Chapter 7

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"Sakima, you know I have to do this."

Sakima nodded his head, even as tears threatened the corners of his vision. "Where Akira is the dog, you are the leash."

Hatsuto pulled him in for a long, passionate kiss that made Sakima's insides melt. He loved the way that Hatsuto's mustache tickled his cheeks and the way his arms held him in such a tight embrace. He swam in Hatsuto's arms, knowing the endless depths of the man's love. Sakima knew it would be some time before he saw him again.

"I love you."

Hatsuto stroked his hair. "I love you too. Now go and do your duty. Once I have finished mine, I will find you."

Hatsuto released his embrace and mounted his horse, riding off to the Acadian army.

Sakima's heart ached more which each trot of Hatsuto's steed.

Their first parting had been so much easier. Sakima was entrenched in his life and death struggle. It was some time before he processed how incomplete he felt without Hatsuto at his side. Once they had stopped Acadia's part in the war, he knew he and Hatsuto would have to part again. Somehow, that made things more difficult.

Leaving in the dead of night was so much easier.

They were Partners now, which meant that his father could no longer keep them apart. It had cost him his claim to the throne, but standing here now, he knew he would give it up a thousand times over.

Yet, his father, the king of Acadia still knew how to ruin his son's life. Hatsuto was a treasured soldier to the realm and needed in several capacities. King Lanius couldn't keep them apart by force any longer. Unfortunately, a reasonable order here and there would be just as effective. This reasonable order was to take command of the army and to prevent Akira from behaving rashly.

Sakima had his own calling as the Serien of Earth. Not for the first time, he considered leaving it all and running far away with Hatsuto.

Sakima swallowed hard, sighed and turned to his fellow Seriens.

"Hatsuto's lucky to have someone like you," Turrent said.

Sakima narrowed his eyes. He'd gotten to know Turrent quite well during their travels from Yua to Acadia and then from Acadia to Hruh. A benign comment such as that was almost always followed by something infuriating. On the off chance the man was being sincere, Sakima responded.

"Thank you."

Turrent smiled and Sakima immediately regretted his choice.

"Yes, Hatsuto was lucky to have you several times on the way here."

"You are the most..."

"Twice that one night we got caught in that snowstorm."

"..obnoxious imbecile..."

"The play by play was quite unnecessary."

"...I have ever had the displeasure of knowing!"

Turrent nodded to Sakima. "Better."

Sakima resisted his initial urge to pound the man's face in. He knew Turrent meant well. However, as Turrent turned to address the others Sakima adjusted the ground level at Turrent's feet. Turrent went sprawling face first into the dirt with an 'oof'.

That was satisfying.

Leena offered Turrent a hand. "I think you should work on your encouragement tactics. Someone less tolerant than Sakima might take it personal."

Turrent took her hand and rose to his feet, dusting his black tights. "Sakima, tolerant?"

"Yeah, I kind of wish I had that one back."

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