Chapter 30- Lake

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Katherine's p.o.v

You know that feeling where you know somebody's watching you? Yah well I have that feeling right now. I'm a tad scared to open my eyes in all honesty

I felt around my bed and there was no warmth, no Justin beside me

'Babe? What are you doing?' Justin questioned laughing I opened my eyes to see a shirtless Justin standing beside my bed with a huge smile plastered on his face

'Oh er nothing' I giggled 'your too cute' he said

'Cute? No I'm not cute' I said sternly 'no? Than what are you?' He laughed

'Im sexy not cute' I said looking at him seriously trying not to crack a smile

'Hmm well that's very true' he said getting back into bed snaking his arms around my naked waist,

'One sec, let me grab something to wear' I smiled climbing out of his embrace hugging the blanket to my body

I slipped on some underwear and one of Justin's shirts and cuddled back into Justin

'Now where were we' I smiled

I attached our lips together and rolled us over so I was straddling him

'Hmm I love you so much' Justin whispered into my ear 'I love you too' I sang

'Are we going out to the cabin?' I asked 'I think we should it will be fun swimming, boating, relaxing it will be good' Justin said

'Alright well it takes a couple hours to get there shall we pack' I asked

'I know how long it takes to get there silly but yes we should pack are we going to stay for the week?' He said asking the last part

'If you want to stay the week than sure how about we call your dad? And bring jaz and jax' I said

'Sounds good, I'm going to hop in the shower first would you like to join?' He said wiggling his eye brows

'Ill pass I'm going to pack, and than ill call your dad and than ill shower after you' I said kissing the top of his nose

'Hmm fine' he pouted I just laughed at him and he walked off to the bathroom

I pulled out my phone and dialled in Jeremy's number it rang a couple times and than Jeremy answered

'Hello?' He said 'hey Jeremy ' I giggled 'hey Kat how are you?' He asked 'I'm good how have you been?' I asked

'Ive been good thanks' he said 'so my parents are down at the cabin, and Justin and I are heading down in a few hours would you Erin and the kids like to join?' I asked

'Your dad already beat you to the question' he laughed 'but I work this week so we are heading down for the weekend' he said

'Oh' I laughed 'well how about Justin and I come pick up Jazzy and Jaxon? And than Michael has somebody to play with for the week' I suggested

'Oh that would be great, are you sure tho? Maybe you should ask Brian and Jamie' he asked

'Im sure they will be fine with it, and Justin and I will be there to watch them as well it will be good' I said

'Well if your sure!' He said '100% positive' I giggled 'what time should I have them ready for?' He asked

'Umm, Justin's just in the shower and we need to pack our stuff we should be there in a couple of hours' I said

'Ok, I will have them ready for you two' he said 'see you than!' I sang

'Bye Kat' he said and than the line went dead I placed my phone on the bed and skipped over to my dresser to find clothes to pack for the week

I'm honestly kinda scared to look in my dresser if Justin's the one that put all my clothes back in the dresser..

I opened one of the drawers and to my surprise everything was placed neatly, working my threw each drawer, Justin had his own clothes placed in the last three

Alright than so where did the rest of my clothes go? Maybe he put them in the closest I walked over to my closet and opened the door
And everything was placed on hangers and organized and than near the back some more of Justin's clothes where placed on hangers, I found this cute how he did that

'Hey baby' Justin said I turned around to see Justin with just a towel wrapped around his waist water beading down and his hair going in all different directions

'H-hi' I stuttered he manages to leave me speechless a lot ..

'So when did you start putting your clothes in my dresser and closet?' I smirked

'Yesterday' he laughed 'and if I don't want your clothes there?' I said trying to keep a straight face

'Well too bad because there staying there' he said pulling me into his chest

I got up on my tippy toes and attached my lips too his

'Alright baby we need to pack and I need to shower' I smiled

'Did you talk to dad?' Justin asked 'yah my parents already asked them but your dad works so there coming down for the weekend but we are going to pick jazzy and jax up and we have them for 4 days till your dad and Erin come out' I said

'Oh ok perfect get some time with the kids' Justin smiled 'exactly' I said smiling

Walking over to my dresser again I grabbed some clothes that ill need for the week, some shorts, tank tops, underwear, bathing suits, bras and ill just steal sweats and t shirts from Justin

I folded everything neatly and put it all in my bag I use for the lake


'Babe, everything's in your car! Are you almost ready we have to go get the kids' Justin yelled up the stairs

