Chapter 39

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Harlot! Is one brother not enough for you to seduce and try to kill?

"Get away from him!" Alaina shouted.

Fatima, once the Merchant Governor of Sikati, stood next to Yulan with her filthy hands touching his face. Alaina didn't want to kill Fatima, but she could think of several ways to hurt her. So much that she'd think again before touching something that belonged to her.

Belongs to me?

She wanted to chastise herself for the sudden bout of anger, but Fatima stroked Yulan's face too casually. What was worse is that Yulan seemed okay with it.

I should have known.

She knew she wasn't half the woman that Fatima was, physically anyway and she still had a few years of growing left. It still left her stomach feeling like it housed a rotting fruit and was fighting the toxins.

Betrayal. That's what this feeling is.

Fatima pulled Yulan's head down until his lips touched hers. He was still wearing his mask, so it wasn't a real kiss. Yet it still felt like a dagger to the stomach.

Worse, actually. It hurt less when Turrent stabbed me.

Fatima smiled at Alaina. "I'll do exactly what I please with him, Serien."

Tears threatened the corner of Alaina's eyes. "Lan, why are you letting her do this? You told me you wanted to be a hero. Was it a lie?"

Yulan's head snapped out of Fatima's hands and in Alaina's direction. There was something off about him, she could see it in his eyes. They held a glossy sheen like one had after waking from a good dream.

She couldn't have drugged him. What is it?

Fatima touched Yulan on the shoulder and he melted into her touch again. Then Fatima raised her eyebrows. "His name is Lan. I never did ask. You know men are only good for one thing." Her fingers trailed down to Yulan's waist and he shuddered. She stopped just short of grabbing him.

Alaina gritted her teeth.

"The nerve of this commoner, taking the given name of the Reincarnation of Yu..." Fatima's eyes widened and she grabbed for his mask. "No."

"Yes," Disa's voice called.

Fatima's body stiffened with her right hand inches from Yulan's mask. Disa's elbow peeked from behind the duo of Fatima and Yulan. Alaina was so enthralled with her battle with Fatima that she hadn't seen the woman approach.

Terrick was right next to the three of them with his hands on his hips. "That's my Dagger. It's a shame. I convince her not to kill you, but you had to go and prove her right. Again."

"You should listen to me Sebastian," Disa said. "Some people do not deserve a second chance. I didn't mind her selling stuff in my town, but I can't have her trying to tear it apart. Who do you work for Fatima? And how much will they pay to have you returned?"

Fatima smiled. "In another life, we could have been friends, you and I. Partners even. You mercenaries should kill each other."

Terrick laughed. "What kind of prison did they house you? While you are attractive, you are not that attractive."

Disa turned towards Terrick and cocked her head to the side.

"¡Puta madre!" Terrick spat, backing up as Disa came after him, swiping her dagger where he was standing. "What are you doing, mi amor?

Fatima exhaled and shrugged, drawing Alaina's attention from the warring pair. "So nice to be free of that nonsense. I learn from my mistakes. They won't capture me again." She turned to Alaina. "Who knew the Reincarnation of Yua would cut his hair? It appears you Seriens have changed him."

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