Chapter 30: The Lucky One

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Beep......beep.......beep was the noise filling my ears as my eyes slowly started to widen open, revealing the bright white walls surrounding me, and a machine connected to me checking my heart rate. I moaned in pain as I tried moving but it was no use, there was no escape, I couldn't move an inch. "Hey, hey its okay don't try to move, you've gone through a lot lately," I heard this faint sweet voice echo through my ears. I was able to move my head slightly to see who it was. Hayden.

"Hayden...." I was able to get of my mouth. He shaped his lips into a small curve to express his smile. "What happened?" was the next thing my lips let out. He took hold my hand slightly. I noticed I had scars and bruise covering the whole thing. Well nearly the whole thing. He noticed that I was staring at it. My eyes wide open in shock, tears welling up ready to spill. He quickly covered it. That's when I glanced at my whole self. I was bruised and scarred all over, the beauty that Hayden once saw was now gone. Not that there was any beauty to begin with anyway (in my words).

My right arm was in a cast and so was my left leg. My right knee had stitches and so did my left elbow. I had bandages wrapped around my wrists trying to hide the scars which didn't work otherwise I wouldn't be able to see them. My back was in pain guessing I broke that two or that's just possibly bruised as well. What the hell happened to me? I was tossing and turning in the bed shaking, mumbling things that Hayden didn't understand, I didn't even understand most of it.

"Ally, Ally calm down its okay, its gonna be okay you just have to stay calm I will explain everything just relaxed okay I'm here with you it's gonna be okay," he kept reassuring me. He took hold of me to try and relax and ended up getting on the bed holding me in tight. My arms wrapped around his waist, my head buried in his chest tight, tears falling from my eyes carried into his shirt. Him running his fingers through my somehow soft golden hair falling down my back, his head buried into mine, whispering words to calm me down. I soon did and he told me everything.

Later people started to come; they gave me gifts and cards, asking if I was okay and get better soon. It was horrible. Annabelle came to visit my younger sister, Kerri was a bit bruised up but up and going unlike me, Phoenix came, even James came, and the only person who did come was Elizabeth. What's with that girl really? As time went by I began to get tired, Hayden stayed and still on the bed cradling me and stayed until my eyes shut and fell to sleep.

When I woke again Hayden was asleep with his head leant up against the side of the bed, he looked cute and funny at the same so I let out a small giggle. As my head turned back around to face the wall I wasn't facing one. There was this card with a box of chocolates. I thought for a moment, I guess Hayden got them for me since the box was shaped as a heart but then I remembered he gave me one earlier on, since he was the first.

Despite my bruised back and ribs I managed to reach out and grab the box and card. I moaned slightly as I sat back against Hayden. He turned a little but didn't wake up, which was good. I opened the card first.

Well looks like you live Ally Winters once again....Don't worry I will get you if it's the last thing I'll ever do. You take everything away from me.....Now I'm going to do the same to you. I guess there's a new name for you now 'The Lucky One' but not for long......Next time Ally Winters I will get you.....

Goodbye for now

I slammed the card down on the bed quilts and chugged the chocolates across the rooms on the floor. They made this huge noise. Hayden woke up startled; I quickly hid the card so he couldn't see it. "What happened?" he panicked. "Nothing, just bad dream," I quickly made up and excuse. Lucky you couldn't see the chocolates scattered across the floor. Once he was reassured we leant back into each and fell back asleep.

Who wrote that letter?......

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