Chapter 67

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After spending the morning with Paul, eventually, I couldn't help but depart from him. A part of me was desperate to find John after hearing the sort of state he'd been seen in, and I couldn't bare for Paul to know that sort of information.

I'd never been the best of fibbers, but told him I had to nip into the shops in search of 'entities to ease certain female problems', and I'd rather he'd left me modest and with my dignity, which of course he had no objection to, and left before either of us became awkward. I was rather amused by his bashfulness towards the subject despite the rotten feeling eating me up inside for lying to the boy.
Though I suppose it didn't make a blind bit of difference as I never did find John in the end. Instead, I took a detour from my journey home, stopping by the park for a sense of serenity from all the chaos in life.

For short while I sat, and I did manage to acquire that, fascinated by all the lovely nature which surrounded me, like the delicate humming of the breeze, or the faint calls of the wildlife. That was until becoming rather agitated by the continuous squawking of ducks from the pond in the distance. It seemed they were in distress due to a certain disruption to their pleasant lives. Which of course after investigation, I could see was nothing more than Nigel and Eric tossing stones at them from the edge of the pond to harass them.

"Having fun reigning terror upon the innocent there boys?" I teased them as I approached.

"They're just ducks." Nigel shrugged. "It's not like they're gonna do anything about it."

"Hi Sam." Eric chuckled with a shake of the head.

"Yes, but who's to say that those ducks won't one day dominate the planet, enslaving all of humanity Nigel. You could be their first victim." I gave him a smirk.

"You're making me tremble Sam, really." Eric laughed sarcastically, tossing yet another pebble into the pond.

"Want to try?" Nigel offered me a pebble.

"I think I'll pass this time thanks." I shook my head. "Hi Eric."

I gave Eric a sort of earnest look when he caught my eye, and he furred his brow at me in concern having quite obviously received the message.

"You're not here to lecture us on the wellbeing of ducks are you?" He released the pebbles from his clutches, causing them to scatter to the ground beside his feet, and wiped his damp palms clean against his jeans.

I shook my head, and with a single glance towards Nigel, Eric managed to send him on his way.

"I'll see you in 5." He waved to Nigel, only to be responded to with a low grunt.

I couldn't help but chuckle, lightening the solemn mood slightly.

"Care to take a seat then?" Eric asked courteously, Paul obviously having had a very good influence on him, as he indicated various places for us to settle.

I nodded my head, and the two of us seated on a nearby bench, Eric still clapping his hands against one another to brush off the excess dirt on his palms.

"So how can I help?" He took a sigh of ease, leaning back into the bench with his arms sprawled across the back of the seats.

"It's about John." I bit my lip.

"I thought so." His smile slanted. "This is about the way he's been acting isn't it?"

"Yes. Have you spoken to him recently?"

"Afraid not Sam. Not since before..." He scratched his head awkwardly, breaking off from the rest of his sentence as though unsure of my response.

"Yeh, I know, I know." I rolled my eyes.

"How's he holding up by the way?" His eyes softened, revealing a never before seen expression of concern for his friend. "Is he alright?"

I simply gave him a feeble smile of sympathy, wincing as I attempted.

"Not too great then." His lips thinned. "And I suppose that's why you're here?"

I nodded, focusing my concentration on the duck pond again; the ducks having now composed themselves once more. I couldn't help but feel envious of them and their carefree lives. They always swam around so blissfully, so freely, so content with the simple lives they led.

"What changed Eric?" I asked him curiously. "What happened to the way it was?"

"The band maybe? Julia? I don't know." He shrugged.

"It's more than that."

"Well what do you think?"

"If I had an answer I wouldn't be here now would I?" I snapped at him, causing him to grimace.

"Maybe I should go and find Nigel." He narrowed his eyes at me in offence, his legs stiffening as he began to rise from the bench.

"No please don't! Eric I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just a little tense." I clasped my palms to his shoulders alertedly. "Please don't leave."

"It's alright, I understand Sam." He gritted his teeth, removing my gripping palms apprehensively from his shoulders. "You're confused. I get it."

"Thanks." I sighed. "I just want you to tell me what you think I should do. I'm in need of help from a friend right now. Can you do that?"

I looked up to meet his curious eyes. They softened again, but widened slightly in speculation of my thoughts.

"Sam, I can't tell you what to do," he tilted his head to the side. "But I can see it in your eyes that you have an idea of that yourself."

I nodded unsurely at him.

"All I will tell you, is that if you think it's what's best and will fix things, then I say go for it." He smiled encouragingly, unaware of the ideas he was praising.

"You think so?" I replied, still uncertain.

"Positive." He winked.

"Alright then, thank you Eric." I raised my eyebrows in an attempt to smile again.

"No problem." He patted my back lightly, already perched on the edge of his seat to leave. "Now I'd best be off to find Nigel again, good luck Sam."

"And to you too with finding Nigel." I forced a laugh in jest.

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