Chapter 14

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A/N: Image is a character art of Yulan by Spectralx.

Media is G-Easy, "Me, Myself & I".


"Hold here."

Yulan fumed. He'd given Kaita his word that he'd follow her to Rwabu and participate in this trial. But she'd taken it to mean he was cowed and under her power.

He gripped Berius's ngulu and imagined its curve meeting her throat. His grief had changed to anger and this woman was pushing his tolerance to its limits.

She ran a hand through her cropped black hair. "Brace yourselves, Yulan and Aissata. This step is always hard."

Aissata raised an eyebrow and Yulan translated. Then she folded her arms. Her black bodysuit peeked from under her black and red plaited battle robes. "What does she mean, brace ourselves?"

Yulan relayed her words to Kaita.

"Even though it is Birth Cycle, it is always cold in Rwabu territory." She jerked her had at Aissata. "She will be okay, I think. You will need to invest in a pair of leggings and likely a tunic."

Yulan gritted his teeth. "My patience is wearing thin, woman."

She shrugged. "Tree-trunk thick or paper thin, your patience matters little to me. You can freeze to death as far as I'm concerned."

He waved his hand to the endless sands. "There is desert as far-"

"Touch my shoulder and step with me."

I should touch your neck with my blade.

Yulan placed his hand on her left shoulder. He nodded his head and Aissata did the same.

She held their hands. "Walk with me. One, two, three and step."

The frigid air jarred him. His head cleared, as if all his worries dissipated. In his rage, he forgot about the buzzing pressure the Wastelands created in his skull. He turned, but there was no desert close by. In the distance there was a break in the horizon that could be the desert, but he could not be sure.

His breath fogged and the ground was thick with ice and snow. He drew on fire, heating the world around him. It was still not warm, but it was much more bearable.

"Mistress Kaita!"

Men in pale, heavy furs rushed over and tossed a fur-lined cloak over Kaita shoulders. She clutched it around her body as they sat a dome-shaped, fur-lined hat atop her head.

She inclined her head to Aissata and they gave the woman a similar garb. She held up her hand before one could approach Yulan. "Let the Reincarnation freeze until he realizes who is in power."

Yulan cleared his throat.

She turned her head and her eyes widened. Then she glared.

Yulan sauntered next to her, leaving a snow-less trail in his wake. He leaned over and whispered in Kaita's ear. "I am always in power."

A whistle pierced the sky and warriors encircled the trio. They wielded a variety of weapons: bows, spears, axes and more. There was no discernible method to their stances; every warrior poised to strike.

A dozen warriors to ensure my compliance? This is the respect I am due.

Kaita stepped outside the circle. "Hand over your weapons and we will go to see the Chanyu as discussed."

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