Chapter 39

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The next morning I braced myself for what had become my usual Saturday morning.

Stepping through Mendips back door and into Mimi's kitchen I fetched both a cold glass of water, and boiled the kettle to make a cup of tea, both of which the tea and the water I took upstairs to John's room.

Sometimes I'd think to myself, if this was really what I wanted in a relationship. Could I really see myself continuing to do this nearly every morning for however many years?
It often made me wonder why I still stuck by John. He wasn't really the same person anymore, and he never seemed to show he cared, so what was the point? Did I really care for him this way either?

"Morning sunshine." I winced with a plastered smile, setting both cups on John's bedside table.

He groaned underneath his covers, only peeping the top of his head out of them, where he was only visible from the eyes above.

"How's your head?" I asked sympathetically, reaching out to press my palm against his forehead.

"It could be better." He rubbed his bloodshot eyes.

I laughed lightly at him, stroking his cheek gently, before he snuck his hand from out, under of the covers to pull me into his chest. I fell straight into him, and he tucked me up beside him, wrapping the covers over my shoulders, and embraced me into his warm chest. It was moments like these which made it all worthwhile; when John was thoughtful and loving.

"I'm coming with you to the show tonight." I reminding him, gritting my teeth together at the mere thought.

"Really?" He asked rather surprised, obviously having completely forgotten our conversation from the night before, not that it surprised me much. "But I thought-"

"I can't hide from Paul forever." I sighed. "And anyway, it's not like I have to talk to him. I'm only going so I can spend time with you John."

He smiled at me, stroking my hair as he watched.

"I've missed having you in the audience." He said. "I like you being there."

"I've missed hearing you boys play. Haven't heard you in ages! I bet you sound far better than I'm capable of remembering."

John shrugged smugly, rather chuffed with himself.

"Well I'd best get you something for your head then Lennon." I said, whipping off the warm sheets, making John shudder.

He gave a slight "awh" as he watched me leave, but understandably, had far worse issues concerning his head to think about, and so reached out for his tea desperately.

"I'll be back later on to check on you John, but for now I've got some errands to run, so I'll leave you some medicine out on the kitchen counter." I called to him as I ventured further down the staircase.

"Are you gonna get dressed up for tonight." I heard his hopeful voice call back.

"Yes." I laughed slightly, picturing his intrigued expression.

"And will you be wearing that dress? You know, the one I liked ever so much?" I could imagine him smirking as he responded.

"Yes." I giggled.

"And this time, will it be for me?"

"Yes." I rolled my eyes.

"See you later Sam." He called once more.

"Later Lennon." I shook my head in amusement.

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