Chapter 41

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Alaina took the packet of food, wrapped in thick green leaves and white string, from Yulan. However, she hadn't had an appetite since Terrick's death.

Sabin had made a comment once before about her, saying that she refused to kill, and justified her stance by ignoring the necessary actions of the others. Even though he said it in anger, it had rung true then as it did now. She had seen others kill, yet she couldn't, even when it seemed like the right choice.

Yesterday, she didn't have the others to pick up her slack.

Yesterday, Terrick died.

Her refusal to kill had cost his life. And in the end, Yulan had killed Fatima for her. The person she couldn't kill, who she knew needed to die to save her friends had died anyway.

She wiped the corners of her eyes.

What was the point? She thought. What did I accomplish?

She'd followed Disa's wishes, retrieving their things and leaving with Yulan.

Unfortunately, her things included a suddenly chatty whip.

Wade's words would have been helpful, if they had been timely. Yet with him in Disa's home, she was left to her own devices and made the wrong decision.

The people of Affil, however, treated them like heroes.

They treat Yulan like a hero, she corrected herself.

Nearly every step, they encountered a family with bowed heads and green packages for the two of them. The first few had tried talking to them, but they soon stopped, simply lowering their heads and giving them the container of rice, vegetables and meat. Yulan's actions in fixing the girl had saved them. Alaina was confident they could even find a place to stay if they liked, but she didn't feel like she deserved it.

So they walked until the night fell, then they slept in the grass.

The enchantment surrounding her dress, the one that kept it so white despite her travel, had started to fade. It was dingy, with green streaks from the earth. She would change it as soon as she could.

I am no longer a dove. I don't know what I am.

She wasn't even sure if they were headed in the right direction. She simply wanted to be as far away from Disa and the ghost of Terrick as possible. She owed the woman that much.

Yulan looked much better than before. He was still not at one hundred percent, but he was not on the edge of death. He burned the leaves from his packet of food, letting the ash float in the wind.

She looked at her leafy container, resisting the urge to vomit. Not at the food, she was sure the food was fine. It just felt wrong to be standing here, whole and alive.

Alaina thrust it back into Yulan's hands. "You need this more than I do."

Greed momentarily flitted across his face. He very clearly wanted the food, but he hesitated.

"You need to eat Wind Witch," Yulan said.

"I will eat the next gift," Alaina lied.

Yulan nodded and unwrapped the string, eating his fill with little decorum.

We will leave immediate area soon, away from those who knew of Yulan's deeds. What then? How will we survive?

It seemed such a silly comment. They were Seriens, chosen warriors of the god Schewa. All they had to do was flash a little magic and the people would flock to their aid.

They were humanity's saviors.

They were murders.

Alaina shook her head.

He eats as if the weight of the life he took meant nothing on his conscience.

"Are you okay?" Yulan asked.

Alaina jumped, surprised at Yulan's words. He no longer held his second meal and Alaina was not sure how long he'd been trying to get her attention.

She nodded again and his eyebrows furrowed. He was going to lecture her soon. She could tell.

Before Yulan could start, a brilliant flash of light entered her vision, steps in front of them. She shielded her eyes, groaning inwardly. The last thing she wanted to do was explain to Brother Sabin how badly they had screwed up.

He would forgive and tell her it wasn't her fault.

She didn't want to hear that.

"He will understand," Wade's soft voice urged.

Alaina gritted her teeth. She could empathize with Sabin's hatred of this weapon. It was always so sure of the correct path. What angered her most is that she knew on some level he was right.

She blinked the spots from her eyes, taking in Sabin's gaudy silver pants and black cloak. They were gifts to him from First Blood Ira, like her dove dresses. She'd liked their hero clothes before, but now they felt mocking and false.

"Yusabin," Yulan said, pulling his eyes from Alaina. "You are done with your investigation?"

"Not quite," Sabin said, flexing his hands. He squinted and looked around. "Where are you? Where's Terrick? Did something happen?"

"Terrick is-" Yulan started.

"Fine," Alaina interrupted. "He is fine. Lan and I were just going for a walk."

Yulan gave her a sidelong glance, but otherwise did not correct her.

"With all your things?" Sabin asked, his eyebrow raised.

"Do you not trust the words of the Wind Witch?" Yulan asked. He folded his arms, standing beside Alaina like some sort of sentinel.

"You've cut your hair," Sabin said. "And you're wearing pants." He put his hand on this chin. "I don't know happened, but it wasn't anything minor."

Alaina looked away, tearing up. She hated lying.

Sabin put his hand on her shoulder and sighed. "I knew he might be mad at me for what happened in Sikati, but I didn't think he would kick you out." He held up his hand as Alaina went to protest. "You don't have to protect me. I made a poor, rushed decision. When we are done, I will return with Leena and apologize properly."

"Yes, that is a good idea," Alaina said, surprised the words cleared her throat.

"You have a plan, brother?" Yulan asked.

Sabin nodded. "I have a better place for you to hide. In truth, I should have taken you there first."

"Where?" Alaina asked.

"To my father, the Chanyu," Sabin said. "You won't have to worry about hurt feelings with him. Yulan can tell you from experience."

Yulan nodded. "I would like to speak with the Chanyu again. And thank him for his counsel."

Sabin blinked and turned to Alaina. She gave him a half-hearted grin.

"I don't know if I should be happy or worried," Sabin muttered.

You should be both, Alaina thought. Your brother is a hero and your sister is a murderer.

Sabin grabbed Yulan's arm with his other hand. "I'll light you now. By the way, Leena's already there. I'm sure she would like to hear how her brother fares. Even if you don'thave much to tell her."    


A/N: That's it for the Alaina/Yulan arc. So, how do you feel now that it's finished? Let me know in the comments. 

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