Chapter 28

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Leena had a good spot in the crowd, nestled in between a stocky man holding a girl on each shoulder and a woman in a yellow dress with black spots. The people of Ciudad Reina had formed a column on either side of the El Amor De La Reina's entrance, awaiting this historic meeting. Leena was close enough to watch Sakima approach with Zannick at his side.

Sakima wore clothes befitting his station, his hunter green leggings tucked into supple leather boots. He wore a fine shirt, a gold and green tunic with a gold sash wrapped around his waist. The royal hawk of Acadia sat prominently on his chest in raised golden threading.

A handful of Charged walked along Sakima and Zannick, with handlers dragging them by their chains. Every Charged wore sleeves with alternating stripes of blue and purple encircling their forearms and shoulders. They took up Sakima's slack, their chests and abs on full display for the crowd.

Hruh women in chain mail shirts and black rubber gloves pulled them by their silver chains, making sure they stayed just next to the two of them. They had the dual effect of keeping the general populace at bay and making sure the two of them couldn't leave.

The Empress of Hruh stood just outside the entrance, flanked by women in black robes with a wide silver cloth that sat on their neck and flowed down the front. Each wore a thick silver medallion with a number engraved into its surface. They formed an arrowhead formation at the door, the Empress at its head, the small numbers up front and the lesser ones taking up the rear. They were the Sabio, the learned elite that Zannick had mentioned, former Empress candidates who now served the current Empress.

Though Leena now wore the same silver and black robe of an Empress candidate, she had no illusions of stealing a medallion and impersonating a Sabio. She simply aimed to blend in with the Empress candidates sure to make their way inside.

She itched to draw up her hood, but that would make her more suspicious. Old habits learned in Acadia about covering your hair and keeping your head down conflicted with the plan.

The Empress of the Jaguar Throne was easy to discern in the sea of black and silver for more than her placement in the procession. Her robe was a rich orange, with black spots mimicking the animal from which she drew inspiration. Her sky blue hair was set into two large buns on either side of her head, a single strand hanging to frame her face. It was a style Leena had often seen with Acadian royalty.

She inclined her head just a fraction which in Acadian terms would be one you gave to someone just below you in the social scale, but still important. It amazed Leena because while Acadian relations with Yua were frosty, those Hruh were nearly non-existent. Yet it was obvious to Leena the Empress knew the rules well and meant to make Sakima feel comfortable, but in his place.

Sakima dipped his head a bit lower to show they were equals. He might be the Hidenka and in a foreign country, but he wasn't agreeing to the Empress's seniority. The common people watching probably had no inkling of the power struggle which had transpired.

The Empress smiled, her lips painted the color of azurite. Then she spoke slowly for the benefit of Zannick's translation, but Leena was grateful she did.

"Welcome to the center of Hruh. My (something) tell me there was a (something) near Ciudad Naranja."

Zannick whispered in Sakima's ear. Sakima nodded and smiled in return. "I am here to discuss this misunderstanding and discuss a way forward with our nations."


Leena turned to the man next to her. He and his girls were focused on the Empress. She couldn't twist well in the crowd, so she looked the best she could, but couldn't decipher the source. She had done nothing to stand out in the crowd, yet someone knew her name. If she wasn't mistaken, it had an Acadian accent to it.

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