Chapter 45

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Nine Years Ago

Turrent panted and the muscles in his legs and back ached something fierce.

The rendezvous point was a piece of forest off the main road. When he'd made it there, Scout was there waiting, but there was no sign of Hebi or Kaizoku. He had removed his black bandana and his hair engulfed his face, obscuring his features. He was already a hard read, but the darkness of night it that impossible.

Scout presented a blue and red cloth, like the shirt Kaizoku wore. It meant they'd returned to base. As if reading Turrent's mind, Scout spoke.

"My guess is that they tired of waiting," Scout said. "What took you so long?"

"You can't walk down the streets with a whimpering child on your back."

"You could if you shut her up like I asked."

Turrent looked away. He had a point.

"So what's this plan of yours?" Turrent asked. "Don't feed me any nonsense about secret orders given only to you."

Scout licked his lips. "Lord Okkai wants her to live, but there's another contract that wants her dead."

She shrieked and Scout stepped towards the little girl.

Turrent cut off his path.



"Then shut her up!" Scout snapped.

Turrent knelt down to the little girl, still clutching the sheet around her frame. "Look, I need you to be quiet."

"So you can kill-?"

Scout darted forward and booted her in the back of the head, this time too quick for Turrent to stop him.

Turrent shoved Scout away from the girl's now limp body. "What in Gaia's Tits are you doing?"

"She had to be silenced," Scout said, the shadows and hair obscuring his already unreadable face. "What is the matter with you, Edward?"

"It's a little girl!" Turrent replied, regretting the words as they left his lips.

No emotions, Edward.

Turrent held up his hand. "You're right, Scout. That was the right move."

Scout stared at Turrent, his hands inching towards his short swords, so Turrent did the same, wondering what was going through Scout's mind at the moment. He'd argued with him since they found the girl and now that he agreed with him, he looked ready to attack him.

Scout's hands hovered over the hilts, but after a few moments he relaxed them at his sides.

"There are Elders who want us to fail," Scout said. "You and I are just pawns in a bigger struggle for power. We can't just not kill her; we need to take her to Lord Okkai."

"We?" Turrent asked. "How did you find out?"

Scout gave him a sidelong glance.

"Okay, you're the great and wonderful Scout and gathering information is your talent. Why didn't you tell us before?"

No glance this time. Scout looked into the distance, leaving Turrent's question hanging in the air.

It finally clicked for Turrent.

"You weren't going to tell me. That's why you sent me to kill Lady Diadra. You were going to find the girl and sneak away on your own."

Scout remained silent, his refusal to answer proof enough for Turrent.

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