Chapter 11

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"Alaina, thank you, but you can stop now."

Sabin waved away the book that Alaina held in front of his face. He still couldn't see color; everything was in varying shades of gray. But that was much better than the pure white it had been when the day started.

In exchange, his other senses were heightened. From where he sat on the plush, fibrous rug, he could hear the crinkle as Turrent unrolled a piece of paper. Could feel the vibrations as Sakima tapped his feet. He hadn't noticed the sense exchange in his initial panic, but he was certain now that they were dulling as more of his vision returned.

He would consider that in more detail later.

At the moment, he had a lot on his mind. He'd felt so many emotions on that battlefield. He'd put on a brave face in front of the others, but he was frightened.

It was less the content, but the feeling of clarity.

"When the Dragon and Phoenix war in the skies, the land burns beneath and the Serpent reigns."

In the middle of the desert, he and Yulan fought each other. The combined strength burned a hole through the sky and pure destruction rained. The cries of agony around him pierced the air, but he ignored them all. He was so content in his rage that he fed from it and fought harder.

He fought until he became the scaled creature which adorned his back. His silver wings glittered in the sunlight and his thick wings flapped into the sky.

Yulan of all people, tried to shield the populace from danger. He turned into the phoenix that adorned his chest, his wings spread over the land below and with each strike, his golden and red feathers fell to the earth.

It made no sense.

Yet if he were to believe his vision was true, two things were clear. One, Yulan was still alive, despite Leena's report of what he'd done to the man. Sabin hadn't recalled what happened, but she told him he'd driven his fist through Yulan's chest with such impact that he'd shot into the sky.

Two, there was a monster inside of him. And if he did not get it under control, he would hurt a lot of innocent people.

He was not inclined to forgive his blood brother. His true love Kianna had almost died by the man's spear. The rage at the thought had nothing to do with the Blood or whatever Yuans called it, that flowed through his veins as the second son of Yua. He would kill the man if he ever saw him again.

His mentor, Ira, had saved Kianna life, but the return from the brink had left Kianna's mind broken. She couldn't remember him or the time they'd spent together. As heartbreaking as it was, it was greatly preferable to what could have been.

And she was pregnant. Which meant that Sabin would be a father soon.

Some days, he wasn't sure what scared him more.


He blinked as Alaina got his attention. She huffed and snapped the book she'd been showing him closed. In that moment, with the way she scrunched her face in irritation, was so much like her older sister. He couldn't help but grin.

She smiled back, his transgression forgiven, and reached into her satchel. She pulled out one of those tan notebooks of hers and began to jot down notes.

I know it's tan, even though I can't see the color.

Another problem plagued him concerning Alaina. She deserved to know Kianna was alive.

Sabin sighed. How do you tell someone their sister, who they think is dead, is actually alive but doesn't remember you?

That's not something you just drop in conversation. "Hey Alaina, you remember your sister who died saving my life? Well she's alive, pregnant with my child and thinks Alaina is a nice name, but doesn't recall having a sister or a boyfriend."

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