Chapter 56: Help Comes Or You Help Yourself

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Kerri was shaking frantically in the corner of the metal cage we'd been placed in. Of course it wasn't an actual cage, but as it was rusted metal, it felt like a cage, since...well most people cage animals. Is that what they thought we were animals? I shook the thought out my mind; they just didn't want us escaping that was all. I was pacing back and forth in this "cage" thinking, all I could do was think, how could I let this happen? How stupid have I been?

"Ally please stop pacing, you're making me even more nervous," Kerri looked up from her knees distressed. "Sorry," I muttered, I went and sat down against the wall opposite her, but that didn't stop my brain my thinking. What did strike my heart the most...the most pain it was bearing right now was the fact that my brother left me here. It's not something I should be thinking about right now and I know that, but it's something I don't want to put in the trash and forget. He is my brother after all and I can't deny that, I can't ever deny that because I love him. I'll always love him, no matter what he has done to everyone.

So instead, I went back to thinking about why we were sent here? Or really why I was sent here, I figured why Kerri was here, she was leverage for me to behave myself and if I didn't play along she'd either be dead, or tortured, I wasn't going to let that happen, if anyone deserved to die more it would be me, she's had no role in this, not even from the beginning to there is no need for her to be now.

I needed to start from the beginning, from the very beginning, in how this all started? We were fighting to protect...protect someone...destroy...that was it not to protect but to destroy...something but what....what was it?... That was it, the experiment for them to have power over everyone, but when tried on a subject it killed- wait it killed them...I looked to the door and back down to the ground, back to the door, back to the ground. Oh no...I know why I'm here.

To test and see if they've finally got it correct, they try it on a life not worth Oh my gosh, no this can't be happening, I mean this can't be happening right now. I know I said that it would be better if I died rather than Kerri but if it doesn't work on me there next subject will be here and if it works I'll be there fucking minion. We have to get out of here right now.

If no one tries to get us then we're gonna have to find out own way out, even if they do come I'm still finding a way out for us because we aren't staying here a moment longer for satisfaction. My head suddenly perked up as a key seeped its way through the tiny key hole of the cage. Kerri tensed up awkwardly and I just glared as Roxie appeared at the door. "Come on Merida's mother wants to show you something?" she said gruffly.

"Do I have a choice in the matter?" I asked smiling up at her sarcastically; she made her way over to me looking really pissed off. She took hold of my arm, tightened her grip and pulled me up off the ground "No you don't, not really," then dragged me out the room. She started taking me down this hallway, the walls looked old, made of rotting wood, I mean I know this place was a factory but why made out of wood.

Maybe it wasn't a factory? I didn't let that screw with my brain but it did help me create an idea in how we could get out of here. I was thrust into a room, making me stumble losing my balance, I regained it and looked up at see Merida's mother. "Why did you bring me here?" I ordered. "Getting straight to the point I see, but looking inside your room it seems like you've already found out why you are here am I right?" she laughed in the pleasure of her evilness.

"So yes you are right, that is what we are using you for-"

"So you lied to my brother, you were never going to let him see me, you were just going to kill me in the end anyway."

"Well we found better use for you."

"I'm not a puppet, you can't use me as a toy to play around with whenever you desire and besides, I would rather die than be something you created." I spat at her. "Hm of course you would that's exactly why were doing it, you can go back now, when it's finally completed you will be of use to us again." All I could do was glare down at here as Roxie took me back to the room.

As we got closer and closer, I looked around to see if anyone was lurking our way, when I could see there was no one I elbowed her in the stomach hard making her release her grip on me helping me turn round and kick her hard in the stomach watching her fall to the ground. Lucky for me what I was hoping fell out did, I quickly grabbed it and stood back as she pushed me harshly back into the room.

"Don't you ever try that again, or something bad will happen you understand me?!" she threatened and slammed the door and locked it. "What was that all about?" Kerri asked me. From inside my wrist I realised two pins. "Where did you get those?" she asked whispering coming over to me. "I took them off Roxie's not so perfect hair of hers and this is our way." I looked towards the lock in the door. 

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