'Coming!' I yelled back just finishing up my hair, now it's short my natural curls don't look the greatest

I grabbed my bag along with my phone and ran down the stairs

'Ready?' Justin asked 'ready' I smiled 'would you like to drive? Or me?' Justin asked

'You can if you want' I gave him a warm smile 'ok than lets go!' He said

About 15 minutes latter we arrived at Jeremy and Erin's place, the kids where out side playing in the front yard on there bikes, while Jeremy sat on the front steps

Justin killed the engine, and we hopped out of the car, 'BIEBER BIEBER' jazzy yelled running into Justin's arms

'Hey princess' Justin said giving her a hug 'hey buddy' he said to jaxson who was clinged to Justin's leg 'hi' Jaxon giggled

'Katherinee!' Jazzy said running to me and hugging my waist 'hey you' I said kneeling picking her up and putting her on my hip we walked over to Justin and Jax

Jaxson leaned forward reaching his arms out to me for a hug 'hey bud' I said 'hii' he giggled kissing me

'Hey jax no stealing my girlfriend' Justin laughed, jaxon just giggled

'Hey son, hey Kat' Jeremy said walking over to us 'hey dad' Justin said placing Jaxon back on the ground hugging Jeremy

Copying Justin's actions I placed jaz on the ground and gave Jeremy a hug

'Alright the kids bags are all packed!' Jeremy said

Justin walked over to the steeps and grabbed the kids bags and placed them in the trunk of the car

Jeremy put the kids in the car, said his goodbyes, told us to have a safe car ride and that he will see us Friday night and we drove off


We finally arrived too the cabin 2 hours latter, the car ride consisted of Jazzy and Jaxon saying are we there yet or how much longer till we get there?

We love them but that are we there yet question can get a little annoying, we ended up playing eye spy and an alphabet game to pass the time along with them kids

Justin killed the engine and we got out of the car Justin grabbing Jazzy, and me grabbing Jaxon

Marble came running out side and barking towards me, 'hi baby girl' I said kneeing on the grass with jaxon on my hip so I could pet marble

My mom came walking around from the front of the deck with a book in had and a drink in the other

'Jazzy! Jaxon!' My mom said excitedly 'Jamie!' Jazzy and Jaxon said in sync running over to her and hugging her legs

Justin walked over to me snaking his arm around my waist and kissing my check

'Wheres dad and Michael?' I asked 'yah where Michael' jazzy asked

'They are just out in the boat they should be back soon! Why don't we go down to the water and wait for them' my mom said

'We'll be down in a bit, we are just going to un pack the car and get changed!' Justin said smiling

'Oh yes! Jazzy Jaxon do you want to put your bathing suits on?' My mom asked

'Yes please' Jazzy smiled

Justin un wrapped his arm from my waist and ran over to the car grabbing the kids bags, I followed after him grabbing both mine and Justin's bag

We walked into the cabin threw the living room area and into my bedroom, the kids following behind

Looking around the room and remembering all the memories Justin and I have had down here, there's two beds in my room because one was bought for Justin because he was always coming down with us and we wouldn't share a bed when we were younger because we thought it was gross and now look at us

Justin helped the kids get changed, while I un packed our stuff, and placed our clothes into the dresser

'Ill be right back, I'm just going to go put the kids stuff in Michael's room' I said to Justin

'Ok' Justin smiled helping jazzy get her water wings on

I walked to the bedroom across the hall and swung open the door, there's bunk beds, and one single bed in Michael's room, I grabbed Jaz and Jaxson's clothes and placed them into the dresser as well and walked out of the room

Jazzy and Jaxon ran down the hall and bolted out the front door going to meet my mom, so they can wait for Michael

Walking back into my room, I walked into Justin changing into his swim trunks

'Hmm I walked in at the perfect time' I giggled 'sure did' he winked

I grabbed one of my bikinis i brought and changed into it as well

'Ready?' I asked

Justin looked at me scanning my body, he licked his lips and walked over snaking his arms around my waist

'You are so beautiful you know that right' Justin mumbled in my ear

I blushed and just shrugged my shoulders 'when are you going to realize how beautiful you are baby' Justin asked me

'When I'm with you I do realize it because you just make me feel it' I smiled

'Good because you are' he said and placed his lips on mine

'I love you' he said 'I love you too'

'Lets go outside' I smiled grabbing Justin's hand and pulling him out the bedroom door

Walking down to the water with our hands intertwined my dad and brother where back and the kids where in the water playing and just giggling

'Hey dad' I said 'hi princess, hey Justin' he smiled 'I'm heading up to grab something to drink you kids want anything?' Dad asked

'Im fine thanks dad' I smiled 'Justin? Want a beer or something?' Dad asked Justin

'Yah sure that would be great thanks' Justin smiled 'no problem be right back!'


