Chapter 21

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John's POV
I dreamt of her that night.
In that dress.

I didn't know what was happening to me, but recently, I'd begun to look at her in new ways. I'd known her since she was a little girl...except, now she wasn't so little anymore. She'd bloomed into something so breath-taking, something I couldn't seem to get off my mind.

In the dream, there she stood before me, ever so attractively in the dress, and I couldn't help it. My hands and eyes were all over her. She was all that I seemed to want, and even after waking up the next morning, I couldn't help but wish it had been real. I should have really been quite disgusted with myself for the thoughts I'd had afterwards. All the imagery running through my mind of the two of us, the things we could do, but it all seemed rather inciting at the time.

It was only when I set my eyes on her by the gate as I walked out the front door, that I immediately felt the tension fizz away. She looked young, and childlike again; nothing seductive about that, right?

"Hi Sam." I smiled. "I see you've picked a set of more modest clothing today."

"Haha Lennon, very funny." She smirked, latching open the gate for me. "And good morning to you too."

"How is any Monday morning a good one?" I sighed.

"Well aren't you quite the glass half full person." She teased sarcastically.

"Yes Sam, I thought we'd established this. I'm a very optimistic person."

She sighed, giving me a tender shove into a shrub, before running away childishly as I stopped to brush myself off.

"Race you to the bus stop." She called, her unsporting head start to my disadvantage.

I laughed to myself in amusement, reconsidering the dream. How meaningless and stupid it all appeared now, now that I was here with her; a 16 year old girl who had still yet to reach the age of 5.

"Don't bet on your chances of winning love, John's a'coming!" I called after here, chasing her to the finish line.

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