it. The broken bones were all healed up. I hid that letter from Kerri I didn't want her to see it especially Hayden if I showed him he would properly flip. So I hid it inside in my diary the place where all my secrets are kept not that there are many in there to begin with anyway.

So there are two things on my mind, one: who wrote that letter and two: who drove the car into me and Kerri. My best bet is that they are connected with each other. But I can't figure it out I mean no one knows who did it because they weren't there......except for one person........Kerri!

I ran out my dorm in search of her. As I made my way round the corner at full force I collapsed and fell to the ground in pain, forgetting that I was still bruised and couldn't do much without damaging myself even more than I am. I was about to crash and hit the hard brown surface before my eyes until I felt this graceful arms wrap themselves around my waist and pull me close.

"What have I told you about taking it easy eh?" I slowly balanced myself against Hayden and let out a small laugh "Yeah you did say something like that...." he chuckled at my remark. He helped me steady myself up and looked me deep in the eye, geez those eyes they are so....I dunno....mesmerizing. "Now what you doing running round the halls at full speed it's like your training for a marathon." He joked.

I tucked a piece of hair out of my face behind my ear and rolled my eyes at him. "I think I'd die if I tried running a marathon thanks very much Hayden..." I joked with him. "Not if you trained and trained you'd be a professional," he carried on joking around. I just rolled my eyes at him again and began to walk away to be pulled back with his rough textured hands.

"Seriously what you doing?" he asked, he eyes whispered to me, he's serious you can tell him the truth he won't bite. I sighed and said "Just going to find Kerri..." he let go gently but now I felt naked without him clutching hold of me. "Must be pretty serious if you're running around looking like your trai-" I stopped him there. "Don't say it.." and pressed my finger against his lips.

"No nothing serious..." I lied to his face. He knew. He raised his eyebrows and I sighed and gave in again. "Okay fine, she and I were the only ones there in that car crash and she didn't pass out until a while so she must know who was in the car that hit us that's all I wanna know," then I smiled at him thinking that it wasn't as hard as I was thinking it was gonna be.

"Um you sure that's a good idea?" he asked me. "What's wrong about it? I mean if its someone I don't know then it won't matter will it!" and with that I walked away and didn't look back. Come on Kerri where are you? I couldn't find her anywhere so I ended up going back to our dorm.

<back at the dorm>

I fell asleep on my bed when I got back waiting for her to return. I soon heard the sound of a door opening and opened my eyes a peek. "Alright sleepy head," she laughed at me. Instead I groaned at her. I sat up and looked at her. But as I got up I accidently knocked my diary off the bed and it fell on the floor, almost revealing the letter. "What's that?" she asked pointing at the letter.

She was about to pick it up for me but I was too quick for her. Again creating a pain soaring through my bones. "Ow," I moaned. "You alright?" she asked I just nodded. "Anyway what is that?" she tried grabbing it out my hands. "Private, in my diary means its private business don't look," she laughed at me and collapsed on her bed.

"Where have you been I've been trying to find you?" I said to her. She sighed "I was out with James all day if you have to know," I just moaned again. "Well now I get to ask what I wanted to ask you? She looked at me deeply. "Alright then ask away?"

"Who was in the car that hit us Kerri?" she froze. She wouldn't move a muscle. "I...I don't know....I....I couldn't see them," her voice was cracking. "Don't lie to me please, don't say your not cause your voice was cracking," she sighed and lowered her head. "I'm not telling you who was in the car Ally you don't wanna know," she told me firmly.

"Umm Kerri actually I do," I challenged her. She slammed her eyes at me and said "No you don't," she challenged back at me. "KERRI WHO WAS DRIVING THE CAR!" I shouted at her. She stood up at me and screamed "IT WAS ROXY AND MERIDA!" I stumbled backwards. "That wasn't just it Ally..." I raised my head up at her. "Who else Kerri?"

She fell down and looked at me and said

"Your sister.....Elsa....."

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