Chapter 2

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It had been a while since I'd last stepped foot in his room.
His walls matched the dull cream colour of his carpet, but were embedded with the memories and secrets we'd shared over the years. And the antique furniture (much to his aunts taste) filling up the majority of the cosy room, remained their distinct, wooden, aroma, triggering the thousands of vivid memories shared with John at the sheer scent.

"Well?" I giggled, as I watched him stumble into his own room, falling straight to the floor beneath my feet.

"Stan." He burst, scrambling to his knees from the ground, much to the help of his bed to steady himself.

"Stan? Stan who? What about Stan?" I laughed, thoroughly amused by his hectic state. "Stan your cousin Stan?"

"You just said Stan far too many times." He smirked.

I pushed him gently until he fell back against his bed again, causing a few records upon the bed to fall to the ground beside us. "Come off it Lennon! Spill!"

He laughed lightheartedly, brushing himself down and rehabilitating himself to an orderly fashion. "He says he's found her." He gazed wondrously, squinting his eyes as he floated away in deep contemplation. I wasn't sure if he was just in reverie or if he was in need of his glasses seeing as the boy was as blind as a bat, but nevertheless.

"Yoo hoo! Oi Lennon, you still with us?" I teased, snapping my fingers in front of his face playfully.

"Oh sorry Sam." He smiled, finally slipping back to reality. "I meant to say that he found Julia."

"Lennon?" I gasped.

"The one and only."

"As in Julia Lennon, the mother of-"

"Yours truly."

He stared at me as though the news were of nothing of particular significance, despite having literally fallen to the ground in only recent minutes past.

"Well...well when are you going to see her? What will you tell Mimi?" I babbled, my mind spinning with questions.

For as long as I'd known John, (which had been a long time at that), his mother had never hung around. She remained as much mystery to John as to anyone else. Never had either of us anticipated the day we'd find her.

"Tomorrow." He winced, scratching his head awkwardly. "We're skipping school which is bad enough, but if only Mimi knew who we are off to see-"

"We?" I interrupted.

"Yeh! Me and Stan."

"You don't want me to come too?" I asked, trying not to sound as offended as I felt. I'd just assumed he'd have wanted me to be there beside him for such a big hurdle to leap, as we'd already been through so much together.

"Nah, nah Sam it's nothing against you, I just feel like this is something I need to do alone." He gritted his teeth, furring his brow apologetically.

"With Stan?"

"Well, erm, yeh I suppose." He said, sensing the awkwardness in the atmosphere. "Please, just don't tell Mimi."

I stared at him stubbornly, his hands pressed together pleadingly with a sort of desperation in his voice.

"Lennon, you've known me long enough to know I'm no snitch." I laughed, breaking the solemn tensions with a smile, and knocking his shoulder tenderly with my palm.

"Ta'." He smiled. "No hard feelings?"

"None at all. I wish you the best of luck son."

"You're the best love, y'know that?"

"Of course I do." I smiled, tossing my floppy, brown hair across my shoulder dramatically.

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