Chapter 17: 'Your A Mistake.....and You Know It'

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I stayed away from Hayden, I didn't want to look at him, I didn't want to hear his excuses, I didn't even want to see his stupid people he calls his friends. All they ever did was be mean and bully after that day and I was sick of it. They tripped me up in the hallway, chucked paper at me during class, pulled on my hair, call me names such as 'Geek' or 'Nerd' or 'Four eyes' I was sick of it, but I never let my hurt show. I just showed confidence.

Although this one time, this one time today they hit me down hard, but most of all she did nothing about it, and I mean nothing. I was sat in the lunch room with Kerri, Phoenix and our friends. We were all chatting and having a laugh, "Hey I'm just going to the restrooms," I told them, they nodded so I headed in that direction. "Ahh!" I screamed I fell to the floor smashing my glasses against the rock cold surface.

"Oh come on guys that's enough don't you think," a pair of arms wrapped themselves around me and when I looked up it was Hayden so shrugged my arms off him in disgust. I noticed there was something wrong with my eyesight, I took my glasses off and realised a small crack, no a huge crack within them. "Oops looks like we broke her glasses now four eyes can't see haha," Jack laughed. I glared at him and began walking away "I guess it can't be worse than what happened to your parents can it."

I stopped within my tracks and that's when the whole lunch hall stopped to look at the scene. "What do you just say?" I stammered. "You're parents, I mean come on their death, but first to start this off, you're such a nerd, you're a fool, you make mistakes wherever you go and Elsa always has to safe your ass." Fire started to burn within my veins while Kerri and Phoenix came and joined me by my side while Hayden had worried expression on him.

"Ally don't pay attention to him," Hayden was reassuring me. I stepped back walking away so I didn't have to hear anymore until he was calling, "Oh yeah and your parents, it's your fault that their dead, if you hadn't gone to that party they would still be alive right now wouldn't they. It's all your fault Astrid and it always will be!" that was it, he pushed me too far. I heard gasps all around me while he was laughing.

I skidded back around and walked up to him and punched him right in the face where it hurts most and kneed him in the stomach so he fell on the floor in pain then shouted at him "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENED THAT NIGHT, YOU WEREN'T THERE, YOU CAN'T GO AROUND BLAMING SOMEONE FOR SOMETHING WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW THE WHOLE STORY, YOUR A BITCH AND I HATE YOU!" I finished kicked him in the stomach one more time before running off.

When I left I heard Kerri shout "YOU ASS!" and Hayden "SHE WAS RIGHT YOU ARE A DICK AND YOU, YOUR HER TWIN AND YET YOU SAT THEIR LAUGING ALL THE WAY THROUGH!" what, she.....she was laughing. That made me run even faster. I opened the door to my dorm and smashed myself down onto my bed grabbed my parent and hung it close to my chest. I heard running footsteps coming down the hallway and the door opening.

"Ally, Ally look I'm so sorry," but it wasn't who I expected it to be. It was Hayden. "Just go away I don't want to talk to you right now," I cried at him. "But I did nothing-," he started "YOU DID NOTHING, THIS HAPPENED BECEAUSE OF YOU ALL THAT HAS HAPPENED IS BECAUSE OF YOU, THOSE THREE WORDS ARE THE CAUSE OF EVERYTHING NOW JUST GO!" I shouted at him. "Fine you don't want my help, fine," he stumbled backwards and out the door.

I landed back onto my pillow in tears and again for some reason that sharp pain came stabbing at my heart again. I was thinking 'Why did I just do that? He was trying to apologise' something was telling me to go get him back but then the other end was telling me no he started all this. For some reason I couldn't get him out of my head as well as the past events. I wanted him back for comfort, wait no what am I thinking. I was interrupted with my thoughts because Kerri and Phoenix entered the room.

"Oh Ally I'm so sorry don't listen to Jack he's an ass," Kerri came over and comforted me "I don't know what happened with your parents but I know that it wouldn't be of your fault." I cried a bit more. Suddenly Elsa appeared at the door "GET OUT!" I yelled at her "Astrid let me explain "GET OUT!" I yelled again. "Come on Astrid!" she yelled back "YOU SAT THERE AND LAUGHED, YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AND IT WASN'T MY FAULT AND YOU KNOW IT BTU YOU SAT AND LAUGHED AND DID NOTHING! NOW GET OUT!" I shouted and rose to my feet. I went to the door and slammed it in her face.

"Come with me," Kerri pulled my arm to the bathroom. "What are we doing?" I questioned her with tears still streaming down my face. "Look in that mirror, tell me what do you see?" She asked me. I rolled my eyes and gazed into the mirror "A useless, stupid, geeky girl" I told her. She shook her head "That's what you think people see you as, what do YOU see?" she emphasised on the you part. I gazed in the mirror again and said "Me," she nodded "What about you?" she continued "Just me, nothing wrong about me, just me being a normal person," she smiled "And that's how most people see you and you don't know it because you concentrate more on the bad than the good."

That put a small smile on my lips and she hugged me tight and said "Don't listen to Jack he just has bad eye sight," I laughed and we stayed like that until I calmed down.

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