NSP 3: El Verdugo Vainilla

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"L is for the love between us.
"E is our energy, always in surplus.
"E is how you embody the goddess.
"N is never losing our focus.
"A is my heart, always chivalrous."

He pulled a curved knife from its sheath and the blue-haired Hruh-yite woman gave a muffled scream.

"Is it the last line? I'm not sold on it myself. It lacks a certain... charm."

Here in Los Pozos, one of the poorer sections of Ciudad Reina, men and women went missing all the time and no one cared. In fact, he'd often heard people remark how the district was better with the serial killer was roaming the streets. Much safer.

He'd paid Nieve Cartel good money to use this den of theirs. They'd tried to extort more from him, so he agreed and after a couple of people died mysterious deaths, suddenly they were more cooperative and their fees dropped. And that was good. Shannon's stash was quite substantial, but it wasn't endless.

It was the one good thing that came from the Seris Incident.

His victim's limbs were splayed across a wooden, star-shaped crucifix. His grip strength was weak and couldn't hold more than a knife, but the cocaína had kept her high enough for him to cut the ligaments at her elbows and knees without her knowing. She wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight.

He pushed the blue hair out of her face and stroked her bronze colored cheek. "Leena, my love, why do you look at me with such horror? Do you think I would harm you?"

Tears streaked down her face, but she shook her head no.

He rubbed his hair, the jagged blonde mess that used to be long and full, before she hurt him in Seris. "You're wrong. I'm going to cut your adulterous sins into your flesh and drink your cries of penance."

Her blue eyes widened and she screamed. She struggled with her rope bonds and screamed again. He imagined the pain lacing up her arms. Her skin was already blistered and raw around her wrists and ankles.

You will pay for what you did to me Leena.

He reached into his tin bucket of white and green cream and slathered it over her joints. It was thick with vanilla and mint to mask its medicinal smell. "I wouldn't want you to get an infection my love."

She flinched every time he touched her. It would not be long before her drug high subsided. He wanted her to feel everything that was to come.

He folded his arms. This was always the hardest part. The waiting.

"To Gaia's cunt with waiting."

He slashed the ropes holding her ankles and then the ones on her wrists. Last, he cut the robe around her waist. She crumpled to the floor, sobbing.

He yanked her upright by her hair and pointed to the twisted mass of flesh that used to be his handsome face.

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