Chapter 43

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As expected, John appeared to remember next to nothing of the night before, which I was more than willing to put behind me and pretend had never happened. Was there really much point in dwelling on nothing but a washed up memory to him?

That morning I'd popped round to check on him and greet him good morning like routine, only to be surprised he was already awake, dressed, and had one foot out the door.

"Where you off to Lennon? I was about to wake you up." I laughed from the outside of the Mendips gate. "No headache?"

"I'm off to see mum today," he smiled as he closed the porch door behind him. "'An yeh, 'course, but Mimi beat you to it and dragged my sorry arse out of bed today."

"Ah, I see." I nodded my head understandingly, taking a few steps back so that John could exit through the gate. "So I guess I won't be seeing you much today then?"

"On the contrary." He smiled deviously, stroking my nose patronisingly.

I wrapped my arms around my neck, intrigued by the devious expression on his face.

"What?" I smirked, as he tried suppressing his laughter.

"Just be ready by 8, will ya?" He asked. "Something nice."

"Gee, thanks Lennon." I laughed lightly. "You sure know how to charm a girl."

He took the snide comment to the shoulder, shaking his head with a hearty chuckle. I was surprised the headache he was probably faced with was not getting him down, and bearing a dismal mood upon him like usual. If it was so easy for him to be so lighthearted and upbeat like this, why couldn't he be like this all the time?

"You taking me out then?" I queried as he gently rocked our bodies back and forth.

He smiled silently, as though to tell me he were leaving it a mystery for me to work out myself. I sighed and rolled my eyes in jest, aware he wasn't going to spill a word to me.

Just as I was ready to let him go and see him off, he took one hand to my chin and gently lifted it, pressing his lips firmly to mine. It felt like the first genuine and sober kiss I'd received in a lifetime. His breath didn't even smell the slightest bit of alcohol!

As we kissed, I couldn't help but slide my hands from his shoulders, and up the back of his neck, where my fingers ran through his hair, gripping ever so slightly on the odd occasion. He didn't seem to alarmed or surprised by my sudden yearn to kiss him, and instead, casually pulled me closer by the waist as though thoroughly rehearsed beforehand.

We just continued for what felt like seconds, but was probably minutes, until it dawned upon me that we were both stood in the middle of the street outside of Mendips. I opened my eyes again and gradually drew away, only to be reacquainted with John's captivating, brown eyes staring me right in the face. His eyes were lively and warm, which were barely recognisable as I'd become so used to his tiresome and dull, bloodshot eyes, highlighted by the subtle tones of dark rings around them.

Our faces were still so close, and I could feel his every breath upon my neck. I bit my lip with a smile, only to readjust his thick-rimmed glasses which were now slanted upon his face.

He then released me from his embrace, which I was rather disappointed by as his warm touch had left me so cold, and gave me a final kiss on the cheek before waving me goodbye.

I still felt rather giddy from the experience I'd just had. After having put up with weeks of having such a sluggish and careless boy around, it struck me gobsmacked to have him turn so kindly like that so abruptly. Where did it all come from and how could I make it stay?

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