Chapter 15

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Sam's POV
"What a great way to start your career." I giggled, spinning through John's arm over and over as the two of us walked home.

"We were that good?" He smirked.

"Well I thought so. And the boys thought so. And the crowd thought so. Everybody thought so!" I tittered frivolously.

"What's up with you? Pissed on water or something?" John laughed. "You've not been near any alcohol from my knowledge."

"Oh John don't be silly." I smiled, slapping his chest tenderly. "I'm just happy."

"And why would that be?" He asked.

I paused for a moment, unable to form an answer to the question, having never considered the possibilities to the cause.

"Today has just been perfect." I stated contentedly. "From your preformance onwards, has just been life changing, wouldn't you say?"

He chuckled for a moment, obviously not fully convinced I hadn't touched any alcohol, which I hadn't, I was just giddy really. His face dropped moments later though, as he contemplated whether or not to ask me the burning question set in his mind.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with that McCartney kid, would it?" He finally said, furring his brow at me earnestly.

"What?" I laughed, having almost completely forgotten about Paul. Almost.

"You don't like him more than me do you Sam? Think he's better than me? More talented? Fancier? Even...even better looking?"

"John." I began to laugh in disbelief. "John, you'll always be my number one! And you should damn well know that by now! You're the best of the best John, a'right?"

He smiled at me again, my answer having obviously appeased to the reassurance he needed.

It wasn't a lie though. John would always be my number one, even if Paul did have the most dreamy, doe eyes I'd ever come across before....and an overwhelming smile....and the charm of such a gentleman, and-

"Sam?" John snapped. "Sam, you still with us? Earth to Sam!"

"Oh sorry John!" I chuckled. "Must have just got lost in my thoughts."

He laughed too, just as we reached Mendips, when I felt his body tense up beside me.

"Good luck soldier." I saluted him.

"I'm going to need all the luck I can get." He choked, gritting his teeth. "Kiss for good luck?"

"Sure." I laughed awkwardly, confused as to where the sudden yearn for affection had come from.

I kissed him lightly on the cheek as we hugged, John's grip becoming a little tighter around my waist than anticipated.

"Well, be sure to visit me tomorrow if you can." I smiled.

"You'd better hope I can escape the house after the storm I'm about to face." He laughed, before opening up the gate, and disappearing into the darkness.

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