Chapter 31

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Electricity crackled in the air and caressed her skin, yet Leena was sure it didn't come from the Charged in the room.

This was all wrong. She suspected the Empress might know, but to stop her in this way was beyond cruel.

If this woman hurt Sakima, I will rip her and this country apart.

"What have you done with Sakima and Zannick?" Leena asked.

The Empress tapped the armrest of her chair, her shiny blue nails creating a rhythmic clack. "Sakima is safe. It would not serve me to antagonize you or the KoHeika without cause."

"You mean Heika?"

The Empress adjusted in her chair. "Yes, of course. I misspoke."

"And Zannick?"

"That is another story girl, one in which you hold but a secondary role. He knew coming into El Amor de la Reina was a one-way trip."

Leena clenched her fists. Zannick was a jerk, but he'd held to his word. She wouldn't leave him to this woman's mercy.

She took another look around the room. There were two Hruh-yite warriors in chainmail and two Charged who looked as though they wanted to rip her apart. Lastly, there was the Empress and whoever shifted in that bed.

Of the six people, it was the Empress's presence which unnerved Leena the most. If she were as smart as Zannick claimed, she'd have to know Leena's abilities. Yet she gave away her leverage in Sakima's well-being without flinching. Unless the person in the bed was some enhanced soldier greater than these Charged.

Or a Guan.

Leena summoned an ice spike in her hand, the frost from it wisping in the humid air. "I'll ask once more. Is Zannick safe?"

The Empress smoothed her dress, the image of composed. "Relax, girl. He is unhurt."

Leena narrowed her eyes. This woman was much too confident given that she'd locked herself with someone who could kill her without much effort.

Perhaps this is a body double? And the real Empress is elsewhere? That would make more sense.

Leena exhaled through her nose. There were too many variables for her calculations to be accurate. So she took another deep breath and stood up straight.

Remove the uncertainties.

"I thought you might know our plans, Empress. Why the subterfuge if you planned to cooperate?"

The Empress nodded. "Curiosity. I wanted to test your capabilities. You used more brute force than I expected, but a wise woman uses all the tools she has."

So she wants to make a deal and seeks to use Sakima and Zannick to influence my compliance? What can I offer that Sakima cannot?

"What do you want?"

The Empress rose to her feet and her jaguar dress caressed the gray floor. The Charged fought at their chains and strained to get in front of her. It was a few moments until their handlers got them under control. When the Empress smirked at Leena, the look felt oddly familiar.

"I don't want anything from you," the Empress said. "In fact, I want to offer you a job."

Leena blinked.

That was unexpected.

The Empress sighed. "The Empress exam has formed its own aristocracy. While in theory it is a great equalizer, in practice the same families tend to trade places in power. I came from nothing. I am the anomaly I wish to make the rule."

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