Chapter 20

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"Will you be okay getting home from here? I hate to leave a lady to escort herself back home." He squeezed my hand tenderly.

"Paul, I literally live 50 yards further down the street. I'm sure I'll survive!" I laughed light-heartedly. "Now get back on the bus and go home."

He nodded his head, and kissed my cheek understandingly. "Until next time Sam." He bowed his head slightly, before hopping back on the bus and waving goodbye.

I laughed quietly to myself in amusement, and began to walk home alone, only to find John waiting outside of Mendips as I passed.

"What are you doing out so late?" I asked him curiously, leaning nonchalantly against the gate to stop for a quick chat.

"Could ask you the same thing." He challenged me. "And you're the one all dolled up! Don't think I've set eyes on ya' in a dress before Sam. S'quite a sight, I must say."

I shrugged, feeling more or less back to my normal, carefree self again.

"C'mere, let me take a good look at ya." He whistled, taking a few extra steps towards me to open the gate and let me in.

I proceeded forward though the gate and gave him a sarcastic twirl, posing fiercely, and curtsying modestly in jest.

"Wa's the special occasion?" He smirked, stroking his hands lightly down my bare arms until they met my waist where they stayed.

"I'll tell you that as soon as you tell me why you're waiting out here in the dark." I smiled, resting my arms around his shoulders casually.

"Well if you must know," He said,  his hungry eyes still slightly distracted by my appearance.

"Oi Lennon, my eyes are up here." I laughed, smacking him gently on the back of the head to draw his attention upwards.

"Right right." He smiled, rolling his eyes. "I was actually waiting for you. Your ma' said you were out, and I thought I'd wait till you got back."

"How long were you waiting?" I frowned.

He shrugged as though it didn't matter, which I was more than relieved to see, and instead, continued to 'observe' my appearance.

"God al'mighty Sam, didn't know you had such sharp curves." He grinned deviously, licking his lips as he ran his hands up and down my hips.

"Too bad it's not for you, ay?" I laughed, making him cock his head to the side and pout.

"Who's the lucky fella' then?" He asked curiously.

"Oh you'll find out soon enough John." I smirked, removing his hands from my hips, and exiting through the Mendips gate again. "Now get some rest Lennon. I'll see you in the morning."

"Will you be wearing that dress?" He teased.

"Nope, sorry son."

"A different dress?"


"Then nothing at all perhaps?"


"Night Sam."

"Goodnight John." I sighed, shaking my head in amusement.

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