Chapter 48

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Nine Years Ago

After the pyre had ended and everyone had returned to their rooms, the gathering hall still smelled of fire, ash and death. The younger Initiates had cleaned up Scout's remains, but the chalky taste still lingered on his tongue.

He found Reppin later that night, had stayed behind, overseeing the whole ordeal.

This man had cost him a friend and put a giant target on his back in one move. He needed to know why.

"What in Gaia's Tits was that about?" Turrent snapped.

Reppin shrugged and calmly removed Turrent's hand. "Touch me again like that boy and I will flay you where you stand."

Turrent squared his shoulders and moved his hands to the short swords on his back.

Scout's swords.

Reppin raised an eyebrow. "Can you even use those Nameless?"

Turrent snickered. Here he was, trying to find out why Reppin had done this to him and the man wanted to joke about his abilities. Then he laughed. Hard, doubling over and clutching his stomach. When he wiped the tears from his eyes, Reppin stared at him as if he'd lost his mind.

Maybe I have.

"You know, I think I understand now what you taught us. You said that some men love to kill. Those will never make good Tsuchinans for they care too much about their work. Others break, as they aren't made to take lives."

"Is that-?"

"I'm not finished," Turrent snapped. And much to his surprise, Reppin went silent.

"The third type you said would be the best Tsuchinans because after being broken you could mold them into something better."

Reppin struck at Turrent with his open hand. It was a blow that found its mark more times than Turrent could count, but today he dodged it. The back draft of Reppin's hand caressed his nose.

He couldn't hurt me if he wanted.

Turrent smiled at the frown that crossed Reppin's face. "I think I just learned of a fourth type. Like Scout. Like me. Those that realize that this is a game and those who survive as long as you have just learned how to play it."

Reppin observed his hand as if it was something he'd only now discovered. "What is your point, Nameless?"

"I know you're the one who put Scout up to it."

They stood there silently, neither one uttering a word. Turrent thought sweat trickled down Reppin's brow, but he couldn't be sure.

It was Reppin who broke first. "What do you want?"

What do I want?

"You're going to be my handler Elder Reppin. I might not be able to get out of the Blood Oath, but I choose my own jobs. If I get something I don't like, you'll convince the Elders to give it to someone else."

Reppin nodded. "And what of your partner? How do you think he or she will feel about this?"

"I don't want a partner."

Reppin folded his arms. "That's unprecedented. Every Tsuchinan is given a partner. And if one dies-" He bit off his sentence and shrugged. "If you want to get yourself killed, I won't stop you."

Turrent tapped the swords on his waist. "You're going to help with that too."


"You're going to teach me how to use these things. Like you taught Scout."

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