Chapter 3- Perfect couple

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*Katherine's p.o.v*

I woke up with two strong arms, wrapped around my torso I haven't been this cozy in bed in a long time. Justin lightly snoring in my ear, wait we are not a couple we are best friends we shouldn't being sleeping like this, but I don't want to move I can't move why does he have to be so soft I turned my self around so I was facing him damn he's hot I mean common he's gorgeous no denying that Katherine snap out of it he's your best friend you have to stop! 

Justin started to move so I quickly got my self out of his embrace and went and jumped into the shower it's 7:00 schools in an hour and a half I have to hurry and get ready, the hot water streaming down my body felt great I quickly washed my hair now rinsing the conditioner out, I turned the water off and wrapped the big white towel around my small frame and walked into my room quickly grabbed my clothes and walked back into the bathroom.

 As I applied the last bit of my make up scanning my self in the mirror taking a second look at my outfit, I was pleased with how I looked and walked back into my room Justin was up and was just scrolling on his phone 'morning' I said 'morning sleep well?' He smiled 'yes I did thank you well I have to get going to school ill see you after?' I said 'Wait ill walk you give me 5 minutes!'  he smiled 'Alright' I giggled 

Waiting for Justin down stairs eating my toast he came down wearing red shorts black supras and a white v-neck with A black beanie 'Ready?' He said 'yes let's go' I smiled 'bye mom' I yelled up the stairs and walked out the door with Justin, school was not to far from my house only a 10 minute walk

'So what are you going to do today?' I asked Justin 'I think I'm going to spend the day with my grandparents' he said 'you have fun while I'm stuck in this hell hole' I said, he just laughed at me 'what are you doing after school?' he asked 'I work 4-8' I said

I honestly hate my job I work at pizza pizza and honestly it sucks. 'Right work um how about I pick you up from work and we grab a bite to eat?' he asked 'Sounds good' I smiled up at him the bell rung crap I'm going to be late for first class oh well. 'Ok well get to class' he laughed 'whatever, ill see you at 8' I said as he pulled me in for a hug hmm he smells so good, I quickly pulled away 'ok bye I'm late' 'bye' he waved and smiled

'Longest day ever why does last class go so slow' I turned around asking my best girl friend Jenny 'because its the last class and you just want to get out of there!' She stated 'very true okay well lets go to work' I smiled

yes I work with one of my best friends that's like the only reason I like my job 'so Justin's back right?' Jen asked 'yes he's back' I smiled 'I can't wait to see him!' she smiled 'Well he's coming to our work to pick me up for dinner after so you can see him then' i smiled 'take you for diner like a date!?' she squealed 'no Jen as friends' I said play fully rolling my eyes 'when are you to just going to realize your perfect for each other and just date all ready' she stated

shes been saying we should date for the past couple years. 'look I don't think he's over selena yet' I said 'oh screw her she broke his heart you go fix it, you'd being lying to your self you said you have no feelings for him' she said

She's right I would be lying to my self if I said I have no feelings for Justin, I mean I know him better than I know my self but I'm not sure i mean I don't want to ruin our friendship because I honestly dont know what I'd do if something happened to our friendship

'earth to Katherine hello' Jen said 'hm oh shit sorry zoned out' 'clearly okay let's get this shift over with' she said giving me a wired look. 

It's now 7:00 there's nothing to do and I'm bored, I'm just going to text Justin and tell him to come now 

 To Justin: hey dork, I'm bored there's nothing to do come down now and let's go get some food :) 

 From Justin: oh I'm the dork am I? On my way I'm starving I'm thinking some McDonalds, chicken      nuggets?

 To Justin: yes you are a dork ;) and sounds good to me  

 From Justin: whatever lol ok be there in 5 

I smiled at my phone and stuffed it back into my pocket and walked over to Jen 'Ok Justin's on his way now I'm just ditching' I said ' oh bad ass just kidding ill cover for you don't worry'  she smiled 'thanks' I smiled

The front door of the store swung open and in walked Justin. 'JUSTIN' Jenny squealed and ran into Justin's arms somebody's excited oh my

'Hey Jen how are you?' Justin asked 'Im good, but you too go have fun ill text you both later' Jen said 'okay bye thanks for covering for me' I gave her a hug and walk out with Justin.


'That was so good oh my god' I giggled 'I'm still hungry' he laughed 'oh my your like a bottomless pit!' We both just laughed, 'well we should get you home you have school In the morning' he said 'right lets go' I said. 

We got to my house and walked up to the front doors, 'you spending the night again?' I asked 'if that's alright' he asked 'of course' I smiled we walked up to my room and got ready for bed and within minutes of hitting the pillow we were both fast asleep.


Theres chapter 3 what did you think? :)


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