Chapter 4

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The first feeling after sating his bloodlust was guilt. It was always guilt.

Second Blood Oren's lifeless form lay at his feet, his stone mail smashed into his chest. Lesser god-spears lay at his side. Yulan held no weapons; his crafted god-spears ruined beyond repair. Still, these weapons were beneath him. Even at his lowest, Yulan stood above those who had died by his hands.

Even if they didn't deserve it.

He spiraled into the darkness. This man was someone's son, husband or father and Yulan had ended him for doing his job.

Each death was a stain on Yulan's soul. He knew it was self-defense; the men would have killed them if they had their way. It still did nothing to lighten the weight which hung heavy on his shoulders.

Yulan's first instinct was to look away; to spare himself the view. That was the coward's way out. Instead he forced himself to take in the details of the scene. For a dead man, there was so little blood. Other than the imprint of Yulan's attack, the man might have been taking a nap.

Yulan closed the dead man's eyes. He owed him that much. "May your ancestors find you worthy."

The pursuit force hadn't posed much of a challenge. The jumping knee that finished Oren broke the squad's morale. A couple engaged in battle afterwards, ignoring Yulan and rushing straight for Berius. His Wing hurled his rungu at the first, catching him in the face. The soldier lay on the ground, neck twisted at an unnatural angle.

The second was currently trapped under the curve of his Wing's ngulu. It was an executioner's blade from western Yua, Berius's homeland. The wicked blade began as a sword, before curving into a sickle. The arch left just enough room for the throat.

It was not the blue-threaded soldier that Yulan chose, but she would serve.

Yulan crouched next to the other corpse, closing his eyes and wishing him a proper judgment. The blessings complete, he joined Berius and the prisoner. He could see the fear in her eyes and the tears that trickled down the sides of her face. She did not expect to make it out alive.

"What were your orders?"

The woman held her tongue.

Yulan smiled and ducked to wipe a tear from her cheek. "I am impressed by your loyalty. Most of your squad betrayed you and the ones who did not lie dead at our feet. It was a waste of good soldiers, one I do not hope to repeat."

Her eyes narrowed and she swallowed. The motion pushed her neck across the ngulu, and nicked her brown skin. "Our orders were to search Inhasha and report on your location."

"Report?" Yulan rubbed his chin. "Second Blood Oren ignored orders and attacked, hoping to make a name for himself."

The purple threading in her dreadlocks glistened in the rising sun. She grimaced. "Yes."

Yulan didn't need the confirmation. The Yuan court was full of snakes who wanted him dead or discredited. "So my father has no idea where I am?"

"I am only a Fifth Blood and not privy to Yua's will."

"Guess," Berius spat is his deep voice.

"We stretch beyond our capacity," she said. "I would guess he does not."

"Then we are safe," Berius said. "Let us kill this woman and be done with this business."

Yulan rose and shook his head at Berius. "No. There has been enough bloodshed for a lesser man's ego."

"She'll just give our location!"


His Wing held his tongue. Yulan knew that the man wanted to continue and he would allow him. But only after he said his piece.

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