Justin's p.o.v

It's about 9 o'clock, and we are just having a bonfire, having a few beers and roasting marshmallows and well having a good time

Today has just remedied me what it's like to be normal with no paps, just laughing and good times with family we've been boating swimming, water skiing, tubing everything's just been perfect

Jazzy, Jaxon and Michael look like there all going to pass out any minute now, they look so tired

Katherine's on my lap snuggled up with a blanket around her, and roasting a marshmallows

'We are going to go for a night cruise in the boat, can you two watch the kids? We'll be back in about half hour' Brian said grabbing Jamie's hand and pulling her towards the boat

'Yah that's fine, have fun' Katherine gave her parents a warm smile

'Want a marshmallow babe?' Katherine asked me 'sure' i said

She leaned over and grabbed a marshmallow from the bag and put in on a stick and started roasting it

She caught it on fire and quickly blew at it

'Open' she said grabbing the marshmallow off the stick and putting it near my mouth

'Feeding me are you?' I laughed 'trying to have a cute moment here so open up' she said seriously

Opening my mouth she placed it in mouth, and pecked my lips

'I love you' she sang 'I love you too baby' I smiled

She turned her self back around so her back was against my chest and her head was in the crook of my neck

'Today has been perfect' she mumbled 'I was thinking the same thing'

'I don't want this to ever end' she said 'I know baby. But as long as we are together moments like this will never end'

'Good' she said 'because I don't want it to ever end' she said kissing the base of my jaw and letting out a quite yawn

We sat in peace full silence, the kids where now passed out and moments latter, I heard Katherine start to silently snore as well

'Kids asleep? And Katherine?' Brian laughed 'yah want to help me take them up?' I laughed

'Sure, jamie! Come grab Michael' Brian said

Jamie grabbed Michael, Brian grabbed jazzy and jaxon and I got up carefully and took Katherine bridal style and walked up to the cabin

Walking down the hall I opened our bedroom door, and placed her on the bed I pulled the blankets up, to her chin

She started moving her arms around and patted the small space beside her indicating for me to lay down

'Ill be right back baby' I said and kissed her check

I walked out of the room, and into Michael's where Jamie and Brian where helping the kids get there stuff on for bed

Michael was already in his bed and fast asleep, it was Jazzy and Jaxon who woke up

'Here I can deal with jazzy and Jaxon you guys can head to bed If you'd like' I smiled at Jamie and Brian

'You sure Justin?' Jamie asked 'yah I'm positive' I smiled 'ok have a good sleep sweetie' Jamie said giving me a hug and kissing my cheek

'You too' I smiled 'night Justin' Brian said 'goodnight'

'Alright you too let's get you to bed' I smiled at the kids

'But Bieber I'm not tired' Jazzy mumbled rubbing her eyes

'Yes you are you fell asleep at the bonfire princess' I laughed bending down to her height

'I didn't fall asleep because I was tired, I fell asleep because I wanted too' Jazzy said seriously

'Ohhh ok, well still time for bed common ill tuck you in'

I put Jaxon on the bottom bunk bed and he passes out instantly again

I grabbed Jazzy and placed her on the bed and lifted the covers up to her chin

'Night princess I love you' I said kissing her check

'Night Bieber, I love you too see you in the morning' she smiled hugging my neck

Closing there door quietly I walked out and walked back into mine and Kats room

I took off my pants, and my shirt so i was left in just my underwear and climbed onto the small bed and wrapped my arms around Katherine's waist and pulled her closer to me

She was now in her underwear and one of my shirts so she must have gotten up while I was tucking the kids in

'I love you so much baby, words can never explain' I mumbled kissing the cape of her neck


Ok! Sorry it took so long to update yet again I feel terrible but I've updated now so we are good!

I'm going to try and go back on a proper updating schedule maybe twice a week? Mondays and Thursdays is what ill go for!

So the next update will be Monday I promise!!

So I want to know what you guys picture Katherine as, what do you think she looks like?

Tweet me a picture of who you picture her as. My twitter is @JustinsMyEscape

One more question are you enjoying the cute moments? Or is it time to throw in some more drama?

Comment or tweet me :)


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